Don't bite the hand you want to help you

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


So I'm still a bit steamed at JR. On Friday, I was only finished w/ about 28 monitors, and the I still had about 2 more days to do monitors, so technically I only needed to do another 2 and I'd be finished. However JR was short by about 4 and it was his last day of the week to do them. So he asked me if I'd wanna do monitors for him, and it's like "nope, do 'em yourself. *lol*" Anyways, later on when everyone'd gone home, and we were talking to V about the shortage of Floor Support and how the TLs are being dragged into doing it. JR started going about how he's always the one the Floor Support goes to have things done, how some TLs have to be told to do provide Floor Support while he spends most of his time helping agents, and then he looks at me in a somewhat joking way. So I'm like whatever, I do help when I see agents who need help. And then JR goes "yeah but you always have your head down when you're monitoring." And I'm As if, whatever, I don't really give a sh!t, it's not like I'm TL next week. Well he goes to me "well you'd better change your attitude or you're going to be on phones all the time." Yeah, well that totally pissed me off. 1) he brought up an incident that he knew was a sore point for me 2)he was the one that asked for help w/ monitors 3) I used to be Floor Support before I was SLR and the only reason why they don't go to me is b/c they don't know if I'm being a TL or stuck on the phones from day-to-day.4) the reason why he doesn't have as many monitors is b/c he's not as efficient as I am. So I think V knew I was p!ssed off after that (b/c I don't usually swear out loud at work), and when I went home that night, I didn't say bye to JR even though he's my bf. And then over the weekend I turned off AIM just in case he was going to go on. And today, I got a SMS from saying that it's my fault that he's sick now (I got sick after LL and SM's wedding on 7th) and he had a "lol" on it. I'm thinking, "Well that's just the gods' wrath for arguing w/ me." For a personal who doesn't belong to any religion I do believe in gods. More for fun and to explain inexplicable things, but yeah, I'm still poed.

And I suppose the same situation is at work. Hence my work-to-rule policy. Yesterday I was supposed to be off b/c it's supposed to be that TL's Sunday off, but I didn't know, so went in. Which I didn't care much after I found out. Better to be paid another day at TL level than at rep level. Ended up surfing the web, printing out all the crap I needed when I'm on the phones, entered monitors and updated journals. Stuff like that.