Happy B-day to Me!

Monday, January 23, 2006


So today was all in all a pretty good day. Didn't start off too great.

I'd forgotten to put a wrap on my wrist last night, but my wrist didn't hurt too much. It was my shoulder, specifically my scapula-area that hurt like crazy. I'm not sure if it's just b/c I tend to sleep on my side and combined w/ the fall yesterday that it hurts, or if it's just the fall that's killed it Still have full range of motion so there's nothing broken or torn, but it hurt. Then when I went to take a morning pee, I got a little surprise. I mumbled monotonely "Happy Birthday to me!"(well this was after only 4 hrs of sleep) and proceeded to get the necessities to prevent messes.

Went a little better, Pokemon Chronicles was a Pichu brothers' episode which is soooo cute. Then went to Warp, and Lin is basically running the entire store, so it's nice even though she seems more tired than ever. Apparently when J went to get my b-day prez (Saiyuki's Sanzo messanger bag) he went to ask Lin if she could get the store to sing me Happy Birthday, 2 of them agreed, but Helen wasn't in, so the other guy did it. Poor fellow, but nice of him. And Lin gave me 10% off too! Then my presents I got the aforementioned Sanzo bag and Genji game. I showed both to Maxine and said "aren't they cute?" And she was drooling Uh huh! Also will be getting the Resident Evil 4 game. Gawd, I'm gonna be pissing myself, especially once D sets up the surround sound. Chris got me the WWE's RPG Know Your Role! handbook. That'll be fun to learn and play. Seems based of the D20 system. J's parent's gave me$40 b/c they couldn't think of anything but that's ok.

Afterwards we went to see Narnia. It was quite good, a bit slow at the start, fair bit of char development for Peter, not much for Susan, and Edmond was still left a bit shallow. Battle was bit short and not quite as epic as LOTR. Maxine liked Mr. Thomas, I liked the Beaver. J was scared of the white witch but liked her. After we went to dinner, I had beef tendon noodle soup. It's hard to get tendon right at home b/c my dad has tried, b/c it involves really long cooking. But it was nice and soft at the restaurant.

So I'm trying to clean up my desk a bit, and was getting somewhere when D came and turned on Mythbusters. So I'm watching that now as I'm doing my blog.


Anonymous said...

Awsome Blog!! Trails and tribulations of the average person in transition. We ALL know people that drive us crazy but we still keep around for one reason or another, but that is the essence of the human condition.
It is nice to see someone so cander about it!! Lokking forward to more!