WWE: Summerslam 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010


Saw it with D at the theatre.  It was about 80% full, and didn't seem like too many marks. I hadn't been following RAW or Smackdown lately (especially Smackdown.), so the WWE Experience (or whatever it's called) was actually useful for once.  I wasn't really hungry, but super-hot.  Unfortunately they didn't sell individual ice bars at T&T, or I would've gotten one to eat before we went in.  Somehow, I think trying to eat 4 in one day will make me sick, however delicious they are.

Kofi Kingston v. Dolph Ziggler
for IC title.  It was a pretty good match.  Not to bad setup.  Kofi's still a nice guy, but they're showing he has a mean streak if need be.  Not quite sure why he's not an A-lister, has good personality, charisma, skill, and nice body.  Maybe b/c he's African?  Anyways, the match was ruined by the Nexus run-in.  And what's w/ beating up Kofi?  Should've done it equally.

Big Show v. SES
Didn't know Joey Mercury w/ the 4th member.  Didn't recognize him at first, but I do remember he was pretty talented, but nowhere near as charismatic as ...*looking up on Wikipedia* Johnny Nitro/Morrison. Pretty fun and entertaining match.  I like CM Punk's new look better than his old one.  He always looked like he had greasy hair then.  Speaking of Wiki, seems like Serena is a real wrestler.  Why they don't have her doing anything is really annoying.  Speaking of real wrestlers, where's Beth Phoenix?  Aww, injuried.  At least she wasn't let go like Mickie James.

Melina v. Alicia Fox
Pretty good match as well.  I'm not sure what Melina's ring entrance outfit's supposed to symbolize?  A phoenix rising?  Anyways, her pants were quite interesting. Like OMG when I saw the front.  I'm sure it got a lot of people hot-n-bothered.  Anyways, Alicia is really coming along as a wrestler.  Still not quite up there for skills, but getting better at selling it.  Melina rocks as usual.  Loved her reaction when Laycool came in, though wished they showed more of it. Bad cameraman!  Not so happy she got her butt-kicked though.

Randy Orton v. Sheamus
D was complaining about how they're wussy-fying Sheamus.  I think Americans have a problem with heels who are articulate, funny, but also bad-ass.  So they have to make him less of a threat.  Although there's also the factor that he's the champion after only a year in the big leagues, so they might be trying to mollify people who think he's risen to fast w/o a good fan base. I like him.  Match was quite good as well.  Too bad Sheamus had to DQ to keep the title.

Rey Mysterio v. Kane
I don't think anyone believed that Mysterio took out Undertaker.  Aside that Mysterio's a face.  I never saw the storyline when it first started, so I don't know how Undertaker was taken out, but Mysterio's a small guy.  Not very likely he could physically do it. Anyways, good match.  I called that Undertaker would be in the casket.  Honestly, I thought it was a casket match, but it was just a regular match.  Could this be the return of Kane back to A-lister and not a A-list jobber?  Taker did look pretty tired coming out of the casket though.  Might be close to retirement.  Maybe he'll have a retirement match at Wrestlemania.

Team WWE v. Nexus
So I was pretty pissed when Nexus interfered in Kofi/Ziggler match since Nexus is RAW and not Smackdown.  Anyways, loved the commentary on the match, especially Cole ragging on Daniel Bryan.  He did pretty well in the match, good submission moves.  Not sure if he's supposed to be a submission specialist since I never watched...uh that show.   *looking up on WWE* Oh, Nxt.  Oh yeah, wasn't Kaval on TNA?  *checking Wiki again*  Yup, under Senshi.  Hey, who is the tag champions anyways?  It's sooooo off-radar, no one cares anymore.  Don't see any tag matches anymore.  So sad. 
Anyways, back to the match.  Jericho and Edge got good pop, about equal to Bret.  Expected R-truth to go out early.  Too bad Morrison did too.  They're not really pushing Morrison anymore.  Oh, and not choosing Miz sure came back to bite them.  Bret got eliminated how I expected, b/c they can't have him pinned, and he can't wrestle that long either.  But he got some good shots in, so we're satisfied.  Funny how they were ragging on Wade Barrett not doing much wrestling when Cena didn't do any at all until. he and Daniel were the only ones left.  Liked how Edge and Jericho beat on Cena, who did get them eliminated.  Or if you're a Cena fan, you could say it wasn't his fault. 

Some pretty good writing in the show, nice match constructions.  Overall, it was a good show.  My inner-mark wasn't completely satisfied but it was still worth the $16.75.  Yesh, maybe should think about ordering it instead if it's only $40.  But there weren't annoying marks around so it wasn't too bad.  Not too deaf...I think.