Quiz: How Misanthropic Are You?

Saturday, March 17, 2007


You Are 72% Misanthropic

Here's the truth: Most people suck. You are just lucky enough to know it.

You're not ready to go live alone in a cave - but you're getting there.

And the hilarious part is that I'm in customer service. Actually I took this one twice. This is my first result:

You Are 82% Misanthropic

You are misanthropic to the point of being scary. In your view, people are a disease.

You may want to lighten up a little - before you become a super villain!

And yup, if aliens came by (and didn't kill me already), I'd be joining them in purging the Earth of humans. As long as their plan was a lot better. Yeah, I'm a tweener. B/c as much as I don't enjoy being w/ humans very much, I do appreciate the products of human culture. So it'd probably be most humans I'd purge. Somehow the
gamemakers, artists, Japanese seiyuus would be left untouched. ^_^