Leading by example

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


So anyways, I'm again targetted by the fat lazy b!tch. I come in at my scheduled start time and log into my phn to show I'm here. Then I check my duty schedule again, get waylaid by a few people, and go to the b!tch to get into the right queue. And we started talking about how easy it is to get paper cuts (I'd just gotten one from a newspaper), and she says it's all done. So after I was finished talking to customers and switched to answering reps questions, she comes up behind me and asks me what I'm looking at. So this was when I'd just lost the NYC subway page I was looking at, and I was trying to see if I could find it again in the History (apparently not in the version of IE that was installed), so I was kinda distracted and caught off guard. So I tell her I'm looking for NY subways. And she's like "is that for a customer?" And I'm still pretty braindead b/c I'd been waiting for questions for a while, so I'd still hadn't clued that she's trying to get me into trouble, so I go "Uh, no, I was looking at them b/c of Spiderman 3" Then she says "well you know our Internet policy don't you? So I'm going to have to -ask- you to close that window." And I'm thinking WTF? Everyone goes on the Internet, even TLs when they're not supposed to technically so as long as I'm not looking at porn or doing bad things, who cares? We've always been able to surf as long as we still do our job. Anyways, I see her go to talk to my mgr. Then I check on my schedule and she marked it down that I was late! And also messed up my schedule too for the next 2 weeks. So I msg my manager about it, and he's like "oh, okay, well don't worry about the schedule b/c I go by your punches." Then he asks me about the Internet thing, and I'm like "my prev TL(who's found a better job) told me it was okay, and when I mentioned it to the Ops Mgr, he didn't make a comment." So my Mgr likes to keep things neutral and just tells me to keep off the Net until he gets it clarified.

So the rest of my shift consisted of me letting my friends use my computer whenever we wanted to look something up on the Net b/c then I'm not doing it. But geez, considering I have a comic book cover as my background which can only be acquired by surfing, which you can see whenever my computer is locked, and NO ONE's made a comment about it, seems to indicate that it's not a big deal that I have Internet. Just the b!tch is picking on me. Incidentally when she corrected my schedule, she removed that I was late that day. Probably trying to make it seem that she's not targetting me. But I did show my friends everything, so it's really just stupid what she's pulling. Everyone's seen and knowsTLs goof off at work, when they're supposed to be working. I do my work, but keep myself awake by surfing b/c otherwise I won't see the chat requests on my screen. I'd spent that day reading my book, snipping split ends, chatting w/ my friends, and getting really close to dozing off. None of which meant paying attention to the computer. But I'm sure that b!tch's going to spin some crap to the Ops Mgr. If I were to act like her, I'd be a backstabbing lazy cow who blames others all the time.

Anyways today I took D out for his b-day dinner. I actually had a dream that he fell asleep and forgot or some other thing that we didn't go today. And he actually did have a concert that he'd just found out about that he wanted to go to w/ his friend but couldn't afford the tickets. Anyways we managed to find the Fuji Palace restaurant, but it was only so-so. The price wasn't bad for amt of food, but there was some confusion about the menu, the salmon sashimi wasn't fully thawed out, and the cutting of the maki wasn't even. Taste-wise, it was only okay.