First kicked in the nads...

Monday, July 04, 2005


So last week they announced a posting for SLRs to apply for. And pretty much everyone did. So guess who got the positions? The people who'd been pulled for the PAR Team. Gee, why even have the rest of us apply then?! So as my friend said, first they kick us in the gonads, then they punch us in the face, and now they want to ream us. Oh and incidently for the stupid Duty Desk, they've blocked all our breaks all together so we have to take them all at once. Wankers. Of course we're not supposed to be doing anything at Duty other than staring at the screen. Well, they didn't say we couldn't sing. And I get to be on Duty on the slowest day of the summer, 4th of July. Whopee skip. Wankers.

And my f*cking brother said I knocked down his stupid bathroom fan b/c of all my jumping playing DDR. Well if you hadn't bought a rundown peice of shat "new" house, it wouldn't happen. So in order for me to get my exercise I have to move my PS2 to my other room. Which means rearranging all my furniture except for 2 pieces. Wanker.

I hate customs, ordered some books, and the bastards opened the box. And usually the books are sealed in plastic, but none of them were. Since I'd ordered a yaoi doujinshi and it wasn't in the box, I was starting to flip out. Then I saw the packing slip and the damn store didn't have any in stock, but didnt' email me about it. So customs really didn't seize anything from me. But they're still wankers b/c we have no way to retaliate. Store's a wanker too.

And no, wanker is not my new favourite word. I just don't think it'll be censored as much as f*cker would.