Sometimes I love being on the phone...

Sunday, August 27, 2006


So after taking over another team on Monday, I was put on the phones on Saturday b/c I had a life on Sunday. No, that's really what happened. The supervisor I was replacing was supposed to work on the Sunday, but my schedule is that I have that Sunday off. So I planned dim sum w/ my friends, and after I was going to watch SummerSlam at Myah's house. But the manager in charge of SLRs got all pissy and said that if I'm going to have Sunday off, then I'm only going to take over the team for as many days as the supervisor requested days off. So since he only requested 4 vacation days this week, I only got paid 4 days at the TL rate, and today I had to be on the phones. Then next week, I run his team from Mon-Thurs and he's back on Friday(which is also when I'm back on the phones). When I explained that to my supervisor, and really everyone else, they were all WTF?

Anyways, most amusing call I had is that a guy called in to cancel his svc b/c of the NSA wiretapping program and that Cingular cooperated. So being Canadian and anti-Bush (b/c they're not the same thing lol), it was really hard not to waive his ETF and start talking politics. However I think I gave him the impression that I was totally agreeing w/ him. Anyways, I transferred to the cancellation dept and when I told the rep the reason, you could tell that's she either doesn't keep up on politics (like she said) or that she's one of the Bush-supporters braindead people. The customer had a very Anglo-Saxon last name, so she started saying that it's unlikely that he's getting targetted by the program, and did he suspect that his records were being released... and I'm like "
Look, the govt has been ruled to be breaking the law, and the customer is cancelling on matter of principle b/c he's not going to do business w/ a company that'll release records when there hasn't been a warrant." And yes, I was giggling the entire time, b/c it's so hilarious. I'm not sure if that agent still understood it, but she took the call anyways. But seriously, like I told that agent, I was wondering when we'd start getting calls from customers who wanted to cancel for that reason. And I hope all the company cronies who agreed to release the records all lose their customers so that they'll learn that the govt money lining their pockets doesn't justify breaking the law. Can't believe that the govt would try to appeal it, hello! it's just common sense. The situation that America's in isn't what anyone'd call wartime and therefore justify breaking their constitutional laws.

Yeah, so I'm going to try to get to bed early so that I can go to the museum and get half-price admission. D's off picking up H, so it's lovely having the apt to myself. I can leave the door open and enjoy the A/C. Never mind the walking around in my underoos. I can understand why T'd want to leave alone.


Zone said...

Hey there was just wondering whats been up as of late havent heard from you in like a stone age.... Tag me back when you get the time...