So I watched Survivor Series, Cena's big return. Really, is there any doubt that Cena would win? While Jericho was walking down the ramp, I commented to D that he had a wierd look on his face, probably b/c he was trying to figure out how to make Cena's meager skills look good. And the fact that he had to job to that hack. Anyways, I didn't watch that match too closely, mostly I looked up from my crochetting when Jericho was doing well.
The other matches were much better. HBK's team vs. JBL's team was quite exciting. It was quite interesting seeing John Morrison trying to one-up HBK. Considering he's the Shaman of Sexy now, and Shawn Michaels' used to live up to his HBK moniker, it's a bit of passing of the torch. Although it's more fun when the amount of men left are a lot closer. Well I guess 3-2 isnt' too bad, but eh. Wish Morrison got to do more. I really quite like the Morrison-Miz teamup, they have some awesome tag moves. They're pretty much the reason why I watch ECW.
It was a totally retarded that Regal got pinned in the first minute. I completely missed it b/c I was looking down at my crotchet. Good shot by Layla w/ her shoe though. ...I'm trying to remember who won though. Well I mean it was Batista, but who'd he win against? Oh yeah, Randy Orton. Wait, no Orton won that. Whoops. Cody did pretty good too. Shelton didn't do too bad in the match. Got to show his wrestling and jobbing skills.
The women's match was good b/c it had heels and faces on both teams. Maryse is the best wrestlers for the new women. Not counting Natalya b/c she's 3rd generation so she's old-school. Awesome to see the Sharpshooter. Good to see Gillian get some shots in, she's really underutilized. And what's w/ having Victoria jobbing all the time? It's ridiculous! That's cool that it was down to heel vs. heel. Beth's awesome. And Michelle getting pinned early was a surprise. I'd have to say that I couldn't predict the Women's match, and that's awesome. It's kinda bad that the women were bickering, but also quite funny. And everyone got to come out, not just heel vs. heel or the faces being hesitant to wrestle each other.
Quite a shocker to see Edge come out. No, I don't have time to keep up w/ the insider wrestling news. Looking quite scruffy w/ that beard, and he's put some weight around his waist. I'm not sure why he was out, I'm guessing neck surgery but I could be wrong. I wonder what really happened w/ Jeff Hardy? I doubt he got beat up like they're saying. I'm just hoping it's not drugs w/ his history. I think it'll be a nice shakeup for Smackdown, b/c Vicky can do what she's been doing w/ getting the contenders for #1 do her dirty work. Since Big Show's out and all.
Casket match wasn't too bad. Could sort see the limitations of Big Show there, but it was still interesting enough.
Return of the Boogeyman. Eh, he's definitely go the revulsion thing going. When I was looking at his team, I couldn't help but think that the mud in his teeth, didn't look like dirt, but a different kind of fertilizer. Yeah. That didn't help. Good thing I was finished eating by then. Took a look on Wikipedia, seems he was out b/c of injury.
So overall, was it worth the $20 I paid for my share of the PPV? Hmm, yeah it was pretty satisfying, especially to see the women go all out.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Well, I did actually land the job I interviewed for. I learned about it when I was riding on the bus, so I stopped by my old work place to tell the news. My references told me that the interviewers said I was really prepared and wondered how long I'd worked there since I knew so much. And they still miss me at the old place b/c they still haven't been able to replace the amount of stuff I did. Yah, I was so happy, it was neat. And it's for the indeterminate position, so as long as I make it past probation, I'll be set for life.
Although since I'm a night-owl, and it's gotten worse since I only have to get up in time to watch Electric Playground (on at 12:30p), trying to get up at 6:00a to make sure I catch the bus at 7:00a is going to totally suck. It's mostly b/c of the bus schedule. The route that I could take which would only about 30 min, would get me there either 25 min early or 5 min late. Yeah. So I have to instead catch a different bus would is a 20 min bus ride itself, coupled with a 20 min train ride. And that would get me there about 5 min early. Yeah, it's super-stupid. If I had a car, well actually if my dad would let me drive his car, it's probably only take about 20 min. And I don't think I'd have to pay for parking either. And this is why people prefer to drive instead of using public transit. Oh and the Transit Trip planner thing isn't working either right now. Just peachy.
Anyways, so I've been catching up on my comics. It looks like I basically stopped reading my comics about 7 months. So for a lot of the events I missed the hype. And all the Colbert '08 election in the comics. *sigh* Some comics like Hellblazer was 28 issues unread. But I'm finding with all my reading material, I like to read more than 1 chapter at once. So I have Shojo Beat which is a bit behind (which sucks for missing some contests), and even tankoubons of various manga. Yes, I'm one of those people who just need to know what happens next. Which hilariously enough, means I'll leave stuff unread for months or years (Monster, Bastard, Law of Ueki, Cantarella, Trigun). The exception for this would be InuYasha b/c I saw the English-dub on YTV, and the anime follows the manga very closely. So for that, I just left it so that I'd forget the finer details of the story. Although with Trigun, I left that alone for a while b/c I was bitter at what Nightow-san was doing w/ Legato. Yes, I'm a Legato fan b/c Seki-sama played him in the anime. But Legato's back, and fully mobile and psychotic as ever. Though I'm very sad that Wolfwood is gone. Made me cry.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
So had the interview yesterday. And I still was not very centred either. Ever had a massive jag in your chest where you feel you could start bawling again at the drop of a penny? Well, that was me all yesterday. I'd woken up around 6, and my alarm wasn't set to go off until 9. Played some Pokemon to try and get back to sleep, but I could hear my Dad tromping around upstairs, so I put my headphones on and tried to block it out. It worked, but I have those big headphones which aren't much fun to sleep w/. Anyways, I nodded on-off until 9, and tried to wake up. Anyways, I dunno w/ the interview. It seemed to go okay. I believe I impressed them w/ some of my answers. I know there was one that I had a hard time thinking of a past experience. Which of course came to me as I was on the bus home. Dang, I hate that. Especially when I was constantly repeating to myself on what experiences to mention, and it could've applied. Argh! But here's hoping that they call my references, b/c I know my former colleagues miss me. *knocking on wood shelves*
Anyways, my brother talked to my Dad, and we'll try to be civil. However even today, my chest feels really tight at times. I guess that's the only way to describe it. Unless it's a chest cold. Been quite sniffly lately. Lots of mucus dripping and coughing. And my eyes are very tired.
So finally catching up on my Hellblazer, and I noticed in Issue 240 (yes, it's dated for March 08) that everyone except for 1 person, had blue eyes. Including all the Chinese/Korean characters. Considering that blue eyes are a recessive trait, it seems statistically unlikely that the 2 Asian characters would have blue eyes. The only people with different coloured eyes was an old African shaman (brown) and the villain (demonic red but that's for dramatic effect, I believe). Therefore my conclusion is that the colourist Lee Loughridge, was very lazy and focused more on creating a mood than anything else. And it was very annoying b/c Leonardo Manco did an excellent job portraying all the different "races". Yes, that's right, it annoyed me so much that I had to blog about it. But isn't that what this is for?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
So I have a job interview tomorrow, for a position that I really have a reasonable chance on getting. I've been studying their website, reviewing their SOMC and Work Description, writing how my experience qualifies me for the position...all the stuff that you do to prepare for it. I've even bought some blazers for the job (well I could use some anyways if I want to work in a business environment). Today I've been a bit burnt out from it all, and it's been a struggle to study. Having your computer on and Facebook loaded is an extremely bad idea. Oh, and a horde of comics that need to be read, games that need to be advanced on...yeah, it's not good to have that many distractions. And a sluggish betta fish that's probably that way b/c of the cold temps. Kinda hard to find a heating solution for a 2 L jar.
Anyways, I was on my way to taking a shower when my brother (who's staying the night w/ his wife), knocks on my door. Then he starts berating me about how I'm not taking care of our father. Our father, who's decrepit, crotchety and old. Who diminishes my self-esteem to zero (whether he does it deliberately or not could be up to debate, but irregardless) on a constant basis. And the one I live w/, mostly out of some poor (becoming very apparent, misguided) attempt of a child trying to gain the affection of a parent. Yeah, I moved back in w/ him to help him b/c he was old and decrepit. Only to have my attempts screamed at, dismissed, overlooked and belittled. So at this point, I've even stopped working on a crotchet blanket that I was making him. Which contained a colour I despised but he likes. B/c really, why should I try doing anything when there's no reward to it?
Anyways, after my brother berates me and I counter w/ what does he really want me to do w/ our father, well, it's not a good conversation to have when you're on the eve of an important interview. I'm crying b/c I'm so mad and he starts backing off. Then my sister-in-law comes down and tries to help mend things. Anyways, after about an hour of this, my brother says that he's going to try and talk to our dad, b/c the points I bring up about how crappily I've been treated are valid and maybe he doesn't realize that. Anyways, I'm not expecting much.
So I'm in a real foul mood, and I'm still crying as I write this. B/c I'm not feeling centred like I almost was before my brother talked to me. Actually I'm so off-centered that I can't seem to stop crying. Yeah, that's going to be great for the interview, puffy stressed out face. I'm sure I'll get a big zit somewhere. I already have a scab on my nose b/c I'm still recovering from the flu or something. Even blowing w/ Charmin Extra Soft still is hard on the nose when you do it so much. Oh, and after the upper body workout on the Eyetoy Kinetics, I can barely move my arms. And that was 2 days ago that I did that workout. When flicking your hair back becomes an attempt not to scream, you know you overdid it. Yeah, right after the workout, I couldn't lift my arms b/c my shoulders were numb. Next day, I couldn't lift it above my chest. Today, my triceps are killing me and I wish I could just leave them hanging down. Oh and my back hurts....Oddly enough, or perhaps not, whining about my body aches has stopped my tears. Maybe b/c it's discussing physical pain instead of emotional pain. If that's true, then does writing positively improve one's outlook? Actually I've heard of that. But can I write optimistically when I'm naturally a pessimist?
Hmm, what's going good right now? Uh, I bought a Turtwig pillow from Wal-Mart (evil evil corporation!) and I'm pretty sure it's life-size. Which isn't really too hard b/c starter Pokemon are small, but still. I gave it a wash w/ my lavendar bodywash, so he smells quite good. And he's so cute. Looks quite like the Pokemon should. Piplup was a bit flat, and there wasn't that much stuffing in his wings. And the fire pokemon...what's his name? Monferno? No, that's an evolution of it. Infernape? I'm pretty sure that's evolution type. Ashchimp?! LOL, well that's not it, and it'd be a bad name to say improperly. Lemme look ...*grabs list* Chimchar, that's the one. He was very flat all the way. Very obviously a pillow. Piplup, you'd be sleeping on his tummy, but w/ Turtwig, b/c he's got stout little legs, he'd be more like the ancient Japanese/Chinese head rests/pillows. He's sitting in front of my TV right now b/c there's no room on my bed. Yes, I want to buy a double bed solely so I can have room to sleep on more than 1/2 the bed. Maybe that's also my shoulders and back hurt, b/c I don't have room to toss and turn. Or it could be the mass of blankets that I like to be under. Well I am feeling a bit better now. Pokemon always saves the day. Guess I'll go take that shower now.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
It's been pretty lousy for me lately. The latest incident is another screaming match w/ my dad. I was trying to use my EyeToy Kinetics, and he comes downstairs and asked me to email my brother about dinner plans b/c he wasn't picking up on the house phone, completely interfering in my session. So I said I could but then asked him if he tried calling my bro on the cell. Then he starts flipping out at me that I wouldn't do what he wanted me to do. Since I don't suffer fools, I start telling him that he needs to learn how to use his cellphone (I'd programmed mine and my brothers' numbers into it, but my dad still uses index cards to call them), so he starts yelling at me that he doesn't like using it. Well I point out that I've tried teaching him, but he just doesn't try to learn so what's he going to do when I'm not around? So he starts yelling at me that I should do what he tells me to do, and that if I'm not around, then I'm not going. Well, at this point I'm completely crushing my controller, and I tell him to leave me alone and to get out of my space. So he tells me that this isn't my house (well technically it's not his either, it's my other brother that's paying the mortgage), and that I can leave. And it's not the first time I've told him this, but again I yell at him that I don't wanna live w/ him. Anyways I yell at him that I'll call my bro and to get out of my face. Anyways, lo and behold, I get my bro on his cell b/c he's out Trick or Treating w/ the kids. Gee, like how much fun to be completely correct. Anyways, is there much point of me talking to my bro when I don't have a clue about any of the dinner plans except where we might be going? Nope.
So today, I was "man enough" to say that I'm sorry for yelling at him. Does he acknowledge it? No. Of course not. And would he ever apologize for anything he's done. Of course not. After all, he managed to screw up my mother's maiden name w/ the govt so that when I applied for EI, I had to get it corrected which wasted a 1/2 hr of my time sitting in the service centre. And if I listened to him, I'd be out almost $2000 from the govt for surviving child's benefits b/c he said that I didn't qualify and the letter that they sent me was bogus.