Ah yes, another post about the injustice and crap at my job. So they had launched a "career path" program, supposedly giving us bonuses on top of our raises if we met a certain criteria. And it was not supposed to be bell curved or anything. Essentially it was their Performance Appraisal. Which is supposed to be confidential. How do they roll it out? We're go into the lunchroom on our breaks and they look up our names on a list which tells them which lanyard to give us. And the lanyard tells us which bonus if any we get. Oh and then we can get cake.
Are we in f*cking elementary?! This isn't some freaking ribbon that's handed out at a school-wide track meet! Their lanyards certainly cost the same as the ribbons that I got in elementary. No, they publically announce what our bonus is when before they always told us to keep the results on the Perfomance Appraisal secret. Not only that, but for those of us on specialized teams, if we didn't go up in their rankings, we get no bonus whatsoever. And those us of who are already making more than their recently capped wages, we get bumpkiss. Guess who fell into that category. I was so furious. Not only did I completely waste my break on this bullsh!t, but I get absolutely nothing. The more I thought about it, the more riled I became and still am. T was kinda getting freaked b/c he never saw me so mad. Unfortunately I have to unleash the anger physically so if I can't damage something, then I start to cry. So after a half hour calming back down, I go to tell someone I'm going home. And it was JVH which was good in the way that he knew why I was pissed. But of course he has to try and ask me to stay, which makes me mad again. Well at least I got a hug out of it. And he's smelling pretty good since he got his new position. But he said that everyone on our team got the same fisting except for 2 people, one who certainly didn't deserve it. So they think that there's something wrong w/ the scoring and are going to review it. We'll see if anything comes out of it.
Anyways, that time of the month did start for me. Which sucks. And I was late today for work b/c a freaking CN train, and the bus driver managed to get stuck on nothing. There was no snow or ice that we could see.
Yabara - Juné's New Venture
8 years ago
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