Quiz: How Brutally Honest Are You?

Monday, July 31, 2006


You Are 52% Brutally Honest

Honesty is important to you, but generally, you try not to be brutal about it.

You'll sugar coat the truth when you need to... and tell a white lie when necessary.

Heh, one of the questions was "has your mouth ever gotten you into trouble", and it's like Oh yeah. Do I lack tact? Yup. Ah, quizzes good when you're about to pass out.

Bitterness is my state


So I open my email on Saturday to find out that I'm not taking over the specialized team. They decided instead to let the other TL take over both teams. Why? Oh, b/c the vacationing TL was able to do it for a month, so the other TL should be able to do it. Coincidentally enough, the OM for the specialized team also happens to be the one that reamed me out the other day, and had the nerve to say "if you want to be a TL..." Yeah, so basically as long as those 2 OMs are at the site, I probably won't ever be hired as a TL.

Yeah, so it was just great to find out in email. Apparently the assignment supervisor tried to call me on Friday, but b/c I don't have Caller ID, I didn't know who it was. But he didn't bother to leave a VM. Probably got too scared of my VM greeting. It's ... unique. Well it's very serious and all proper for the beginning, but then there's a little twist at the end. And then when he called me on Saturday when I was at work, I was like steel on the phone. "Yes, I read the email." "Uh huh." "Okay." "Bye." At this point, I don't particularly care if I get to fill in for other TLs. Unless it means taking over teams that have friends or acquaintances on it, it's like "whatever. I get paid more."

*nod nod* Excellent job in retaining employees as usual. *heavy sarcasm* At least while I'm on calls I can read or color or something. I haven't for a while b/c it's just such a chore to find or do anything in their dumbass systems that I don't have time during the call to do stuff b/c it's all so slow. Spend half the time watching the hourglass. Or maybe I'm just trying to convince myself it won't be that bad. It's still quite the slap in the face to be tossed back on the phones when they were bitching about not having enough SLRs to cover all the vacationing TLs.

Which may be why I'm still up when I should be sleeping b/c I'm so tired. I have a tendancy to do that. If I know the next day is going to suck, I'll forestall it anyway I can. Technically that doesn't actually happen, but since when I sleep, I don't notice any passage of time, it's like time fastfowards when I'm sleeping. So it's a bit of a paradox, but it makes sense in my little world. Oh, I guess I should check when I work...huh 1:30. Bah. Still haven't gotten my fckng Performance Appraisal, 2 months after they were supposed to be delivered.

Okay, well I'm getting a headache from being up at 7:30 (after turning over when it was 6:30 and I was supposed to get up at 6:45) and thus having to eat my breakfast at work since I'm supposed to work at 8. All this after getting home from watching Pirates of Carribean at 1:00a, and getting to be at around 2.

I'll try writing a review of the movie another time. But the short version of it is...it sucked.

Work To Rule

Saturday, July 29, 2006


Yes, another "I hate my job" post. We'll start w/ the most immediate impact. I hate my job b/c they don't have consistent hours. The bastards decided to start at 8 on weekdays, 10 on Saturday and 6 on Sunday. Like WTF? So of course I forgot it's Saturday (well not technically b/c I set the VCR to program my cartoons), so I drag my @ss outta bed and start walking to work. And at least realize half a block later, I coulda slept for another 2 hrs. And I'd be taking a nap on the futon if it weren't that I'm recording Pokemon right now, and I want the TV to sleep to.

Anyways, last night I stayed up late to pose my Pokemon plush to form a picture for my camera phone. ...What?! It's not easy to make static objects appear that they're alive. I also have a few of my other plush toys, and it makes me happy.

So back to that hellhole, b/c of mismanagement of resources, they don't have enough floor support so they're pulling the supervisors to fill in instead. Which means we can't meet our deliverables. And it wouldn't be so bad if every supervisor was doing it, but of course there's a bunch that're slackers, and everyone knows about it. So after losing my 3rd official monitor, I ask the OM when they're going to put more floor support on, and she gives me a cock-n-bull story, so I'm like "fine, whatever" toss off my headset and dispose of the monitor sheet (b/c of customer privacy and all the crap) by ripping it. W/ this OM, she won't directly talk to you about it. Instead you hear about it a couple hours or days later, and she'll take offense over anything. Once I told her that "I felt I was being punished for something that happened that was no fault of my own" (I was asked to go on a trip but b/c of their system error, they couldn't create an expense account, and after I worked on it for about 4 hours of my own time, they said they chose someone else b/c they couldn't wait), and so she tells me that she's sorry I feel that way. And then a day later I hear from my supervisor that she felt I was acting unprofessionally. And you couldn't tell me this yourself?! So anyways, again, she tells my OM this, and so he pulls me aside and basically tells me to cover up for their asinine decisions and put on a happy face b/c the reps are watching. Oh, and that "monitors will happen." Sure they do, especially if I were to make them up. But no, he faults me for having a rep listen to his call, while I try to listen to another rep's call and enter monitors at the same time, and accuses me of not efficiently using company time. When during while I was doing that, another OM walked by and said "That's some multitasking!" So I'm just sick of this bull and it's work to rule time.

And I was told my assignment supervisor to take over a specialized team(which had a lotta my friends on it), and I was happy. And when I go to the soon-to-be-vacationing TL that (who shoulda known by now), she's like "oh, uh really, let me check w/ the OM" and didn't look to pleased. And I'm like "WTF?" and was pretty hurt b/c I thought we were on very good terms. The place is a viper pit. No, actually I'm insulting the vipers.

Yeah, so anyways, I had taken over a team on July 19 for another vacationing TL, and he's supposed to be back on Monday, which is when I'm supposed to take over that other team. Oh, and after my OM reamed me about about my professionalism and how I won't get TL if I keep it up, he just goes "that's all I wanted to talk to you about." Nada thing about how I'm doing w/ the team. So I ask him directly, and he goes "oh that team's pretty good." So in other words, any improvements or maintainment of stats is purely due to the team, and not me. I've seen other SLRs lose their teams b/c they messed up the management, so he's basically insulting my abilities. Me bitter? What for?

My vacation ended on July 12, and I got all sick from handling money at animethon, so I didn't get to go walking in the river valley. Although I did play a lotta ps2 and watch dvds. I was so sick, I could barely walk the block to the bank to pay my bill. And I was hacking and sneezing stuff up. I wanna go back on vacation.

Okay, vcr's fini, I'm going to sleep. For the hour. oh well.

Quiz: What Drug Is Your Personality Like?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Your Personality Is Like Acid

A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict.

One moment you're in your own little happy universe...

And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell!

Cool, I'm acid! H did some acid, and told us about it. It was hilarious what happened to her. I think most people would agree that my mood is very mecurial, and if I'm on a bad "trip", it's hard to get me outta it.

Quiz: What Kind of American English Do You Speak?


Your Linguistic Profile:

50% General American English
20% Yankee
15% Dixie
5% Midwestern
5% Upper Midwestern

And I have no idea what that means b/c I'm Canadian. Of course w/ the amt of american programming that I've grown up w/, there's no doubt why I'd have American in there. I think only twice has a caller asked if I was canadian b/c of my accent. I think it might be b/c of the way I say route which rhymes w/ out. But I could be wrong. I have no idea why the Americans find "about" so interesting.

My so-called vacation starts


So I'm on my vacation. Finally. Gawd, I was so burnt out. And I think I still am. I was having a lotta abdomen pains lately, and today it was still the same thing. The sudden need to visit the bathroom. Was very annoying. And still is. However I did put out all my figures. So nice to look above my desk and see all my cuties standing there. Showed D, and he said that the poses that H puts her figures in are a lot more blatant and very sexual. I have one where Meryl has her derringer pulled on Wolfwood b/c Wolfwood has his hand out trying to get money from her by putting the portable confession on her. She's just finished tossing the mini-church to the floor. The most "sexual" thing I have is that all the KOF girls are surrounding Iori and looking at him admirably. I'm not sure if Dark Beast playing "guess who?" on Beast really counts. Anyways, I need to get a doll stand for my 12" Iori figure so he can stand instead of sitting all the time.

Got a call from JR and he goes to me that he can't understand how I couldn't get out of work before 11. He said the only reason why he was there until 11 was b/c he goofed off and had to write up a sudden CAP. That totally pissed me off. Even if he was teasing me, it implies that 1) I spent most of my time goofing off 2)I worked but was so inefficient that I spun my wheels 3)I just stayed long to appear that I was working my @ss off. I'm so freaking tempted to just ignore all his calls for a while. Tomorrow is his day off and he'll be golfing at the company golf tournament, so he'll probably call. He did something similar when we were at work, and since we AIM each other, he said that I had a 50 min break b/c AIM was idle for that long. And it's like, well if I'm on the other server, it's going to show that, and he's like "nope, you were slacking." And considering I've put in so much extra OT, that even if I took an extra 20 min, I would've earned it, I was right poed. So when I got to my desk I AIMed him that I was going to ignore him and it took about an hour before he broke down and apologized. Yeah, I'm still pretty pissed about his VM. Almost tempted to write a nasty txt msg.

So what if I'm not very mature. JR was trying to convince me to go to the golf tournament, and I don't play. So I go to him, "what am I going to do? Put stinkbombs in all of their golfbags?" And he goes, "No, you're supposed to schmooze." I reply "Naw, I'm going to run around putting stinkbombs in their golfbags." The whole concept of schmoozing disgusts me. This of course is in no small part influenced by the fact that I didn't get the TL position. Basically just when I got the team cleaned up and my work hours down, I lose my position. So I hand over a team that has been coached about everything and is finally doing really well to someone who beat me for the position. Now why would I be bitter? Most of my reps were pretty good too and tried to cheer me up, and say that they didn't want someone else to be their TL. One of them even said that they should ask him why I should remain his TL b/c I helped him improve his stats and we know each other fairly well now. A lot of them asked me to check up on them once I get back from my vacation. It does warm the cockles of my heart.

Ow, I'm hurting again down there. At times it feels like the gallbladder, and then it's about where my appendix is. Right now it's appendix. And it's so annoying, I'll get super tired, and ready to drop, and then I'll get a 2nd wind to stay awake. But I'm sleepy now, and my keyboard is screwing up. Spacebar is wacked ever since I cleaned it.

J's in a mess b/c of M. M messes up his life, and J tries to help him w/ it, when he's got probs of his own to deal w/. And since J's outta town, can't even go see him. I wouldn't trust M w/ any money, and J lent him $1000 to help him move and pay for stuff. And of course M got kicked out again, and J's wondering if he should move outta his parent's and share a space w/ M. If it was me, I'd tell him it'd only happen if I had control over his finances, and he had to keep a job for longer than a couple months. D may be easily distracted, and blows his money more than he saves, but at least he realizes that he needs to keep his job and save enough for bills.