Review: WWE Survivor Series 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011


This year is the 25th anniversary of Survivor Series.  They did mention a lot of people made their debuts at SS, most specifically "The Rock".  I went to it with K b/c D didn't get back to me about being available.  Also I think K wanted to share in more of the stuff that I'm interested in.

Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison for US Title
It's been a tough year for John, losing streak added with falling popularity.  Not really sure why because he still puts on great matches and stuff.  Maybe people are just tired of his character?  It's hard to tell what he believes or stands for.  And apparently making it a title match was also outta left-field.  Vicki is so hilarious, she really makes it more fun.  It was a very good match with lots of clost falls.

Beth Phoenix vs. Eve in title match
Which was a lumberjill match.  I guess the Bellas are considered pin-up strong?  They worked with Natalya outside.  But you could really tell Beth was pulling her punches.   But good on Eve for taking a glam slam from the top rope.  That was really nasty, and earned respect points for a big bump.  But they really have to let the women really wrestle b/c it's pretty boring right now.   Everyone's so one-dimensional.

Team Barrett vs. Team Orton in traditional SS match
Started a bit average until Sin Cara hurt himself.  It kinda looked like he and Kofi didn't hit the ropes at the exact same time so the rope vibration caused Sin Cara to loose his balance and get tangled up.  Anyways K was like all "Hurry up and get on with it!" when they were trying to figure out to do.  And I had to explain to him afterwards that 1) it's not part of the script so they had to figure out what to do 2) after the Owen Hart accident, they're a bit more sensitive to resuming things too soon after an injury.  I liked that Team Barrett won and there wasn't an insanely stupid comeback from Orton.  It made sense how the eliminations went and no one became retardly strong.  Cody looked great during the match.  Hunico got his butt whooped so that was too bad.  Swaggart didn't do very well at all. Surprised that Vicki didn't come out with them since her 2 clients were competing.

Mark Henry vs. Big Show for World Heavyweight
Had a "Boring" chant.  Which was an honest reaction because it really slowed down after Big Show did some wrestling moves on Henry and then they just started circling and did little grappling.  But after the Boring chant, they really picked it up so the chant worked! Some fans in the theatre were predicting that Kane would show up when Henry put the chair on Show's foot and it did make sense.  But it was fair if not nice that Show injured Henry's leg. Turnabout is fair play after all.

CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio for WWE title
So cool to see "The Fink" back.  Although it looked like they didn't have his mic on at the beginning.  I was getting pretty tired by now so my eyes started to glaze even though it was a good match.  Excellent back & forth.  So happy Punk won.  K doesn't really like Punk because he likes Cena instead.

Rock & Cena vs. Miz & R-Truth
Since MSG fans hate Cena, is MSG also Bizarroland?!  Lots of people hate Cena, so it was annoying to have Lawler call Canada that.  Anyways Rock looked awesome, physically and wrestling ability.  I was surprised that the fans wouldn't give Cena a little pop even at the end.  But so cool to have Rock give the Rock-bottom to Cena at the end.   If Awesome Truth didn't showboat so much, they could've won.

So it was a great PPV, not just because the people I liked won, but lots of storytelling.