Geekfest on Colbert Report

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Wow, major squeal fest watching the Jan 29 episode. First Joe Quesada w/ his Wrist Strong bracelet and announcing that Colbert is a presidential candidate in the Marvel U. Then Jon Stewart coming on w/ his tape about Conan O'Brien. It was just too cool. It's so nice with you get to watch them in a different element. It was so weird to see Jon Stewart at that younger age. He's definitely grown into his looks. Or he has a lot better stylists now. *grin*

So anyways at work, I got my 5th yr anniversary gift. I ordered a crystal bowl. It's a lot smaller than it seemed in the picture. It has a leaf pattern on the bottom. I ordered it b/c there really wasn't anything in there that I really wanted (well they had some Mikasa tumblers, the pattern was only ok), and I figured I could use it as a gift. It's worth a bit if I recall....b/c I searched for it on the web.

This morning I was woken up by the fire alarm. Yeah, it was at the audio warning stage (there's first flashing, then a steady beep, then it goes to a really fast beep...and beyond that I'm guess is when we have a real fire or something). So I got some clothes on (didn't really wanna have to face -32 degree Celsius weather in t-shirt and shorts), and was filling my hockey bag. I'm starting to run out of room, there's a few too many plush. But it stopped when I was in the middle, and so D decided to see what was going on. Apparently something in the parking arcade. Gawd, I'm so tired. I was tempted to call in absent, but I figured since it was so cold today and there were so many absent yesterday (about 50% of agents) they wouldn't believe me today. *groan* Yeah, I hauled my cold butt in. Had tights under my pants, mockneck longsleeve shirt, pullover, fleece hoodie, winter jacket, knit gloves under leather mitts and wool socks. My feet were warm even though I only had runners.

Review: Royal Rumble 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Went to see it at the movie theatre. I'm starting to think just for not having to listen to a bunch of hooligans, smell unwashed masses, or have crap tossed on me, I'll just spend 3x the cost to watch it at home. I was planning on going there alone, but D had the day off and he said he wanted to see it so I took him w/ me. As usual he was late & slow, keep hanging around me and was a general nuisance. Stupid teenagers behind us kept calling the wrestlers "faggots" and "homo", and I'm just thinking 1)you're guys watching sweaty men in skimpy tights grapple w/ each other 2)Professional wrestling descended from Roman-Greco wrestling which used to be done in the nude and has a homo-erotic history 3)if they are homosexual, they could kick your ass so bad you'll be tasting sh!t. Anyways, on to the matches.

Ric Flair vs MVP
Wow, MVP's such a rude jerk to come out in the middle of Flair's speech. *sarcastic* It wasn't too bad. Flair's getting to the age where it's mostly chops, punches, back body drops, and figure-fours. And yes, he survives another retirement match.

....actually I can't remember the next match, lemme check I think it was:
Chris Jericho vs JBL
Which ended in a DQ. Disappointing? Not really. It had a good story backing it up, and they were brawling as expected from a personal match. Seeing JBL strung up there was pretty satisfying. I wonder if this means a permanent return to wrestling?

Rey Mysterio vs Edge
Really good match. Also a personal match. When Vicki came to take the 619, that was cool. Which will make Edge's betrayal all the more painful. Yeah, I'm predicting by Wrestlemania, the storyline will have them breakup. What's interesting is the concept of the widow moving on after the death. I think they're starting to get people to agree that it's just we don't want Vicki w/ Edge b/c she'll be betrayed, not that it's bad for Vicki to see someone after Eddie's death.

Jeff Hardy vs Randy Orton
Really good match. When Jeff starting hitting most of his special moves, I knew he was going to lose. But it still left me, a Jeff fan, satisfied. And yes, the idiot behind me was calling Jeff "faggot" a lot. But really that idiot did for anyone he didn't like.

Royal Rumble
Yeah, it was totally cool that Undertaker and Shawn Michaels were 1 & 2. Although I miss when they used to show the guys drawing their spots. It was always a good bit of comedy. You know the ECW championship means nothing when the ECW former and present champion are competing for a spot to challenge a belt at Wrestlemania. Shelton Benjamin lasting for less than a minute is bullsh!t. If you're going to tout him as the "gold standard" (and bleach his hair that awful colour), call him the "best natural athlete", then let him have an appearance like that! Cody Rhodes did a good job, he's definitely going to be a good performer. As for Cena appearing...that totally ruined everything for me. It was a good show up until he appeared. And of course all the marks were screaming in there. Hornswoggle should've won b/c he was never thrown over the top rope.

Overall, was it worth the $13.73(ticket) + $9(food)? Sorta. The crowd, fighting for arm room, smelliness really killed it for me.

Another year ...lived?

Friday, January 25, 2008


So it was my birthday a few days ago. It's probably a little childish, but I don't think it's my job to create a birthday party, it's my friends who are supposed to do that and remember when it's my birthday. And now that I'm on Facebook and they have birthday apps on there, there's less excuse. And so I had no birthday party, a few people wished my happy birthday but not from people I thought I was closest to. And so, I spent my birthday being treated to dinner by my brother and his fiance b/c they were in the area. Yes, I'm kinda pissed....Okay make that plenty pissed.

And it didn't help that I barely got any sleep over the mini-vacation. Woken up too many times too early. Fedex woke me up but I got my Pokemon movies. And then RJS called me at flipping 10 am. I'm not sure why people think that if you're woken up, you'd actually wanted to be called later. Oh yeah, probably b/c some people can go back to sleep easily. And so I ended up w/ only 5 hrs of sleep, hunting around the apt for some DVDs that I'd borrowed. I'm at the point right now where I'm narcoleptic if I'm not actively doing something.

Oh, and I was reminded I was a woman on my birthday. Thank you body. *sarcastic* So I've loaded up on steak, beans, spinach, and eggs. Last night I had steak w/ spinach/greens/tomato/red pepper salad and baked beans. Yeah, and I still haven't finished reading all my comicbooks or manga. Or make room for my new figures...although I did manage to change the bedsheets...not b/c of any stains. And I think my Amazon order came in too. Heh, all my Amazon announcements now are about yaoi. Before it was Pokemon and yaoi. Pokemon bestiality is sick.

How to become a good Houseguest

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Is to have a bad one stay w/ you. Gah, V had to emergency stay w/ us after T booted him out b/c his gf was coming up for Xmas. So that's fine, but then he kept staying and staying even though he was able to move into his apt on Jan 1. Yeah, so all your furniture's in storage b/c your dad didn't help you move like he was supposed to. But there's nothing wrong w/ sleeping on the floor and eating takeout. Today, V finally moved out. And he managed to vacuum twice and wash dishes about twice. Didn't give us any money, offer to buy groceries or buy us pizza. And that's even I pointed that out twice. Even just left the sheets and blanket in a pile, couldn't even fold them neatly. Anyways, T and V are planning on rooming together in Vancouver, and I was thinking of going. But I don't know if I could stand it. H is right, I'm totally anal-retentive. ...But I go every morning! :))

So tired, H had her crisis w/ her friend that she's known for 12 years. So she's going back to Quebec. Which sucks. B/c she's just going to drop back into her depressive self-abusive pit. Hopefully the older woman who also works there can help keep her straight. She really could do a lot more if she had her issues sorted out. I'm sorta the opposite, I'm pretty stable but I've got little ambition, get discouraged easily, and really have no plans.

Oh, but it's not H's crisis that got me tired. Well it did in the way that I was up to 3 talking to her about this and that. Mostly it's b/c stupid job made me come into work 4 hrs earlier for stupid training. And they don't even have anything straightened out b/c there's a whole bunch of systems that're diff.

So it's 2008

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Yes, Happy New Year. According to the Gregorian calendar anyways. The city fireworks this year were 10x better than last year. I really liked the spinning ones that explode out of a shell. I suppose I should learn some fireworks speak to explain it better. But it’s kinda late.

So I have another figure to find a place for. This time I was able to find the Beast Marvel Legends Icon one. It's really big, about...30 12". There were 2 of them at the store, but one of them had the hand broken off. So it was pretty easy to decide which one to get. And it was originally $69.99, but I got it for $29.99. I might've actually paid the original price though b/c it's my Hanky-poo. Box was somewhat damaged, and I really hate all the dang twist-ties. Anyways, he has a lab coat and glasses, but the glasses don't come off. They look like they would, but it seems that they were glued into the slots. Which is really too bad, he has such pretty blue eyes. :D. Anyways, he's has 30 points of articulation...unfortunately not all of them make sense, like having 2 hinge joints at the knees and elbows. His feet are quite articulated b/c his first metatarsal moves independent of his other toes. But on his hands, his thumb doesn't move. And with the way that they built him, it renders some of the articulation points near-useless. Like the shoulder, it has a ball joint and there's a hinge joint too, but you can't bend him at the hinge b/c his deltoid region just smacks into his chest b/c they're both very large. I'd say only about a 3 degree bend. I'm not sure if I can actually bring his arms to his side. It was a major pain to take off his lab coat. His hip joints, I'm still not sure what's with them. There's 2 ball joints from what I can tell, but I don't think there's a hinge. So if you try to get him to sit, he has to lie on his lower back (there's a hinge joint at his stomach). I can't get him to sit on his butt. He was and still is very stiff. Feel like a physiotherapist when I was playing with him. One of his knee joints still hasn't bent. It'll be a real pain to make clothes for him. Here's someone's review and pics.

Yeah, so I also have 2 Beast Mavel Legends 8" figures (one was a gift b/c she didn't know I already had him, but that's okay b/c one's Dark Beast but which one? *heh heh heh*), and in comparison, they have better articulation b/c you can do much more w/ them. They sit up proper, can almost cross their arms, and almost sit in lotus position. Right now, they're showing their Pokemon(Bulbasaur and Pikachu) to each other.

Yeah, it's gotten desperate w/the manga situation....Uh, not just the space issue. That's reached orange alert a while ago. I mean the out of print stuff. Well, mainly the yaoi. Yes, I've been searching for the 3rd Volume in the Finder Target Series, Vol 6 of Kizuna, and no one seems to have it. sellers have priced them to over $100. Damn capitalists! H used to be able to get me them, but she didn't swing by that Montreal store this time, so I'm SOL. Yeah, so I've taken it upon myself to order them w/ all the sales going on. My poor poor credit card. Actually I think it's committing suicide. A big crack has developed thru the card above the strip.

So I'm sure I haven't blogged about my Xmas holiday. Mostly b/c as I'm typing this in Wordpad, I have my computers hooked up to each other but not to the Net. No, I still haven't connected my new computer to the Net. Haven't installed all the anti-virus, protection progs. Or backed all my data. In the process of doing that. Yeah, I have to find a decent burning program. Can't seem to overburn on the one that come w/ the computer even though I changed the settings. And then there's the issue that not all files seems to have transferred over. Was checking some of my files, and they're not all there, so I have to move them over again, and do a manual verification for each folder...oh crap, I've burnt a few discs already. $@#$%!!!

Anyways Xmas holiday. B/c it was 1 day. Got Boxing day off, spent the morning w/ H shopping. She was supposed to get my Xmas present, but still hasn't. Only spent about $100. Then I left her to meet up w/ T and his gf for lunch. Hope I made a decent enough impression w/ the gf that she'll still let T see me. *sad chuckle* After went to my brother's for dinner and played w/ the kids. The girls seemed to enjoy their presents. What surprised me was that they really like the Mickey Mouse parachuting figure. Got it from the ...uh...coin slot machines. P, my brother's fiance, got me a jewelry chest but it's like uhm... I don't really wear jewelry. I have to consciously think about putting anything on. Doesn't help that my ears always react to my earrings and start leaking pus. So she was nice and said she'd just return it and get me something else. My brother said she should've asked him what to get me, but she said she wanted it to be a surprise. Heh, my brothers know not to get me anything girly. Yeah, so I got "I am America (and So can You!)" and "America the Book: Teacher's Edition" from my big bro. Then my 2nd bro ordered something from my list online. My dad gave me money. And it wouldn't be a family gathering w/o a fight, so this time it was my Dad first b!tching at me b/c I didn't grab the plate to pass to my brother. Then when I told him to try on his present (turtlenecks size 10-12 youth) b/c last time he whined the jacket was too small, he b!tched at me for telling him what to do, how there wasn't time and my bro needed to drive me home. When at the time, he was trying on clothes that P bought during the sales. Does that make any sense?! Anyways, it turned out to be too small so I was completely logical as usual.

So V is staying w/ us right now, until he's able to move into his apt. It gives D someone else to bug, although it means I can't leave my knitting on the futon. Yup, only 14 more rows to go on the pattern, and then about 5 rows of black and I'm finito the Hellsing 5' scarf. Which is pretty fast I think for only starting it in mid-Nov.