They have the voting on the readers choice for the Shojo Beat girl, and mine was not in the top 10 runner up. Some of them were pretty good, granted. But at least my submission didn't have her arms do not go down to her knees. Argh! So unless they have top 3 editors choice or something or another, mine didn't make it. *gnashing of teeth* Which is why I am blogging right now, instead of taking a shower.
Anyways, today wasn't too bad of a work day. Had training for 3 hrs, team meeting for 2. Apparently I met some quality metric so I get a draw into a turkey dinner. The option was a frozen turkey or you could have a $50 restaurant dinner. Personally I think the best option is to go to restaurant b/c you don't have to clean anything up. B said she'd prefer the bird b/c she makes an elaborate Thanksgiving dinner. Of course, since I never win anything, I won't win this draw either.
Made doctor's appt for Thursday. My ears' been bugging me for 2 weeks now. And I'm very sniffly, coughing, sneezy, itchy eyes, get chilly easily, headaches, tired. I know, classic symptoms of allergies. But it's still very annoying, and doesn't seem to go away. At least my stomach hasn't hurt lately. And problem w/ getting cold easy is that I prefer cold weather. So when I have to bundle up b/c my body can't handle it, and then I start really sucks.
Anyways, H dumped over D about how he's a loser. He's very emo, doesn't take criticism well, so he cried even when he was telling me about it. So I email her about it, since he is my roommate, which means I have to deal w/ him everyday, whereas she's a couple thousand km away. She was really insensitive w/ her reply, and actually quite crude. And seriously pissed me off, b/c she's not taking any responsibility for any of her actions, and then she acts all offended when we call her on it. As TA said, she acts like a selfish 17 yr old. No flipping thank you even for the armwarmers I'm knitting for her, which she's not paying me for, and I'm just making b/c I'm nice and she's my friend. No acknowledgement of all the work I'm putting into it. Just asking me when they're ready b/c it's getting cold in Quebec. Well at this point, they'll be ready when I flipping feel like it. I have Xmas stockings and Xmas presents to make.
Yabara - Juné's New Venture
8 years ago
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