Where the heck is Anime Lyrics? It's always 504 error. Argh, I love singing w/ the songs on Anime Hardcore. Like "OK" from Pokemon. Such a good dancing song too.
Anyways, what the f*** is with him? It's like he HAS TO HAVE A FU**ING HUG me every F**K**G time he drops me off at home. First time, it was when I was really in a bit of a mess, and needed a bit of morale support, so I wasn't really in the mindset to say No. But j*sus f***ing Xist , he won't even let me get to the door w/o a hug. I have to say," I gotta pee, I'm gonna sneeze" or he'll try to pull me back. F**king perv. I'm not a touchy-feely person, my family's not like that. His isn't much either I don't think. Sure, when I see his cuz, I'll give her a hug b/c I haven't seen her in ages. But that's completely different b/c she initiates it and I don't want to seem rude. But when I'm trying to go home, he'll grab my bag out of the trunk and won't let it loose until I "hug" him. It used to be where I'd actually give him a two arm hug, now it's just an arm across the back for about 1 sec. It's just getting so perverted how he's so needy. Doesn't help he's mentally unstable anyways, and personality wise is amiable/expressive. I'm analytical w/ equally low scores in driver/amiable/expressive.
But anyways, back to my point, I don't think anyone should force someone to show affection, it's completely pathetic. Course I'm probably pathetic for not resisting more, but I really don't think telling him outright will do anything. I've already told him twice that I don't want to go out w/ him, and he sobs about " why not? what' s wrong w/ me?" And since he's been suicidal and is currently on medication for manic-depressive, it's not like I can be really forthright. Let's see, "you chew w/ your mouth open and smack your lips, mental problems, needy, clingy, bitches about driving places but doesn't protest when we asked him before if he wanted to go there, act like you know about something and then have to admit that you have no clue what we're talking about, jealous of my other friends." I sure as hell don't need a head-case on my hands, or have to constantly worry about saying the wrong thing and him acting like the world just ended.
And again on another tangent! Oi yoi yoi. Anyways, there's only one person(that's not plush or fictional) that I really wanna get close to and she's already taken. Now that I think about it, I don't feel awkward at all when I think about hugging my female friends, but when it comes to hugging male friends, it's just wierd. Perhaps it's because hugging is higher level of intimacy that may mean something more to a guy than a girl? But even when I think about hugging my lez or bi friends, it's like I don't care. I do want to get close to them. I want to take them in my arms and smell their scent. Woah, ok , well, that's getting a bit open. Never thought of it that way. Um, I think I'll take my shower now.
Monday, November 29, 2004
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Listening: Anime Hardcore Mood: Content with full belly Feet: sore but rolling on my rolly ball
Well, at my workplace, we have a set weekend rotation where we work a weekend, then next one is off. So with that in mind, I booked off my vacation days to surround my weekend off. But b/c the team I was assigned to had the opposite rotation, they switched my schedule to theirs. Aside from that meaning I'd have to work 2 weekends in a roll, my vacation is also screwed up and I wouldn't be able to see my friends. So my supervisor, being a nice guy, decided to take it to the source, and now instead of having 5 days off, I have 7 days off. Sweet!!
My friend bid on a gift certificate to a hair salon and gave it to me for Xmas. Which is nice, but now I'm like, "I've grown my hair for so long, I don't wanna chop it off!" But just before I was complaining about how the weight of it was giving me headaches b/c I used to put it in a ponytail. I've changed how I do my hair for work, and w/ my new position, it's a bit easier to maintain it that way, but it's still a bit of a hassle. But I like to put my hair in braids! But it takes so long to dry! But it's so shiny and luxurious! And gets in my way for eating and looking at things! But I look more like a girl w/ long hair! Which has to be pulled back, how many times have I sneezed into it?! Ugh, ew that's a good point. But it feels so nice in my hands! That's all I can come up w/? The aethestics?! What about the practical? And it'll be easier if you wanna dye your hair! D-demo...demo...demo... I haven't found a style I like! Ai-yah! Just look thru the magazines or online! *grumble* fine, you win.
Monday, November 22, 2004
Well just listening to Anime Hardcore as usual. Must find some way to put permanent link to it on the sidebar. But that'll have to come after I reload Win 98 and get my emulators working. I really wish there're games that are multi-regional.
Anyways, got a sort of promotion. After applying for 3 different positions, got the one that had least upward movement, it's basically floor support and Tier 1 in escalations. We're sortof get more respect from management but the regular reps sometimes dislike us b/c they think they know everything better or they'd applied for the position but were denied. To the former, I say well then why raise your hand? Just today this woman said, "I could probably do your job b/c I'm Wave 13 but I don't want the hassle." If that's the case, why did you susp a customer for lost/stolen when the phone was actually broken? Completely using the wrong suspension code, bah, better my ass. As for the latter, not very professional to be a sore loser about it.
Anyways, I'm trying not to think about it, or I'll stay awake and my tummy'll hurt too. And I'm sneezing like crazy, had to take anti-histamine. Hopefully that'll knock me out.
Good books I'm reading: GTO, Ranma, Koko wa Greenwood, Vampire Game, Power
Yummy books I'm reading: Petshop of Horrors, Desire, Yami no Matsuei, Saiyuki
So many delicious guys... *droool* Though Ranma and Vampire Game have very snuggable guys. And Kikuchi from GTO is eminently dateable. And the boys from Power and main characters from Greenwood are really easy on the eyes. And there's only 1 reason to read Desire. *lecherous giggles* Yeah, that's right, it's just to learn drawing techniques.
Friday, November 12, 2004
Just listening to Anime Hardcore, finished watching the Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart and put in my DVD order for lots of Akira Kurosawa movies.
So news of the day, Yasser Arafat is dead. Some people are jubilant, some people are sad, and too many don't know enough about international politics to care. Myself, I'm a bit saddened, just b/c I know there was a lot that he wanted to do. Aside from seeing Palestine having territory. But this is a man that was, and some still think is, recognized a terrorist and then later went on to become a statesman and win the Nobel Peace Prize. Now, I know the Nobels get handed out every year, but this is still quite an achievement.
So what does this mean? Is terrorism a viable route to force an agenda? What is terrorism? What are the lines that separate it from other acts of disobedience? Who's correct? Where am I going with this?
The object of the act will see terrorism as a unnecessary malevolent act w/o purpose, whereas the subject will see terrorism as a justifiable self-defensive action against a greater force. A person that commits violent acts only to fulfill their personal pleasures and/or needs is not a terrorist, but a psychopath. But a person who commits criminal acts for the purpose of clearly defined goals and can say "once I have achieved my objective I will stop. I could see no other method to achieve my goals except thru actions which violate societal rules" is clearly different. The latter is someone who has considered his actions and possibly w/ the correct persuasion, will choose to change their actions. However both are labelled terrorists. Yasser Arafat was more of the latter. But for a lot of others who engage in "terrorist acts," but don't clearly fall into the former, many of their goals are ill-defined. To threaten b/c you feel threatened is to never stop being scared, and never stop hurting. It's better to face the fear and work w/ it, manipulate it so it works for you.
Oversimplification? Sure, but humans are still thinking w/ the same part of the brain that was developed tens of millions of years ago.
Incidently, this is the 2nd time I had to write this. The first one went with a err 500 when I tried to publish it.
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Yes, this is about the election. I'm somewhat less than thrilled that Dubya is elected again. But then again, I never did think much of the American public. And for any FBI, CIA, Intelligence, police, citizens who think they're "protecting their country", I am not advocating that the American president should meet with any kind of violence that would end his reign in office. This disavowal of any intentional harm also extends to the Republican party or anyone else connected to GOP. Thank you.
Now with that little disclaimer out of the way, I don't know how anyone with a modicum of intelligence would want to put an un-educated, inarticulate silver-spooner into any position of power. Oh, that's right, because he projects a folksy charm that seems to let him get away with it. "Hey, the president just said that there will be NO all-volunteer army!" "That's ok, it's just a mistake, everyone does that. He's just a regular ol' guy like the rest of us." If the rest of you happen to have millions of dollars at your disposal, and given everything. I'm sure his handlers have lots of fun thinking of everything for him to say. And if his inability to formulate a coherent thought is supposed to bring him closer to the American public,... well doesn't say much about the average American, does it? Found a little something, can't seem to get the scripting to work in the post, so a link to the site will have to do, you can find Cost of War on the right hand side.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
No, not being a blogger. That won't be coming anytime soon, though my site is looking more like I would want it too.
I'm actually talking about elections. Just to state the facts, I'm Canadian, not American, even though I'm writing this on the eve of the American election. Or technically on the day of the election(not counting advance polls). In Canada in 2004, I've gotten the federal election, which voted in the Liberal minority govt and Paul Martin, a civic election, which voted in Stephen Mandel, a city councilor, and fairly soon a provincial election, which I hope will launch Ralph Klein out of the legislature finally.
However I'm talking about the American election. Sadly enough, the outcome of this election could determine whether I'll ever be able to visit my relatives ever again. There's Bush, a guy who throws his weight around the world, and then seems surprised that the world should have any authority in judging his actions. If you think that the rest of the world shouldn't have an opinion in your country's domestic matters, then maybe you should stay out of other countries' domestic matters. I'm in the anyone-but-Bush camp. Kerry could really use some charisma. If he could borrow an ounce of Clinton's charisma, it wouldn't be such a tight race. I'm not too thrilled w/ some of his policies to Canada, but it's better than an egocentric fumbling good ol' boy. At least he knows there's people outside of America that matter.
And I'm so glad that it's America who's bringing "democracy" to the world. The same country that has election scandals in 2000, and many more in this election I'm sure. Perhaps like in my civic election where only one registration card was delivered to each house, and if you had more than 1 voter, the extra voters just had to sign a form that said they were eligible. No ID or verification needed. This whole thing just reveals Americans being the hypocrites that they deny in themselves. I'd have to say that one thing seems to run thru most Americans is a certain smugness. Some might call it arrogance, some might call it confidence, but most others will call it annoying. For a nation that's been around less than 300 years, they've developed a mythos of "God's country, God's chosen." While they have their share of important people, some who shouldn't be so great(Thomas Edison, the great plagiarizer), it still doesn't mean some higher power favours them. We've all seen what happens when a set of people believe that their cause is righteous and blame others of wrongdoings. *cough* 9/11 *cough*