Quiz: Are You More Cat or Dog?

Monday, October 30, 2006


You Are: 20% Dog, 80% Cat

You are are almost exactly like a cat.

You're intelligent, independent, and set on getting your way.

And there's no way you're going to fetch a paper for anyone!

Ah, kitty. Which might be why having a dog might be better. Last thing we need is both owner and pet ignoring each other. Trust me, if my fish Akao doesn't come by when I hold out my finger for a couple min, it's another 8 hrs before he gets fed.

Actually lately I've been thinking of getting a more...holdable pet. I don't think the building will allow dogs b/c they're too noisy. Cats are $200 deposit. And I don't think I want a gerbil, hamster, rabbit, or guinea pig. A white lab rat might not be a bad idea. Mice would be okay, but too easy to lose. Well guinea pig might not be bad b/c they're big, and edible.

Okay I admit it. I really want to have Beast. Don't need any special diet, scintillating conversation, great pillow/blanket substitue, good at reaching high objects and potty-trained. The fur might be an issue, but he can clean up himself, so it won't be a big deal. Heh heh.

Quiz: What Temperment Are You?


You Have a Melancholic Temperament

Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything.

You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.

You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.

Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace.

You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.

Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.

At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.

You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.

You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult.

Yeah, that's pretty much me. That's nothing I like better than to spend a quiet day wandering around town by myself, drifting in and out of my music world. Although on the other hand, I can't stand to just sit there and look at scenery. It just leaves me bored. Same thing w/ sitting in the tub. Erm, I dunno about patient...I think it's more my inner politeness of not interrupting unless I get pretty pissed. And I think I've had enough breakdowns at work to testify to the negative thoughts although the fact I'm still there pretty much also sums up the last sentence. Better to be w/ the devil you know.

My chair is occupied...

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Yes, and it's not by my butt. One of my boxes of comics is on it b/c I'm trying to sort thru them. Originally I was going to sort thru the comics I had lying around in bags b/c I'd completely lost track of which ones I've read, what's going on in the storyline etc. I've gotten horribly bad at reading monthly comics. Well they're more like quarterly b/c that's when I end up reading them. The only ones I read right away are X-Factor, She-Hulk, Spider-Girl. The current Carey run on X-men is also what I'm reading. And "The Last Christmas" and Civil War(just the main one). Course I still buy Black Panther, Hellblazer and...actually I'm not sure what else. It's kinda like I buy them, and treat them like TPBs. Which is stupid really b/c TPBs are (fractionally) cheaper, collect entire storylines and are easier to store. Anyways, I'm so totally happy that Spider-Girl is back, although I don't understand why they'd put her on hiatus for only a few months only to relaunch her. Much like She-Hulk really. I guess they like to confuse us w/ all the #1s in our collections. Yup, I had to look at printing years for some of my shorter series b/c I couldn't remember which came first.

So I'm typing on my knees. Which is a bit tiring at times, but I'm a touch typer so it's not too big of a deal . May have to cut my pinky nails though. The rest of my nails are short already. But my stomach's been bugging me for the last while. I've dropped to my knees at times b/c it's like I suddenly get stabbed by a bladebreaker. On Tuesday I could barely move. All my muscles were killing and I was seriously limping. Climbing the hill was torture and I was tempted to grab D's cane before I left. But I hauled my ass in for their stupid SLR meeting, hated everyone for being sycophants to each other and constantly asking the same damn questions that even I, in my delusional state, knew the answers to. Wobbled home, nearly passed out in the bath (which was the only time my muscles weren't numb from pain), and snoozed. Ate a little bit b/c I figured I should, and went to bed early. Good thing Daily Show and Colbert Report were reruns this week. Next day, I went to work despite having a migraine and massive senstivity to everything. And finished the rest of the week.
I've gone to work where people across the floor can hear me hacking, and have left huge wads of Kleenex from the sneezing and hacking of phlegm. In contrast to my roommate who comes home b/c he's coughing and his voice cracks b/c of it. I'm sorry, but that job is so easy to phone-in, (ha ha bad pun) he's got no sympathy from me. And of course he doesn't buy anything nutritious to eat despite having a car now.

Even if his sister died last week b/c of ... self-inflicted cause. She was pretty messed in the head, hence the self-infliction, and D asked me to use one of my days off to go to her funeral. Which was no picnic for me b/c I'm an empathic crier. And of course it was one of my days off. But I did it anyways b/c H couldn't be there. Well D got a car and computer out of the whole situation which... is pretty damn morbid.

Anyways, they've come out w/ the Beast Mini-mate, which makes me happy ...except it's packaged w/ that hemorroid-covered, herpes-infested trollop Kitty Pryde. Gah!!! I was so mad. So I still haven't bought him. But I did find the Pokemon: Red Manga at Chapters b/c Warp didn't have it (or the other new Pokemon manga), and I was so excited I started drooling in the store when I saw Venusaur. Yeah, so what?

Well I guess I'd better finish sorting my comics b/c technically it's about 3 now, and I still have comics all over my bed. And my knees are starting to hurt.