Summerslam 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011


Saw it in the theatres with D again.  Not very crowded this time, we had an empty seat on both sides of us even though we were in the 4th row.

Alberto Del Rio/Miz/R-truth vs. Kofi Kingston/Mysterio/John Morrison

An unannounced match, and it was really good.  Everyone got to play, although Kofi and Miz took most of the bumps.  Lots of good spots and back & forth to keep it exciting and moving.  Good storytelling too.  I love Alberto's Ferrari.  I may not know cars but I know what I like.

Mark Henry vs. Sheamus
Also a very good match.  Kinda wierd to see Sheamus as the face.  And really, is Mark Henry that much a bully?  He's just trying to get noticed.  So if it takes out a few people, well that's the biz.  But I think it was supposed to go a little longer, except the wall broke.  But still a very good match, and moved the story along.

Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly
Not sure I like the outfit on Beth.  Really doesn't fit her image.  And what's with having no headband?  That's why she lost.  And that she couldn't do most of her moves, and obviously didn't hit Kelly when she could've.  Did like her rubbing her butt into Kelly's face. Geez, waaay too many rest moves.  Barely any back & forth, and it's just so tedious watching Kelly.  I'm really hoping that they do more w/ the Divas of Doom (I also like Destruction better.  LoD has doom already), and add Tamina.

Liked seeing Jimmy Hart again.  Didn't really care about the musical guest.

Good match between Wade and Daniel.  Honestly, all the guys did really well at wrestling and telling a story.

Christian vs. Orton
Totally awesome to see Edge.  I hope he helps Christian recover from this loss.  Anyways, the match was awesome, and did they take a lotta damage.  Wish Christian was able to let loose a bit more.  He was getting there, but of course they wanted to focus on Orton going nuts.  I'd like to have seen them match the crazy.

CM Punk vs. Cena
Loved Punk's apology to the Sr. VP.  Cena did more real wrestling in this match than thru this entire year.  OMG, he did a dropkick?!  OMG, a fisherman suplex?!  Very good back & forth, although I could see Punk holding back on some of his repetoire.  Honestly thought that they'd reverse the decision, so I'm superglad that HHH upheld it and didn't get mad when Punk didn't shake his hand.  Very nice, and it looks like maybe a future storyline would be to rebuild the relationship btwn the WWE and Punk.  Whatta kicker to see Nash back.  And then to have Del Rio win the title.  Wooooo! 

Overall, it was a great PPV, even if not all my favs won.  But everyone worked really hard, told their stories, and set up for future grudges/rematches and development.  No audio/video probs this time, and work the $17.