So after taking over another team on Monday, I was put on the phones on Saturday b/c I had a life on Sunday. No, that's really what happened. The supervisor I was replacing was supposed to work on the Sunday, but my schedule is that I have that Sunday off. So I planned dim sum w/ my friends, and after I was going to watch SummerSlam at Myah's house. But the manager in charge of SLRs got all pissy and said that if I'm going to have Sunday off, then I'm only going to take over the team for as many days as the supervisor requested days off. So since he only requested 4 vacation days this week, I only got paid 4 days at the TL rate, and today I had to be on the phones. Then next week, I run his team from Mon-Thurs and he's back on Friday(which is also when I'm back on the phones). When I explained that to my supervisor, and really everyone else, they were all WTF?
Anyways, most amusing call I had is that a guy called in to cancel his svc b/c of the NSA wiretapping program and that Cingular cooperated. So being Canadian and anti-Bush (b/c they're not the same thing lol), it was really hard not to waive his ETF and start talking politics. However I think I gave him the impression that I was totally agreeing w/ him. Anyways, I transferred to the cancellation dept and when I told the rep the reason, you could tell that's she either doesn't keep up on politics (like she said) or that she's one of the Bush-supporters braindead people. The customer had a very Anglo-Saxon last name, so she started saying that it's unlikely that he's getting targetted by the program, and did he suspect that his records were being released... and I'm like "Look, the govt has been ruled to be breaking the law, and the customer is cancelling on matter of principle b/c he's not going to do business w/ a company that'll release records when there hasn't been a warrant." And yes, I was giggling the entire time, b/c it's so hilarious. I'm not sure if that agent still understood it, but she took the call anyways. But seriously, like I told that agent, I was wondering when we'd start getting calls from customers who wanted to cancel for that reason. And I hope all the company cronies who agreed to release the records all lose their customers so that they'll learn that the govt money lining their pockets doesn't justify breaking the law. Can't believe that the govt would try to appeal it, hello! it's just common sense. The situation that America's in isn't what anyone'd call wartime and therefore justify breaking their constitutional laws.
Yeah, so I'm going to try to get to bed early so that I can go to the museum and get half-price admission. D's off picking up H, so it's lovely having the apt to myself. I can leave the door open and enjoy the A/C. Never mind the walking around in my underoos. I can understand why T'd want to leave alone.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Your Brain is 53% Female, 47% Male |
Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female You are both sensitive and savvy Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve |
I actually thought I'd be more male b/c I'm not "emotional" often, and I tend to think things logically. which either means a lotta stuff is stereotypical, or that it's a result of having grownup in a strictly male household for...20 yrs.
You Are Batman |
Billionaire playboy by day. Saving the world by night. And you're not even a true superhero. Just someone with a lot of expensive toys! |
Cool, I'm Batman. So I suppose that's supposed to mean I have a dual personality or something? Well I guess that could be true, although I always thought I was relatively straightforward. Willing to take on street justice?! Oh yeah, fear me you sidewalk-spitters! Bat's among the few DC char I don't despise. Especially when he has such cute sidekicks. Heh heh heh.
So I'm still a bit steamed at JR. On Friday, I was only finished w/ about 28 monitors, and the I still had about 2 more days to do monitors, so technically I only needed to do another 2 and I'd be finished. However JR was short by about 4 and it was his last day of the week to do them. So he asked me if I'd wanna do monitors for him, and it's like "nope, do 'em yourself. *lol*" Anyways, later on when everyone'd gone home, and we were talking to V about the shortage of Floor Support and how the TLs are being dragged into doing it. JR started going about how he's always the one the Floor Support goes to have things done, how some TLs have to be told to do provide Floor Support while he spends most of his time helping agents, and then he looks at me in a somewhat joking way. So I'm like whatever, I do help when I see agents who need help. And then JR goes "yeah but you always have your head down when you're monitoring." And I'm As if, whatever, I don't really give a sh!t, it's not like I'm TL next week. Well he goes to me "well you'd better change your attitude or you're going to be on phones all the time." Yeah, well that totally pissed me off. 1) he brought up an incident that he knew was a sore point for me 2)he was the one that asked for help w/ monitors 3) I used to be Floor Support before I was SLR and the only reason why they don't go to me is b/c they don't know if I'm being a TL or stuck on the phones from day-to-day.4) the reason why he doesn't have as many monitors is b/c he's not as efficient as I am. So I think V knew I was p!ssed off after that (b/c I don't usually swear out loud at work), and when I went home that night, I didn't say bye to JR even though he's my bf. And then over the weekend I turned off AIM just in case he was going to go on. And today, I got a SMS from saying that it's my fault that he's sick now (I got sick after LL and SM's wedding on 7th) and he had a "lol" on it. I'm thinking, "Well that's just the gods' wrath for arguing w/ me." For a personal who doesn't belong to any religion I do believe in gods. More for fun and to explain inexplicable things, but yeah, I'm still poed.
And I suppose the same situation is at work. Hence my work-to-rule policy. Yesterday I was supposed to be off b/c it's supposed to be that TL's Sunday off, but I didn't know, so went in. Which I didn't care much after I found out. Better to be paid another day at TL level than at rep level. Ended up surfing the web, printing out all the crap I needed when I'm on the phones, entered monitors and updated journals. Stuff like that.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
.:MR. GIBBS:.Captain Jack Sparrow: Thinks you are a great friend, but he wouldnt die for you or anything like that...(like he'd die for anyone)William Turner: He thinks you are a wonderful person and a wonderful friend to haveElizabeth Swan: You and her are close, sharing secrets and helping each other out.Mr. Gibbs: Loves you. He thinks you are the most beautiful woman on earth and a wonderful person. He would die for Thinks you a beautiful and loves you as a friend.Davy Jones: Doesnt really know you, but plans to kill you anyway. Its just how he works.Bootstrap Bill Turner: Doesnt really know you that well, but he thinks you are a great person and prettyJack (the monkey): Loves you because you play with him when the others cant, and defend him from Jack at times..:STORY:.You sigh, taking another swig of rum in the mess cabin, enjoying a small party with your crew mates. You noticed that many of them had been eyes you, but you stayed by Gibbs...he had always protected you. Shivering slightly as one of the crew attempted to touch your leg, you walked over to Gibbs, who had seen this and was glaring at the young man. You slid into his arms...he was your best freind...and stayed there the rest of the night, finally falling asleep against his chest.~.~.~.~.~.~.~
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Your life at Hogwarts(GURLS ONLY).
Your House: GF.Your bf: RonYour friends: everybody in gf.what you look likeLYou have waist length golden curly blonde hair and baby blue eyes. You are about 5'1". You are slim, but still have ebough curves to make Ron salivate over you. You are a classic beauty. You are just about, everyones friend, even the slytherins kind of like you.What your friends think of you:Ron: She's the love of my life. I still can't belive she's mine. I'm head over heels in love with her.Hermione: Im a bit envious she got ron, but she's still my friend.Harry: She's beautiful, but I know she's rons. Besides, I got my own love.Ginny: I love her like a sister. I wish she and ron would get married so she would be my sister.Thw twins: Think yor okay. Prefer their own hottie.How it happened:-D :You were sitting up in a tree when suddenly you were pushed out. When you were able to regain your senses you saw that malfoy had pushed you out. Now he was walking toward you. He grabbed your waist and pushed his mouth on you. She tried to get away, but he was too strong. You made al the noise you could, flailing your arms and legs. Suddenly you were pulled apart by ron. He shouted at Draco, "what the hell are you doing?" Malfoy tried to answer but Ron was too quick he used a curse on him that made the word: Harrasser appear all over his skin. Malfoy got up and ran to the hospital wing. You were alone with ron. He sat down and you uttered thanks saying you would do anything for him. He thoght about it for him, then he looked at you. His face grew softer, than he pulled you closer to him, till you were almost in his lap. Then he kissed you.It was a gentle kiss, but passionate. Colors exploded in your head, and fireworks went off. You broke apart and he said, "_____Will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes",you replied,"I'd be glad to". Then you smiled. He pulled you into another kiss, a bit rougher, and you kissed back. Soon you were in his lap. I wont go into more details.Please rate! This quiz took me a long time. I'm not making you, but will you please?
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I don't mind the result ie. getting Ron as my bf, but gah! The whole scenario and what "I look like" is so lame. Definitely written by someone just hitting puberty. Ron'd be the dependable but slightly exasperating bf. I was leaning towards the twins b/c they're hilarious, but I'd probably pull my hair out half the time, and chasing after them on the broom LMAO in the other. Cedric's a bit too perfect. Harry was also a possibility, and at least he's not a main character I hate. Draco...can I beat him? No really. Just for fun. Make him into my slave.
Geez, I can't believe I'm doing Harry Potter quizzes. I'm onto the 5th book...uh...what's the title? Order of the Phoenix. So far it's the most interesting. We all must have an Umbridge in our life. I have a feeling that Rowling wrote the teachers based on several people. As a series, it's not bad. The characters were largely 2 dimensional until this book. It's not a "I must have it for my own" series (I'm reading H's) but it's entertaining enough for me to read in the tub w/o drowning. Wouldn't mind seeing the movies though.
Friday, August 04, 2006
This morning (cause I sleep till noon) I had a dream that someone at my workplace died. Not died there, or in front of me, but she got into a vehicle accident and died. I know who she is but I'm somewhat neutral towards her. Yeah, she got the supervisor position instead of me, and was only a rep when she got it, but I think she's a nice girl. But yeah, so I dreamed that she died, and people who knew her were all upset and wanted the entire centre to be closed so that they could go to her funeral and then wanted everyone's journal w/ the death. I think I was acting supervisor in the dream, and I was acting sympathetic but realistic. There was no way in hecked they'd close the centre, and there's no way I'd update 400+ journals. Yeah so I hear about the death, and I was all "I'm so sorry to hear that. Oh you want a day off, oh okay, but it'll have to be unpaid"
Yeah, so I have no clue what that was, but it happened. I've had dreams which included people I went to elementary w/ and we'd just sorta meet in the street or what have you. But I'm sleepy now.