Out damn spot, out I say!

Monday, October 20, 2008


Yes, I finally got rid of an unwelcome tenant. It'd been w/ me for at least a month I'd say. And after about a week of force and high temperatures, I got rid of it. Yup, got rid of a sty on my eyelid. Well, I suppose I should've gone to the doctor, if I was still covered. But since I'd lost my job, I'm not sure who's paying the Health premiums. So anyways, it's not like I hadn't gotten rid of one by myself. Yes, I popped it like a pimple. And there was a lotta stuff that come out too. There was the top ball of hardened crud, and then the stuff underneath. Had to squeeze it a few times to get it all out. And since it was on my lower eyelid, right on the edge, it was kinda hard to get good leverage. So I had to flip my lower lid down, and then press it between my fingers to get pressure behind the sty. And I could see that it wanted to come out, but couldn't quite, so I stretched the pores (b/c there was one behind and in front of the problem area) open more. Yeah, the hole it left was larger than my tear drainage duct. Yes, it hurt a lot, but I think I've got a high tolerance for continuous pain. And hopefully the contact lenses solution, which is supposed to disinfect, will take care of it too. Normally I'd use iodine or rubbing alcohol for wounds, buuuuuut not a good idea.

And timely too, since I have a job interview tomorrow. Not sure how to really approach it since if I get offered, I'll only take it if I can't get anything else. It's part-time and erratic hours, but it's a position I want.

Anyways, I've gotten Internet back after about a month. However since I've been doing nothing but d/ling anime to my 500GB drive, I haven't posted my previous entries I'd been typing up while I was w/o internet. RAW is on, but meh. Some gauntlet match thingy. Can't wait for Heroes.