Busy busy busy

Friday, December 30, 2005


Well Dec was certainly busy. There was the moving. That went off a little earlier than I planned b/c we were suddenly told that we were going into training, which changed my schedule. So I booked off a couple days to do that. Had to call in sick to work b/c of my back too. J and M helped w/ the move. And J somehow, somehow, I don't have a f*cking clue how, broke my Malm dresser. Not like a corner as if he suddenly dropped it, but the cross brace in the front. And it's not the like bottom one either, but one in the middle, and from the direction of the break the only way that could've been done is if he was trying to carry it by the brace. The decorative brace that's held in place by 2 wood pegs and 2 screws. And it'll be near impossible to fix. So thanks a f*cking lot for breaking my lovely dresser that I'd decorated b/c I liked it so much. It's functionality is also compromised b/c 1 dresser will be fully exposed to the elements, which means I can't put my manga in there anymore. Sure my manga may be in bags, but sunlight can still get in. So now it's out in the living room, b/c 1) it pisses me off every time I look at it 2) there's no room for it in my bedroom. Well actually I might've been able to make room, but I don't want to. J said he'd buy a new one, but what am I gonna do w/ another one? Whatever.

Living w/ a roommate has been... frustrating. He's a nice guy and all, but not very good at cleaning. He has all the supplies, but seems to forget to use them. Actually he does that a lot. I think if it were for the fact that I made supper (cause I get home earlier) and have leftovers in the fridge, he might forget to eat. Actually he forgets a lotta stuff. Lotta veggies in there that he bought and hasn't used. And there was the deli turkey slices he bought and forgot about. I hope cooking them killed the bacteria. Or tomorrow I'm calling in sick b/c of food poisoning. Although at least he's good at saying my cooking's okay. Guess all those hours of Food Network is paying off. Although I tend to cook at lot b/c I don't like have to make something every night. Leftovers are fine for dinner, lunch, breakfast.

Training was ...annoying. Aside from having to get up gawdawful early to get there. Just reading a bunch of generic useless stuff which had no bearing on any of the calls. Simulation that was focussed on stuff we'll forget or don't normally do. Threw us onto the floor w/ no chance to watch the systems being used. Just b/c "we're experienced reps." Well, we're experienced all right, at bullsh*tting our way thru explanations and asking the custs to hold while we frantically flag down a RH to help us pay a bill. It was quite horrid. Didn't understand the layout of the invoice until I had to expl it. Still don't have a bunch of passwords. I have over 30 passwords now b/c I've been trained on 3 systems, and also have management passwords.

Anyways going to a b-day party tonight for JR. The rest of them are going to take him to a strip club afterwards. I'm not very partial to going b/c I don't wanna have to throw my clothes in the wash the minute I get home. Sorry not too thrilled on that. As for the naked girls, it's more like I wouldn't know where to look. It's not an "ewwwww" reaction, but just I'm sure my thoughts will be "fake, fake, horrible make up job, wow that's a good split...a really good split. She's got a nice @ss." The odd fascination w/ something I don't care about but can't stop looking. And the sad part is that it's the same reaction w/ male strippers. I really did look over the wall to watch the WWF match instead.