You Are: 20% Dog, 80% Cat |
You are are almost exactly like a cat. You're intelligent, independent, and set on getting your way. And there's no way you're going to fetch a paper for anyone! |
Ah, kitty. Which might be why having a dog might be better. Last thing we need is both owner and pet ignoring each other. Trust me, if my fish Akao doesn't come by when I hold out my finger for a couple min, it's another 8 hrs before he gets fed.
Actually lately I've been thinking of getting a more...holdable pet. I don't think the building will allow dogs b/c they're too noisy. Cats are $200 deposit. And I don't think I want a gerbil, hamster, rabbit, or guinea pig. A white lab rat might not be a bad idea. Mice would be okay, but too easy to lose. Well guinea pig might not be bad b/c they're big, and edible.
Okay I admit it. I really want to have Beast. Don't need any special diet, scintillating conversation, great pillow/blanket substitue, good at reaching high objects and potty-trained. The fur might be an issue, but he can clean up himself, so it won't be a big deal. Heh heh.
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