Someone shoot the driver!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004


Yes, this is about the election. I'm somewhat less than thrilled that Dubya is elected again. But then again, I never did think much of the American public. And for any FBI, CIA, Intelligence, police, citizens who think they're "protecting their country", I am not advocating that the American president should meet with any kind of violence that would end his reign in office. This disavowal of any intentional harm also extends to the Republican party or anyone else connected to GOP. Thank you.

Now with that little disclaimer out of the way, I don't know how anyone with a modicum of intelligence would want to put an un-educated, inarticulate silver-spooner into any position of power. Oh, that's right, because he projects a folksy charm that seems to let him get away with it. "Hey, the president just said that there will be NO all-volunteer army!" "That's ok, it's just a mistake, everyone does that. He's just a regular ol' guy like the rest of us." If the rest of you happen to have millions of dollars at your disposal, and given everything. I'm sure his handlers have lots of fun thinking of everything for him to say. And if his inability to formulate a coherent thought is supposed to bring him closer to the American public,... well doesn't say much about the average American, does it? Found a little something, can't seem to get the scripting to work in the post, so a link to the site will have to do, you can find Cost of War on the right hand side.