Quiz: What Mythological Creature are you?

Monday, June 26, 2006


You scored as Demon. Demon: Darkness is your sanctuary. Demons are many and are all different in appearence and rank. The most common are the ones that feed off of human souls. They love to make someone fall into their inner darkness. Blood, wrath, murder... You name it they love it. These beings don't care who you are, if they set their sights on you, let's just hope you know a good excorist. They kill any love within you and pull you toward their side. By any means possible. You wish for chaos and hate, you are the Demon.













What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
created with QuizFarm.com

Fu fu fu fu! It's so much fun watching the transistion btwn life and death, and trying to pinpoint that exact moment. But so hard to find test subjects. Heh heh. *Kodachi-laugh*

But I'm still partially a bit of a faery....who are loving, playful, and have a childlike enthusiasm for life. Okay, that's a bit different. Hmm, I guess I like having life around so I can bring them back and take it away. Again and again.

WWE Vengeance


Well Sunday sure didn't turn out like I expected. Was hoping that Warp was open till 5, but nope, and I got there 15 min late. Well actually we b/c D decided to come along. Argh, if I had my Discman going and didn't have to slow down, I might've been able to make it. So no comics. Oh well, I think I have Wednesday off, so maybe I'll pick them up then. But just comics, b/c manga's going to have to wait until Animethon. Except for my yaoi.

Anyways, as we wandered down the street, D wanted to see "See no Evil" but it's already in the dollar theatre. And so we went to see Vengeance instead. Didn't expect the Angle vs. Orton match to start the show b/c we were late b/c we needed to pick up food at T&T first. Saw the end, so can't give opinion on it. The Eugene vs. Umaga shoulda been first. Can't make comment on it either b/c I went to the washroom. Didn't think I was in there that long but it was already over. Foley vs. Flair was bad as Foley promised. Intercontinental was absolutely awesome. Carlito was funny and showed a lotta moves he hadn't used before which was cool. Didn't think he was that aerial. The 3-man suplex/powerbomb was the best. Crowd was chanting "Holy shit" afterwards. The Kane vs Kane got the "boring" chant instead. And it was pretty bleh. I think if the real Kane acted upset that fake Kane was copying all his moves, it woulda helped sell the story. I was actually starting to close my eyes btwn matches and nod off during the matches. Even during the Sabu vs. Cena. Sabu was super suicidal and took some nasty bumps. But that's major talent. Cena is so lame, Sabu had to carry him. DX was wickedly funny. Very nice. And we know that HHH doesn't wear a cup.

Don't know why video stores don't carry wrestling dvds. Was trying to find ECW One Night stand. Found stupid UFC instead though. Ended up watching the Family Guy Stewie DVD. Was pretty funny, commentary was quite good. I always wondered which char Seth McFarland actually talks like. For some reason I thought he might be Peter. And JR kept complimenting me all thru the night, btwn the tickle session, massage, and competition to see who could name off more finisher wrestling moves. I mean, what I am I supposed to say other than "thank you"? Well actually I just kept adding "and evil" to the end of all of them. B/c I'm 62% evil.

T&T had some sushi left at store-close which is sooo wierd. Can't believe I spent $20 on sushi. But it was sooo hard to resist. And it'd be going in garbage if no one bought it so....it called to me. But I can't finish it all tonight.

To Slack or not to Slack

Saturday, June 24, 2006


So it's going to be my last week as TL coming up. And boy, do I feel like doing a whole lotta nothing. Except for letting my reps get away w/ everything. Nawww, actually I really don't feel like that. Lates, attendance, all that visible stuff I think I'll still chase after them for. Or at least notate that I talked to them about it. Though having them offline for 30 min for a pizza party is cool w/ me. Anyways, not that I could slack all that much. Total f*ckhead who's doing the scheduling is screwing w/ everyone's schedule. He has people working only 32 hrs a week, working multiple weekends in a row. It's so f*ckin' screwed up. I have to do correction entries constantly. At least I'm totally on target for monitors. Yeah, as usual I'm carrying the production team again. And again, all I can say is why is the person who meets monitor targets, has above average quality, almost always meets all deliverables is the one who doesn't get the job? Oh, right, probably b/c they want me to clean everything up. F*ckers. Why should it matter that I'm not slick when I'm interviewing?! Not everyone can be the Rock.

Anyways, I think it's time to start looking at other things. I'm thinking more education-wise. It just feels sad when all I can talk about is work or ps2. Gonna really try to put aside time and get D to teach me how to play bass guitar. And I won't deny that Iori Yagami sparked my interest. *drool* Iori-sama....

Anyways, gonna spend my weekend cleaning. Hopefully. Tends to not happen unfortunately. But I really need to do it so when my cousin comes over, she'll go "Ohmigod" b/c I have so many figures and books, and not b/c her feet got tangled up in my hairball. Yeah, still have to unpack my figures. So sad. Dusting's a major chore. The ventilation causes a lotta dust, and there's still a lotta dust flying around even when you're about 50m above street level. But those Swiffer things are so wasteful.

My best bud H is coming back in August. The wankers that hired her for teaching English decided not to renew her contract. Which sucks b/c it was a good source of income, but she was totally miserable over there. Amazing how a city of 10 million utterly has no interesting culture. She blew thru all the monuments in the first month! Gonna have to talk to landlord about moving to a larger apt. Checked our lease, unfortunately it doesn't expire when she comes back, but if we can move into a larger apt in the building, it'll be sweet. Btwn the 3 of us, shouldn't be too bad for the higher rent.

I hope I can hang out w/ T before he goes to CA. Just to hang out b/c we don't really get to do that at work. Both of us have too good of a work ethic to slack off and just chat. And I owe JR a movie and dinner, so maybe I can take care of those tomor... today also.

Quiz: Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0


You scored as Beast. Beast is an intelligent, politcal spokesman for the X-Men. He has a Ph.D in Genetics and is well versed in literature. He may look like a blue fuzzy monster, but deep down he's very benevolent and logical. Powers: Enhanced strength and agility











Jean Grey


Emma Frost










Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0
created with QuizFarm.com

Wooooohoooooo! I'm most like Hank! And noooo, I didn't do the test a zillion times to get him. Kinda surprised I'm a lot like Rogue too, but then maybe we're talking about the cool Claremont-Rogue, not the sobby whiney Lobdell Rogue. Although lately I've been the Lobdell Rogue, so I should mock too much. La la laa, Hank and I are alike. Loo de doo, and that's just so right. Heh heh. Thought woulda scored higher w/ Wolvie though. Odd that I'd score as high w/ Wolvie and Cyke. Not surprised that I'd score low w/ Gambit. I think the only thing that gave me high for him was the food question.

Quiz: How Evil Are You?

Thursday, June 15, 2006


You Are 62% Evil

You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.

Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.

Fu fu fu fu fu! Exxxxcellent. Have enough good to make the evil unexpected.

And spent the day talking for an hour to T, which almost made me late for the bank. Made it by 2 min. I went to bed late, well actually at the time that T woke up so he went out shopping while I was still snoozing. Ah well. Did get sushi. But no soy milk. >:( They must've run out. Was not in the mood to shop. Not at all. Was in a totally depressed mood So I spent 2 hrs vacuuming and cleaning my bathroom. And yes it made me feel better b/c I finally did something I'd been putting off and I have something to show for my efforts. Soap scum sucks. Vim is better than Fantastik. And now it's too late to take a bath. I prefer to bathe only when I know the bathtub is clean. Which means I mostly shower. B/c otherwise I'd be sitting in soap scum. And that would defeat the purpose. Or not. I bathe the Japanese way...relaxation. So I actually shower first, rinse the bathtub and then fill it up w/ warm water and veg. But I don't think I could relax knowing I was sitting in my filth. Hmmm, or I could sit in warm water first, loosen up all the dirt, and then shower....Hurm. That's a thought.

Quiz: What's Your Ideal Pet?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Your Ideal Pet is a Cat

You're both aloof, introverted, and moody.

And your friends secretly wish that you were declawed!

Ooooh, ouch! Too bad I'm allergic to cats. Not that I haven't wanted them or had plenty of chances to get one, especially since one of the supervisors wants to be related thru cat to everyone in the centre. Damn allergies. Both of us too.

Yeah fish!


Um, yes, I still don't really have a name for him. Well it's supposed to be Huntail, but he doesn't seem like a Huntail. Just sorta looks like one.... Well actually I guess not.

But the exciting new is....I'm teaching him to jump for his pellet. Yes, it's true. And he seems to enjoy it. Definitely swims to me more energetically when I pass by. I just hold it over him and go "jumpu, jump-pu" and then he'll wiggle his fins, stare at it really hard, and do a little leap out of the water. It's really only about 1-2 cm out but it's still cool. And you have to tell him to jump or he'll just look at you blankly and then at the pellet and back and forth.

T's fish died. Not sure from what, but as long as it wasn't constipation. I always comment about how much poo my fish has, how long the poo string is, and giggle hilariously when it's still hanging off him and hasn't broken off. D is really grossed out by the poo. Mind you, he also doesn't like whole fish b/c they're gross too w/ their attached heads. It's easy to gross him out when I'm gutting a fish. I call him a wuss that he doesn't want to know where his food comes from.

Quiz: How Obsessive Are You?


You Are 28% Obsessive

You tend to have a few obsessive thoughts, but you generally have them under control.

Sometimes your worries keep you up at night, though they usually don't interfere with your life.

Ha ha ha, that's so true. I don't know how many times I've been unable to go back to sleep b/c I have to think of all the sh!t I have take care of at work. So f*ckin' sucks.

Nothing spectacular happening...and that's the problem


Well, another day where my OM has to postpone the meeting w/ him so that we can go over my interview. It's been... about 3 weeks now? I'm just at the point where I really couldn't care. I'm just sick of the place. And I'm just doing my monitors and crap b/c I'm supposed to. Well I mean I'm supposed to all along, but it was previously so I'd get noticed and get promoted and crap. Well that sure as hell didn't happen. I carried my operations team for monitors and I get bumpkiss. I have some of the worst reps of any team in the centre(for the performance appraisal, I had more unsatisfactory contributors than anyone else), but I manage to drag above-average stats outta them. So what do I get after ...4 months of stress, breakdowns, and ungodly work hours? Well 2 of my fellow Lead Reps, the ones who weren't considered 1st choices for TLs, get permanent acting TL positions. I so far have not been talked to by either the supervisor who's in charge of our group, or any other OM. Hell, I haven't even got my performance appraisal. So I'm like whatever, I'll make sure my good reps get the good treatment and taken care of, I'll gleefully write the Employment Reviews for the crappy reps, and who gives a crap about retention b/c they sure as hell aren't doing anything for me.

Yeah, I was internally LMAO when our site director was talking about retaining agents and that the most important thing is the relationship btwn the supervisor and agent. And that people leave b/c of the breakdown of that relationship. Geez, and how would you categorize our relationship? I'll tell you what it is, it's just money and benefits, and a tenous one at that. Sure I get a nice feeling when my reps tell me I'm doing a good job, and a fair bit of them were pulling for me to make TL. And since I was a teacher's pet all the way up to...well university ( Didn't have a relationship w/ my profs b/c I was a drone until my 3rd and 4th yr when classes got smaller), I'm one of those people who like to get praised that they're doing a good job. And occassionally my OM will say I'm doing good, well at least good enough that he doesn't have to look over my shoulder constantly. But any dog's not going to bother running over when the bell rings, especially when there's a smidge of rewards, and they have to be fought over.

I suppose underlying all of this is the fact that I don't know if next week I'm going to be back on the phones or what. I heard that the 2 trainers that got hired are going to become TLs this Sunday. So where does that leave me? I really don't think we have enough people hitting the floor that they'd just create 2 new teams for them. They might, but it'd be somewhat unlikely. Really job insecurity is very frustrating to say the least. It's like am I back on the phones or am I still managing a team?!

Which probably won't be helped by the fact that I politely argued w/ my rep for 3 hrs. She wanted to do things her way, and I said nope b/c the client wants it the other way. Logic on her does not work. I'm not kidding. I pointed out that she didn't do something that she's supposed to do w/ every call so she goes to me, and I quote "How can you say that I don't do that on every call?!" Uh, b/c you -don't- do it on every call. You missed it twice out of the 3 calls I monitored. I think at that point it pretty much broke down to where I just wanted to see what other dumb thing she'd say. And then afterwards I notated the crap outta her journal. 1700+ words. And today she talked to my OM, and my OM comes to me afterwards and goes," I just spent an hour w/ her and to talk to you about what she told me would take another hour so I'm just going to postpone it until next day." He didn't leave anything in her journal but there's probably something in mine. And if some SLR didn't let our supervisor know that we knew where to find them, we'd still have access to it. Oh, and that other dumb SLR who was caught editing his own journal. What an idiot.

And it doesn't help that for the last....oh I dunno month or so, I've been having a lot of pains in my abdomen region. At times I think it's PMS cramps (but so far, no evidence of it), and then it moves so that I feel like I'm going to throw up, and sometimes it's flu-like b/c I ache at the joints and have problems w/ my body temperature. I've walked around hunched over at work b/c it hurt so much, and my eyes aren't ready to tear up just b/c I'm so pissed off, depressed, and frustrated.

And I suppose the underlying thing is that I feel quite trapped in the job. I really detest job interviews...well unless I know I'm eminently overqualified for it I guess. And I really mean overqualified. I was qualified for the stupid TL thing, but didn't feel overqualified so at times I was just blurting out whatever sounded right. So there was no element of confidance there. And it's kinda like, what else do I do outside my job? Well aside from my ps2, collection of manga, comic books, dvds, there's not much else. I'm not improving any skills, and even my housework has fallen to the wayside. Sadly enough I've taken a fair bit of pride in how long and glossy my hair is even though I don't do much w/ it. And I shed like crazy. I really think I should be bald by now. Which I guess is another thing I can take pride in my hair. I may be able to form big hair balls w/ the hair I find every morning, but there's still plenty on my head!

Yeah, so to "cope" w/ this crappiness that is my life, I've taken to...having lots of sushi. I'm talking every day off, I'm heading to pick up 20+ pieces of sushi. It's getting kinda scary actually. Last day, I went there too late, and they were out, so I picked up a crab instead. The crab wasn't as good as what I've had in restaurants, but it's still crab. And cooked in the green onions and ginger style. Sooooo good just licking the sauce up.

*sigh* and there's a guy. Which I think I like. Well like -like-. But I turned him down earlier. We still flirt like mad, but it's more like practice for other potential mates. Which is all well and good, but still. I dunno. Still undecided. B/c if we go out and I turn him down again after a couple dates, it's gonna totally suck for him. And I actually care enough about his feelings to not want to hurt him. *sigh sigh* Yes double sigh.

Well I'm going to call my hubby T tomorrow and hopefully 1st wife isn't playing hooky so that we can go out. Actually after D and I live together for over a year, then we'd be common-law. Which would mean D would finally get his dream of being in a polygamous relationship, and I'd have 2 hubbies. And his 1st wife would be my best bud who is also best bud's w/ my 1st husb, and none of us will have ever actually met his 1st wife.