Financial Investment!?!

Thursday, February 03, 2005


Mood: Just woke up, and it's 7 pm. I was up earlier, but I went back to bed. It's my cat-day :P.
Music: Information High from Macross Plus. Yoko Kanno is truly a wonder.
What I'm should be doing but aren't b/c I'm blogging: Writing the label for my burned disc.

I must say, it seems the only time I actually post is to reveal the next disgusting/offensive/annoying thing the guy who's chasing me, let's just call him "J" said/did. So what was it this time?

Well we went out to dinner(for no reason that I could discern. My birthday was on the 22, and I'd gotten together w/ my friends including him and actually had 2 parties. One was the official and the other was for Royal Rumble which my brother paid for as b-day pres) and we got fortune cookies. Mine said "You believe in the goodness of mankind." And you know the little jokey thing you add at the end "-in bed"? Well it didn't really work for this one. And I don't really there's goodness in mankind. Potential for something, but not goodness necessarily. And considering I don't think it would be a bad idea if humanity was annihilated so we'd get our heads out of our asses, nah, I don't think it's very true.

Anyways, his was something like "a financial investment will result in great rewards." So I'm like "what investments? Stocks?" (I know he doesn't have oodles of money and almost living from paycheque to paycheque) And he goes "dinner?" .... Like what the f**k?!?! I know he can't be talking about anything else b/c he can't write anything off as business expense. So I give him a "what the f*ck are you talking about look?" and he tries to look all innocent. So I'm like " fine, I'll ignore that," and say "Bonds?" and then we started talking about bonds and how high his credit card limit is now.

So this is probably why I don't want to get into any romantic relationship with a guy, Talk about total creepazoid. Why do I still talk to him? Well, he drives me to/from work (he doesn't work with me) and when he's not acting like a total a**hole, he can be funny and we share a lot of interests.