Review: Wrestlemania 2011

Monday, April 04, 2011


So D was supposed to pick me up at 2:30.  Since he's chronically late, I wait until 2:45 to call him to see where he is.  His phone doesn't pick up, and the error msg tells me to try him later.  Stand outside for 10 min in case he forgot his phone which he's done before. Go inside to check out FB to see if he left a msg there.  Keep calling him.  Wait outside again.  By now it's 3:00.  Turn on computer again and leave a msg.  Start checking how much it'd be to order it online.  It's 3:38 by now, and he finally calls me to say he slept in. By the time we get to the theatre it's already 4:40 because he wasn't paying attention and took the wrong road.  So we get bleh seats but the crowd isn't full of marks and there's a good contingent of anti-Cena/pro-Rock people so it was still enjoyable.

Checking out the WWE website, the dark match was a Battle Royale. I think that was the same last year too. Rock was awesome.  Not sure why there's soooo  much flag-waving this year.  The singer was meh, as D puts it, the typical American singing which was overdone. I'm pretty sure is supposed to be longer too and she cut out some of the lyrics.

Opening match is strangely Edge vs. Alberto del Rio
I'm probably a heathen for saying this, but that Rolls Royce wasn't not very pretty.  So it was not heartbreaking for me to see it demolished.  Anyways, really awesome match with interference from Brutus and help from Christian.  Excellent way to start things off.

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Another excellent match.  Amazing feat with Cody holding Rey up for that long and on the middle ropes. That was cute that Mysterio came with references to Capt America.  Did not expect that finish so it was all so good.  Cody, take off the mask, it's giving you zits!

Show/Kane/Santino/Kofi vs. Corre
Waaaay too short.  Hardly anyone got to wrestle.  Honestly, if you blinked, you woulda missed it.  The technical bits of it was ok.

Orton vs. CM Punk
Pretty good, liked the back n forth of it all.  It ended somewhat predicatably.  Nothing too spectacular but solid match.

Lawler vs. Cole
The stupid theatre had their feed cutoff in the middle of this match, so we got to the part where Cole was beating on Lawler in the ring, and finished with Austin giving Booker the Stunner.  Like what happened?  We were mightly pissed.  Cole really sucks as a wrestler, couldn't even look like he was standing on Lawler's leg.  Anyways, mightily pissed that Cole won.  But it was awesome to have JR back.  And really, you know that Lawler was overselling his injury when he could go back to commentary right away.  Match verdict: ??? due to technical difficulties

Undertaker vs. HHH
Entrances were awesome, wish we saw more of HHH's armour.  If only they didn't get injured early in the match.  But even then, being the workhorses that they are, they still gave us an excellent match.  Not quite as epic as last year's Taker vs HBK but still awesome.  It was totally heartbreaking seeing Taker trying to get up after the match, and I'm pretty sure that was not a sell.  It was great to see HHH checking on Taker and going to help when he fell.  Geez, Trainer, aren't you supposed to catch him?  Okay, well he's over 300 lbs, so maybe break his fall at least?

Trish, Morrison, Snooki vs. Laycool, Ziggler
Not quite sure what they're doing with Laycool, and gotta love Layla for still wanting to help out Michelle even after she was shoved.  Loved seeing Trish in action again.  Still has all the skills.  Surprised that Snooki pulled off 2 moves and pinned properly.  Quite impressed, maybe she can give Cena some lessons?  Pretty pissed that Morrison and Ziggler couldn't go against each other.

Miz vs. Cena
That opening clip of Miz was pretty good, b/c we got to see him all nerdy and watch the progression.  And it really is impressive how far he's developed, despite all the people ragging on him.  Then we move to Cena's completely overdone, Christian theme which was completely boring and annoying.  Is he supposed to be the Messiah or something?  Gawd, made me wanna puke.  Cena was terrible too, didn't display any more wrestling skills than in a regular TV match, so really I'd say he didn't even try to make the extra effort.  Miz is so utterly wasted on him and carried the match. Was extremely happy that Miz retained twice.  So happy that Rock got revenge.  Oh yes, and what the hell, red/white/blue for his outfit?  Like really, what's with all the American colors?  Is Linda going to run again, so they want to show that WWE is as American as apple pie?

Rating overall: B, the matches everyone wanted to see were a decent length and pretty awesome, but the other ones were too short and felt like space fillers. Wasn't there supposed to be Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan for the US title?  Who's holding the IC title again?  Pretty annoying that there's no Women's title match or Tag Team title match. Sad how those divisions have fallen.  Rock was awesome as the host.  Austin was ok (I guess, a little confused with all the Stunners since a certain theatre sucks.  And they didn't turn on the lights after the show so we were using cellphones to light up the floor).

At least we got a free ticket to another movie as an apology for their screwup.  But the manager was pissed that there were still people asking for a refund 15 minutes after the show ended (geez, we can't go to the washroom first?)