R.I.P. Pontus, Sept 19, 2009 - May 1, 2010

Sunday, May 02, 2010


After weeks of not eating, Pontus has finally gone back to the pond in the sky.  Not sure what was going on, and being a fish, it's not like I could force-feed him.  He didn't seem to like getting his water changed (since I put him from one jar to the other), so I increased the conditioner and lessened the water change.  He had a favourite fake plant that he liked to sleep on, so I always put that into his tank.  I'm not sure if my mistake was giving him a fish roe that'd fallen off my sushi.  As usual, once he got something particularly yummy, he wouldn't eat anything else.  Didn't eat the bloodworms, particularly when he couldn't gulp down a big one.  Although it was kinda funny watching him try to eat it.

And when he stopped eating for 2 weeks, I specifically bought a sushi set that had the fish roe piled on top.  But he wouldn't eat it fresh, wouldn't eat it dry.  He was still quite active up until the last few days, whacking the floating themometre around.  But when I dropped in food, he glance at it and swim on by.  Even when I moved it in front.   So is it possible for a fish to commit suicide?

Not sure if I'll get another one anytime soon.  4 fish in 3-4 years seems a bit much.  Probably if I do, I should get it after my SDCC trip. Don't wanna have to try to find another sitter.