I might as well live in another country....

Saturday, January 27, 2007


for all the times that I get to see my nieces and nephew. Yeah, they may live in the same city, and when I was living in the house, they lived a whole block away. But the only time I get to see them is for their bday. Maybe. This Saturday, we were going to take them to Chuck E Cheese, but their maternal cousins are seeing that day instead, so my brother thinks it'd be better if we had a party for them another. Well aside from the f*cking fact that they see their maternal relatives every week, some of us don't have 9-5 M-F schedules. And happen to live by ourselves so if I don't cook or clean or whatever, it doesn't get done. No, my roommate doesn't count. Even when he was living here. Yeah, so it'll probably be another year where they'll get their freaking b-day present in the summer or some crap like that. I was going to do calligraphy for her bday card, but I really don't think I should even bother.

And I found out I'm working this Sunday. Royal Rumble Sunday. Although the card really sucks, Royal Rumble's still fun to watch. Usually. Argh. And the stupid losers who do scheduling have me working straight to thursday, one day off, and work Friday, and then have Saturday off. @sswipes.

And I was supposed to be getting a pkg on Jan 23 for stuff I'd ordered from US. But it was delivered by UPS which meant that it never got to me. I live in an apt, and they don't even bother to come to your suite. Instead they ring the buzzer. A lot of other companies will try your suite at least. But since, knowing my stupid roommate, he still has the buzzer rigged to his cellphone, not to the landline he installed. And he's in Quebec. Yeah, so a fat lot of good that did me. And how do they leave notice that they attempted delivery? They stick the paper next to the buzzer console. So everyone visiting can see the delivery notice, but not any residents. Thanks a f*ck lot. And they said they dropped a delivery card. Bullsh!t!!! I hate them so much. And instead of using a brokerage who just sends you a bill a week after they passed it thru customs, the @sswarts instead want COD. So of course they can't leave it w/ the office. And their f*cking pickup centre is in the middle of f*cking nowhere. Literally. It's in a industrial area. So those of us who don't have cars, can tromp around for half a kilometre from the nearest stop to attempt to find the damn thing. And they can't deliver to one of their stores b/c it's franchised. F*cking moronic. At least FedEx has more than one centre you can pick things up from, and it's on a bus route. Although FedEx f*cked up my delivery too and can't keep track of their inventory.

Yeah, so I was rip-roaring mad this afternoon. And then this poor schlob from StatsCan calls up, and b/c I hadn't powercycled my phone for a while, the connection was really crappy. And some of the questions were horrible. For example, I tell them that H is married to D. Then he has to ask me if D or H is under 1 yrs old. So I was really ticked and I acted pretty short w/ him for a while. And the survey went on for 1/2 hour. So by now it's already past 6, and I usually leave for WEM @ 6:30, and I'm still in my jammies. But I'd forgotten to ask my manager what days I have off next week (b/c the scheduling idiots are really late in posting schedules), so I have to call him up again. So by the time I'm dressed, and stick my contacts in, it's already 7:09, and the bus took a while to arrive.

Finally get to WEM, didn't plan on really shopping, just the usual grocery @ T&T, but b/c I'm peeved, I stop by the petstore ($800 for a tortoise, $500 for a baby. And then when you add in their tank, heating stuff etc... it's pricey to get a pet. That's why I like my betta fish. Spent...maybe $30 in total so far on him b/c he's in a IKEA 2L jar, has a lucky bamboo stalk for swimming and resting on its roots, and 4 diff kinds of food for $10, a net, old margarine tub for when I'm cleaning the jar, bleach for cleaning jar, water conditioner, old milk jug for conditioned water. Yeah, and it's his 1 yr birthday too! Maybe I'll give him some bloodworms, though he wasn't too interested before). Anyways even though it was 8:30 and the store closes in a hour, they still didn't really discount their sushi that much. Only on 2nd sticker price still. Argh! But got sushi for today and Sat (was actually planning on eating out on Sat b/c of bday party, but seems that plan will fall thru. Actually this week, I've had sushi every day except for Wednesday when I stayed home and cooked. But b/c it was sooo late and there wasn't that much public transport, I ended up catching only the last 5 min of Zatch Bell. Which is too bad, but at least it's better than the tape running out and missing the last 5 min.

So I guess I should go to bed b/c it's almost 5 now, and I'd actually been typing for a goodly long time. ... And I still haven't done my niece's card.