You just keep your pants on....

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


So I told J that I was going to be moving in w/ D, the husb of one of my best buds, and he nearly had a shitfit. Although I thought I mentioned it before, but oh well. So considering he's driving, he's staring at me in shock (although not in awe, guess I need the soldiers for that), and he says in this whiney tone, "why didn't you ask me?" Well I dunno, b/c I don't need you clinging onto me anymore than you already do, or jumping into my bed at night, or scrutinizing who I call/hang out with/where I go, or rummaging thru my things for whatever perverted reason. But I just told him that he was already living with his parents, and he whines again "well I would've moved out." So I just said that D was already looking at moving out so it was most convenient. So he's like "Well, does H(my bud) know?" So I tell him that she suggested it, which she did. When I was telling D about that conversation, D said H knew that I'd be the last person who'd sleep w/ him and if he tried anything I'd beat him up and then tell H who'd kill him. I told him that the only person that'd be more unlikely to sleep w/ him is our mutual friend T, who's a guy and totally not interested in guys. Now that I recall the conversation, he seemed a bit hurt at that... erm... although I didn't mean for it to be an ego crush. It's more of a statement of fact. I'm probably the squeakiest clean person they know, no vices(except for manga/anime/kawaii character products), no need to claim that I didn't inhale or it wasn't mine.. On that scale, I'd probably be the ideal nun. Now on the morale compass, except for those naughty fantasies involving bishonen (and chains, ropes, feathers, roses, and blindfolds), views on abortion/guns/violence in media/-sexuality/women's rights etc, it's generally conservative. So I guess he might've thought I meant that he wasn't attractive enough to hit on, when I really meant that I just wouldn't do it on morale reasons. So I guess I shoulda compared the chances to Mother Theresa instead. Oh well.

Anyways, later on b/c I was starving and stopped off at the local eatery, and J had finished work, I called J to meet me there. When I told him I was eating, the first thing he asked was .... don't get ahead of me here...."With who?" (Yeah, like that wasn't predictable) When I told him "Me" he goes "Oh, that's no fun." Hmmm, so many ways to interpret that... 1)I'm not a fun enough person that I can't amuse myself 2) eating is a communal activity so I'm a deviant to eat by myself 3)I should have other people that I can eat with, ergo I should and could eat w/ anyone 4)When I go out to eat, I should eat with him. So which should I choose?...hmmm... just wait for it... wait for it....1 or 2 or 3. Yeah, J comes from the Ukrainian-English background, so I don't think he understands that eating alone allows you to just focus on the food and savour it. And basically empty your mind of everything else. Eating as meditation. Now that's a meditation that I could do. Anyways, I'd also prefer not to eat across from someone who smacks his lips constantly, it's just so... offensive to all senses. Now I don't profess to having perfect table manners (darn elbows) but geez.

So as we were talking, he apologized for overreacting to find out that I was going to have a roommate but I still had to justify my decision. And I do mean justify. like why I didn't want my own apt, what I was going to do when H came back. But at least he said that he was going to support me w/ whatever decision I make. Hopefully that extends to when I go out w/ someone else.

Hmm, feeling a bit better now that I've got that out. Better find a checklist for questions to ask when apt shopping.

And big jackpot for the lottery, I bought a few, which I don't normally. If I get any sizeable money, I'm thinking a turtle farm would be neat. My allergies were acting ok at the reptile show, so it'll be ok. Unfortunately w/ turtles, they can't feel you petting their shell. Or get that hypoallergenic cat.