Quiz: The Song of Ice and Fire House Test

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Your Score: House Stark

27% Dominant, 27% Extroverted, 81% Trustworthy

Responsible. Respectable. Dour. That’s not shit coming out of your ass--it’s honor. You are clearly of House Stark.

You are a submissive personality, meaning that you are more than willing to relinquish control to someone more qualified; you will unflinchingly accept any responsibility that is thrust upon you, including servitude. Unfortunately for you, your unending patience and accommodating nature often make people look to you for a leader. In essence, you are the perfect leader: someone who has no desire to lead, yet is substantially well-qualified to do it.

You are also introverted, which means that people sometimes have difficulty understanding your thought process. Your dependable nature makes you predictable, but you’ve probably got all sorts of emotional dysfunctions when it comes to more intimate relationships. There are very few people whom you trust unwaveringly, and you’re not the type to confide in other people. So cold, so aloof--so Stark.

Finally, you are trustworthy--the very definition of the word. All secrets are safe with you. All of your vows are unbreakable. True to your name, you world is a stark place; there is black, and there is white. Your rigidity tends to undercut your overall value as a friend and ally. Honesty such as yours is hard to come by, which is easy to understand when you consider how easily manipulated you are by less decent individuals. Essentially, you’re the nice guy, and you’ll always finish last.

Representative characters include: Eddard Stark, Jon Snow, and Sansa Stark

Similar Houses: Frey, Lannister and Tully

Opposite House: Baratheon

When playing the game of thrones, you play it with one sword in your hand and another up your ass.

I really have no clue what this is referencing to, but since my friends did it, so did I. This was actually my 2nd result...after I more carefully considered what the questions were asking. Yes, this is what happens when you're tired and just clicking. My first result:

Your Score: House Frey

36% Dominant, 27% Extroverted, 45% Trustworthy

Violent. Self-important. Total fuckers. Universally despised, you are of House Frey.

You are a submissive personality. Piranha-like, you’ll viciously attack anyone weaker than yourself. However, you are content to bow and scrape and kiss-ass, as long as the owner of that ass remembers the favors you’ve done him. You’re slimy like that.

You are also introverted. You don’t enjoy broadcasting your devices and ambitions to the entire world; instead, you prefer to confide in a close-knit support system of friends and family. The people you keep around yourself are as vicious and proud and power-hungry as yourself, so you’ll always get the advice you want.

Finally, you are untrustworthy. In fact, you are the most untrustworthy of all houses. Do you have any idea how bad that is? Lannisters kill their kings and their fathers and fuck their siblings, but they are still far more trustworthy than you! Nobody likes you; nobody trusts you; nobody respects you. In the end, your blatant ambitions and ruthless executions thereof will alienate you from everyone. You’ll die alone. And you deserve it. (Asshole.)

Representative characters include: Walder Frey, Lothar Frey, and Cleos Frey

Similar Houses: Greyjoy, Stark, and Tyrell

Opposite House: Targaryen

When playing the game of thrones, you play it like a true villain.

Link: The Song of Ice and Fire House Test written by Geeky_Stripper on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Okay, I lied. I was quite awake when I did it the first time. So this is either an example of how wildly inaccurate online quizzes can be, or a hidden look at my true nature. :D

Angry...very angry...


They have the voting on the readers choice for the Shojo Beat girl, and mine was not in the top 10 runner up. Some of them were pretty good, granted. But at least my submission didn't have her arms do not go down to her knees. Argh! So unless they have top 3 editors choice or something or another, mine didn't make it. *gnashing of teeth* Which is why I am blogging right now, instead of taking a shower.

Anyways, today wasn't too bad of a work day. Had training for 3 hrs, team meeting for 2. Apparently I met some quality metric so I get a draw into a turkey dinner. The option was a frozen turkey or you could have a $50 restaurant dinner. Personally I think the best option is to go to restaurant b/c you don't have to clean anything up. B said she'd prefer the bird b/c she makes an elaborate Thanksgiving dinner. Of course, since I never win anything, I won't win this draw either.

Made doctor's appt for Thursday. My ears' been bugging me for 2 weeks now. And I'm very sniffly, coughing, sneezy, itchy eyes, get chilly easily, headaches, tired. I know, classic symptoms of allergies. But it's still very annoying, and doesn't seem to go away. At least my stomach hasn't hurt lately. And problem w/ getting cold easy is that I prefer cold weather. So when I have to bundle up b/c my body can't handle it, and then I start sweating...it really sucks.

Anyways, H dumped over D about how he's a loser. He's very emo, doesn't take criticism well, so he cried even when he was telling me about it. So I email her about it, since he is my roommate, which means I have to deal w/ him everyday, whereas she's a couple thousand km away. She was really insensitive w/ her reply, and actually quite crude. And seriously pissed me off, b/c she's not taking any responsibility for any of her actions, and then she acts all offended when we call her on it. As TA said, she acts like a selfish 17 yr old. No flipping thank you even for the armwarmers I'm knitting for her, which she's not paying me for, and I'm just making b/c I'm nice and she's my friend. No acknowledgement of all the work I'm putting into it. Just asking me when they're ready b/c it's getting cold in Quebec. Well at this point, they'll be ready when I flipping feel like it. I have Xmas stockings and Xmas presents to make.

Finished Fossil Collection!

Saturday, September 22, 2007


For Animal Crossing! Yatta, finally completed it! Quite exciting to walk thru the room and see everything. Should show T since he was a dino-fan when he was younger. Still lots left in the insect, fish and painting collections. Still can't find a bloody ant, and I'm running out of time. Haven't caught scorpion yet, although I've been stung 3 times already.

Took a while but Playstation site finally came up so I could blog about finishing Devil May Cry 1. I'm always surprised when people make comments about my posts. Had one go to 102 replies b/c it was about American's ignorance. Now I'm just weighing in on expensive games.

Yeah, I succumbed


It is w/ grave regret and too little sleep...that I signed up for Google Ads. Mostly b/c I forgot how ugly they look. But well I'll maybe give it a whirl. And hopefully I'll be able to withdraw w/o starting a new blog. But I'll try to see if I can find any advertisers that actually match my interests.

Anyways, friends are pressuring me to get onto LiveJournal and Facebook. Really I don't have time for more projects. Hard enough trying to sort thru the insurance policies I have.

I requested copies of my policies, and they send me a single page. With no details on what it covers. And there's no info about their policies on their website. And you can't create an account to get more info. Like WTF? If that's the way they're going to treat their customers, I'll take my business elsewhere. Which is unfortunately harder b/c I'm older, and I've paid quite a bit into it already. Damn vultures.

Cooking is always a useful skill

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Whether it be in RPG or RL.

Looking at Domino's flyer, and why the heck would I pay $6.99 for a 12" 1-topping pizza?!?! Geez, unless I was someone who had a restricted diet, that's stupid. Mind you a cheese pizza from them is $10.99, so I guess it's a deal. Should get that and order just Hot Banana Peppers. LOL. But pizza's not quite what it used to be. At least not when I used to make them. Dad would buy 2 premade pizza doughs, and I'd lay on a bag of cheese, can of pineapple and mushroom, kubasa, ham and tomatoes. Get about an inch thick layer of toppings. Yeah, that was awesome.

Anyways, my stupid roommate D is sick. So after whining that he couldn't go to sleep b/c he was hungry, but lacking the culinary skill and ingredients to actually make anything, I found his can of veggie alphabet soup, which he prepared a la microwave. Then he goes and opens a can of root beer from the fridge. Aside from the fact that combining those 2 flavours is really disgusting, he thinks that having them alternately will equalize the temperature in his mouth. Yuck. Everyone knows that you don't drink anything cold while your throat hurts. But whatever, it's his stupidity if he can't get better. Anyways, he misses his ex. Even though she dumped him.

Yeah, so bringing lunch everyday, and prepping from scratch is helping my cooking. Found out that while Korean soy bean sprouts, tofu, red peppers and BBQ sausage is good w/ noodles, not so good w/ rice. So I guess I'll be having noodles for the next while. Although I have bok choy that needs to be taken care of before it spoils. Had it made w/ roast pig for my bentos. Then had some last night w/ steak & rice. Hmmm, *goes to pull out the mackeral* guess I'm having it w/ mackeral for tonight. Mackeral's kinda big, so I'll probably have to chop it in half after I gut it. Yeah, D's totally squeamish about stuff like that. TA doesn't look at me like I'm a freak when talk about butchering, but he figures I'll be one of those people who'll actually be able to survive in the wild if hunting.

But sometimes I feel like I should splurge and buy lunch like everyone else. But then not everyone else has enough to go on a trip to Asia tomorrow just b/c they feel like it. Yeah, but there are those urges. So I tend to splurge on buying sushi at T&T...after it's been discounted twice b/c it's near the end of the night. Heh, gotta work out though. Now that I have to take the bus to work, I'm really losing out on my exercise. B/c I actually had about a 25 min walk a day. Now it's like 10-12. So sad. Trying to restrict portions, but it just looks so sad when you have a big bento box, and so little food. Hurm, well one of the boxes probably holds about 1L, so it's really not that I'm starving...it's just sad.

Misnomers for donations

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Yah, so it's that season again. For all the charities to start sending out their Xmas cards, calendars and giftwrap. It's getting to the point that the only way that I can use up all the Xmas cards I've accumulated is to give one to every single person I know. Like everyone at work.

Anyways, the thing that's annoyed me is that I got a request from the Canadian SPCA. Which you would think would be maybe the central organizing committee for all the SPCAs in Canada. Okay, well that's what I thought. B/c there are SPCAs all across the world, so I thought it was like the Canadian branch. Well stupid me, I didn't actually go to their website, just checked that their Charity ID wasn't revoked by Revenue Canada. Turns out that they only really support work in Quebec. Quebec!! Why are they calling themselves Canadian when it's only 1 province?! And the province that wants to separate from Canada? The nerve!! Yeah, so I probably won't give them much.

Another thing that's irritating is that they don't always state what the minimal contribution that needs to be made to get a tax receipt. Yeah, yeah, I know. It's so that people will give more to ensure they get a tax receipt. But it's still annoying.

Finally getting something

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


So after completing all my monitors and more, I'm finally getting paid more than regular rep. Yeah, got extra $0.50/hr, which is same rate as when I'm floor support. Least better than nothing, which was before. Wow, that almost rhymed. Kowaii.

So today was first day back on the phones, after about a month. I also didn't have most of my systems, so it was a bit wierd. And considering I was coaching about everyone else's bad habits, I caught myself making a few mistakes. But I got a compliment from a customer. And then there was a guy who sounded like he wanted to flirt w/ me b/c his tone got all shy at the end. At least I got to sit w/ my friends, and we bugged each other the whole time. So it wasn't all bad. But it did cause my CTS to flare up more, even though I had a wrap on. Actually hurts a bit to type.

Cleaned the bloody stove, well just the top, and the covers and the little dishes under the coil. Took close to 1/2 to scrub everything off. Told D that he'd better be careful when he's cooking. He just grunted. Think he's still all depressed that H didn't beg him to forgive her. Not that she would, she did dump him after all.