Well Sunday sure didn't turn out like I expected. Was hoping that Warp was open till 5, but nope, and I got there 15 min late. Well actually we b/c D decided to come along. Argh, if I had my Discman going and didn't have to slow down, I might've been able to make it. So no comics. Oh well, I think I have Wednesday off, so maybe I'll pick them up then. But just comics, b/c manga's going to have to wait until Animethon. Except for my yaoi.
Anyways, as we wandered down the street, D wanted to see "See no Evil" but it's already in the dollar theatre. And so we went to see Vengeance instead. Didn't expect the Angle vs. Orton match to start the show b/c we were late b/c we needed to pick up food at T&T first. Saw the end, so can't give opinion on it. The Eugene vs. Umaga shoulda been first. Can't make comment on it either b/c I went to the washroom. Didn't think I was in there that long but it was already over. Foley vs. Flair was bad as Foley promised. Intercontinental was absolutely awesome. Carlito was funny and showed a lotta moves he hadn't used before which was cool. Didn't think he was that aerial. The 3-man suplex/powerbomb was the best. Crowd was chanting "Holy shit" afterwards. The Kane vs Kane got the "boring" chant instead. And it was pretty bleh. I think if the real Kane acted upset that fake Kane was copying all his moves, it woulda helped sell the story. I was actually starting to close my eyes btwn matches and nod off during the matches. Even during the Sabu vs. Cena. Sabu was super suicidal and took some nasty bumps. But that's major talent. Cena is so lame, Sabu had to carry him. DX was wickedly funny. Very nice. And we know that HHH doesn't wear a cup.
Don't know why video stores don't carry wrestling dvds. Was trying to find ECW One Night stand. Found stupid UFC instead though. Ended up watching the Family Guy Stewie DVD. Was pretty funny, commentary was quite good. I always wondered which char Seth McFarland actually talks like. For some reason I thought he might be Peter. And JR kept complimenting me all thru the night, btwn the tickle session, massage, and competition to see who could name off more finisher wrestling moves. I mean, what I am I supposed to say other than "thank you"? Well actually I just kept adding "and evil" to the end of all of them. B/c I'm 62% evil.
T&T had some sushi left at store-close which is sooo wierd. Can't believe I spent $20 on sushi. But it was sooo hard to resist. And it'd be going in garbage if no one bought it so....it called to me. But I can't finish it all tonight.
Yabara - Juné's New Venture
8 years ago
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