I really thought the worst thing that could have happened this week was the death of Chris Benoit and his family. The circumstances of their death is so bizarre, I really don't know how I feel. Of course I'm saddened that he's gone, but there's also the feeling of disgust by what he may have done. It's not a good feeling and I know a lot of people are feeling the same way. Most of us have tried to just focus on what a great wrestler he was. Certainly the tribute they had put together on RAW left me alternately crying and clapping @ his matches. We'll see what what the WWE does during their Smackdown and ECW shows.
And this week, probably due to the stress of Benoit's death, has left my immune system really weak, so I'm coming down w/ flu-like symptoms. My CTS is flaring up, my back's aching, throat's sore, and it's been non-stop headaches. Coupled with a GI tract that's been functioning in spurts, it's been cruddy. I really felt like going home early yesterday but then my TL threw a fit so I stayed. Gawd, was that a mistake. That's been why I haven't written earlier about Benoit.
Of course Sensational Sherri passed away the week before too. Yeah, it's been bad times. I got interested in theatrical makeup from her.
But the one that really is close to breaking the camel's back is that stupid fat c*ntla. B!tch has been on my case for months. She's always rude to everyone who's not her buddy. Anyways, today I was doing my chat support and trying not to throw up from being sick or dwell on the Benoit investigation, and playing Bejeweled 2. For those who might not know, the version I'm playing pauses whenever I'm not on the page, so in between chats, I just go back to it. Still trying to get past Lv 7. Anyways, the c*nt-sniffing sow comes up to me and tells me to move to the other side of the room (we'd always told the reps to move b/c there's not enough support for questions/escalations, but d@mmit, I am SUPPORT!), and since she's told me before not to be surfing on the web she's going to tell my TL and Ops Mgr about it and put a CAP in on me. (CAP is this punitive measure even though it supposedly stands for corrective action plan). I'd never been on a CAP before (written plenty though), and I was so furious, I was ready to start destroying the computer and desk. I was really debating between just walking out, sitting at my desk (it's even labelled!), or slowly moving my @ss over to there. After I calmed enough to not destroy furniture or march up to her overpainted @ss to tell her off, I moved over to where I thought some friends I know would sit. But they'd left already. And of course I had to clean up the desk, only to find that I could really hear the thrumming of the ventilation system which matched up lovely to the pounding headache. So after another 3 moves, I got another seat next to JO and stayed there. But the desk smelled and was really gross no matter how much I cleaned.
So I'm sure tomorrow I'll hear something from my TL. And depending on how they handle it, I might just walk out. Although w/ the July 1 and 2 coming up, the pay would be pretty good. Also I signed up for OT tomorrow, to support the launch of the next "it" device, the iPhone. Anyways, definitely time to dust off the resume. Heh, and D will be laid off tomorrow too. Wow, won't finances be great?
Friday, June 29, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
It's been a while since I've gotten Animal Crossing...and it's completely addictive. I've given up trying to take care of my Nintendogs b/c I can't afford the other hour I need to take care of them, and the amount of time I spend on ACWW. Finally shot down Gulliver, and as usual the conversation is hilarious and cute. Heh, maybe he shoulda spent more on his ship instead of his suit...oh wait, he just pointed that out. Yeah, I'm blogging as I'm playing. And I should probably only do one thing at a time though...did I mention ACWW is addictive? It's summer now, and raining. I dunno if you need to water the flowers when it's raining. The faqs says you don't but I've found that some of the flowers are still wilted the next day. And I have a excellent town environment, so I'm trying to keep it that way for a golden watering can. About 8:20am ACWW time, although obviously not in real life. I do change my DS lite's time a lot, b/c of when people visit, catching bugs/fish, meeting KK etc. I wish you could select your coffee flavour. Yup, I drink plenty of coffee in ACWW. Well only one of my residents anyways. I just created another one the other night, bringing it up to 3. Need the extra room to store all the gyroids, clothes, wallpaper, flooring and furniture. I'm trying to get the exotic, classic, cabana, green series. And yeah that's a lot as HRA tells me. Find it's better to give Gulliver the parts as you find them instead off all at once b/c he says what they're for. ...Inhibition Inhibitor? LOL Although I'm little disturbed that he thinks he considers our heads bulb and expects things to bloom from them. Don't want him to wanna see fountains of blood, heh heh.
I'm so annoyed w/ the spellchecker thing. It makes the typing so slow that I'm making more mistakes and losing my train of thought b/c I can see what I'm typing. Unless I'm typing w/ my eyes closed so it doesn't really matter. Yup, it's actually slowing me down b/c I'm watching what I'm typing so if I can't see what comes up, I'm lost.
Anyways, off to play. I think I'm also behind on my manga b/c of this game. *sigh* Just bought $200 of books today too.
Friday, June 22, 2007
You know, I thought this week would be fun. Only had 1 shift on calls and 2 1/2 hrs would be spent in a potluck/team meeting. And I had a 1 1/2 hr training. And I was going to see my family for belated Father's Day thing.
Well, on the personal side it was fine. Had fun w/ the kids, my family didn't ask me annoying questions. Got my youngest niece to talk and interact w/ me. Melissa's quite the talker, and very interested in learning. When her big sisters do their homework, she gets some paper and sits right next to them and says she's doing her homework too. My nephew Justin was cranky and didn't get to play with him. He seemed to cry every time he got near my dad. LOL. But he's so big now, I can barely recognize him. Which makes sense. He's 21 mons now, but I've seen him maybe...4-5 times? My sister-in-law as usual barely spared us a glance or hello when she got home.
But work-wise? Gawd, I've never been so annoyed in a meeting that I've wanted to walk out. Being told that if we're late, swear on the floor or are rude to the customer that we'd get our position on the team evaluated? It's one thing if the definition of swearing and being rude would make a sailor blush, but their definition is anything that would offend the Pope. And even then the Pope would probably forgive a lot. If we don't kiss up to the customer, we're in trouble. If we're stern or point out the customer's stupidity, we're in trouble. We can't even say they're lying when they completely contradict themselves. They're telling us if what the customer says contradicts what the reps have notated (and notated very clearly and well), we're supposed to believe the customer. All b/c a bunch of stats are low, so they're trying to buy the stats by having us throw out the policies and procedures. She keeps harping on the "you're the creme de la creme", while throwing all this crap at us. Our previous managers were a lot better about it, they'd let us whine and bitch for a decent amount of time before telling us to move on. Now it's if we step out of line a bit, we're going to get canned from the team and its perks. It so sucks.
Anyways, a lot of managers are leaving too. There's another team that's hiring, and they have a fair bit of perks, but not the $0.50/hr bonus. But I dunno who their new manager would be so it's kinda annoying. Truly when you find a manager you can connect with, it's so much easier.
Anyways, T had surgery about 2 weeks ago. Been trying to take care of him w/o seeming smothery. I dunno, think I read too many manga and watched too many anime with episodes of characters taking care of other bed-ridden characters/love interests, and they're mostly romantic comedies or shonen-ai. Even volunteered to tidy up his apt! Anyways, also used up all my min checking up on him...and my bill cycle doesn't end until about end of month. *sob* Maybe I should call up my carrier to see if they got any bonus minutes or something.
Yeah, so work has really sucked. I've been thinking of just calling in absent, just so I can get an extra day off. I haven't had a cat day in ages. It's been grocery shopping, going away parties, cleaning, cooking or some other chore. So odd to be so popular. But what pisses me off is that D doesn't do anything that I can discern. All he does when he's home is nap, go on his laptop, play his games. Doesn't bother cooking or cleaning. I have to tell him to clean the stove or counter, take out the garbage, etc.
Since I'd had to write so many cards lately, and I haven't time to practice a new font for each card, I've been working on the Linoscript font from Linotype. I've added a few of my own touches, and it's looking pretty good. My characters are about the same size, same angle. Heh, who needs to buy fonts when you can just copy them?
Monday, June 11, 2007
Is basically what I told D if he let some person that he met thru the casual sex ads on some online dating site come to the apt.
I was wondering why he was being extra nice and washed his dishes(which'd been sitting in the sink for last couple of days) and cleaned the oven top, although I attributed it to the fact that I talked w/ H for close to 3 hrs yesterday, and she told him that he'd better start pulling his weight around the apt. But apparently some girl replied to him in one of those online dating sites he goes to (I thought so that he could mock the ads and/or play yo-yo w/ his self-esteem). So when he first started talking about the girl replying, I was like "huh, well whatever. That's nice you're going to get laid." Then when he said that the girl said that she had prudish roommates and thin walls, I'm like "So what?". Then he gave this look, and I'm like "Hell fuck no, you're not bringing her over!" And he's like "why not? I'll only bring her over when you're not here." Like dude, I have tons of expensive stuff, and I'm not letting someone steal it. Someone always has to be watching her. And he's saying "Oh I'll be with her all the time." Yeah whatever. Like he's going to follow her to the bathroom, after he came a couple times. (not that I actually said that. Neither did I point out that considering that he's had bad luck w/ attracting women, the fact that someone's paying attention to him will mean that he'll be too giddy to notice anything. And he's not observant in the first place.) So I told him that I'm letting the apt turn into a den of sin, and I'm the prudish roommate here. So he's all pouty and goes, "so you're not letting me have anyone over?" And I'm like, "I don't trust these people, I don't know these people. You could've had Z (mutual friend) over, and it'd be awkward in the morning but I know that she wouldn't touch anything. "
And really that's that. She could be some streetwalker, drug-addict, kleptomaniac, sociopath, who knows what. And I have lots of easily pocketed stuff around. Hell, I don't even like it when the building caretaker comes over, and the guy's in his 60s. I may be overprotective, protecting the nest, but dammit, there's a hotel on either side of our building. Frigging pick one.
Of the day is... Marvel Comics. Yes, that lovable company that used to be fronted by the friendly octogenarian Stan Lee... until they fired him. I mean released him. Anyways, they've released some very questionable material. Found out about it on Sequential Tart's page, and it's pretty hilarious. The statue is a very much, "WTF, and why would anyone want to buy that?" Wow, MJ washing Petey's longjohns, how completely domestic and pointless. But the best is the cover for Heroes for Hire. I'm pretty sure I've seen that cover for a hentai or two. How the hell it ever got by an editor is beyond me. I wonder if tentacle porn turns on any females. Lesbian or otherwise.
Anyways, also got sidetracked by the chance to be surveyed by Google and paid. I already belong to 2 other survey companies. It's sometimes fun. Harris Polls is much better than Lightspeed, b/c Harris gives you a reminder and more time before closing the survey. I haven't used my HIpoints yet. I remember getting asked about the Duracell firefighter commercial. I'm not sure if my opinion helped, but I don't see the shot of the fireman listening to his music on the new commercials.