So I go to pick up the Employment Confirmment form that I'd requested on Wed, and drop off the medical reimbursement sheet, and pick up other forms that are needs from this reward program that's ending. The forms are supposed to be ready in 2 biz days, and HR was closed on Remembrance Day(unlike the rest of us) Yesterday when I went in, no one was at the counter and I could see the 2 people huddled in the back interviewing someone. So when I went back before it was supposed to close, they'd already locked the door.
So when I go in today on my 15 min break, no one's at the counter again, and the only people at the front look like they're taking the eligibility test. So I'm about to search the back again, and the girl pipes up and asks what I need. So I tell her that I'm there to pick up the forms I requested. She gives me a blank look and says she doesn't know where they are and I have to wait for this other girl Bitchpoo to return from her hour long lunch. So I tell her I'm on a break, and the forms are supposed to be ready by now, and does anyone else know where they are(cause I can hear other people in the back). She gets all uppity and says she's a temp so she doesn't know. And then this other guy comes out and asks what he could help me w/. So I repeat the same thing, and he doesn't know where they are either but at least he's more helpful and says that since I can't wait, he can take down my info to hand to Bitchpoo. So I give him my info, and then Bitchpoo walks in. By this time, I've already wasted 10 min of my 15 min break. And Bitchpoo also doesn't have the forms ready but tells me to sit down so she can print them out. Well I don't know why everyone tells me to sit down (the height advantage aka power advantage? I'm only 5'2") but I tell her that I can't wait for it, so she tells me to come in after work. Which is 8:30. And I tell her that they're closed by then, so she tells me she's going to leave it at Security. Well I don't really trust the competency of half the security people, but fine whatever.
So later, my TL pulled me off for some coaching and gave me some extra time to fiddle around w/ the program, so I ask him if I can head off to HR to see if they got my crap together, so he's ok w/ that. No one's at security, so I walk into HR, wait for the other person ahead of me to finish, and there's Bitchpoo at the counter. So I start saying there was no one at Security and that I'd just come in to see if she'd already given it to Security, and she huffs off to the back and gives me my stuff. And she goes "Oh, and I thought that you acted very rudely when you came in earlier..." Well excuuuse me! If I see incompetency, I don't react well when it's incompetency that can affect me. So I tell her well Sorry but I needed my stuff right away and no one seemed to know how to get it. And then she's gets all uppity and says "well can't you see that we're shortstaffed and have a lot of new people." Hey, it's not my problem if HR can't keep their own people, and can't train the new people on anything. Maybe that's why they always tell us to go online. So I tell her, "That's fine she's new, the other guy was great and he was new, but she could still apologize that she couldn't help" And she had the gall to ask why they should apologize. Heh, you know, w/ all the bull they give us about Quality and Good Customer service, we're all now trained to recognize good cust svc. And any time that something bad happens to the customer, even if it's their own bloody fault, we have to empathize and apologize for the INCONVENIENCE it has caused them or we'll lose marks. So I tell her that. Well, not the whole bit about training for quality, but that it was inconvenient for me. So I'm not sure if she got it or not, but she launches into her tirade again that I was rude, so I tell "the feeling's mutual". Then she's goes "well then I can get your OM and my supervisor and we can discuss it with them."
And while I'm trying to expl why I'm pissed, she keeps interrupting me and vice versa, so she tells me to shut up. So I let her go for couple min, but remember kiddies I'm still under coaching and don't have that much time to get into a catfight w/ her, and when she takes a breath, I launch in. And at this point, I'm so furious my hands are shaking and my voice is trembling. And I start gesturing to make my point and then she whines that she doesn't like me pointing at her. If it weren't for the counter between us, I'd be doing more than pointing. But I tell her I'm pointing at the sky which was where my finger stopped when she made her little protestation. And then she bitches at me that why did I make her have to do everything right away when I was my shift was over in an hour. So I had to repeat again that I'm only on coaching and it was only the blessing of my TL that I was able to come out, and that I didn't know that I would have time to come out. How disgusting that I even had to justify my visit. So I start talking and she starts interrupting, and I had to use the ResDesk phrase "I gave you the courtesy of letting you finish, now please give me the same courtesy of letting me speak." Yeah, how sad was it that I even had to use it?! So anyways, I finally get to tell her that I'm upset b/c expectation was set but not met, I had to waste 2 trips to get my stuff, and waste my break time. But I basically end w/ "well I apologize if I caused you offense, but it looks like it was a misunderstanding on both sides, but as long we both understand that, it's all fine. Thank you for the documents, I will get the other form that you didn't have from communications." Yes, I summarized the argument and I think Bitchpoo was kinda stunned b/c of that. There were people behind me but I walked out so fast, I didn't see who they were, but I'm sure they had fun afterwards. The kinda "wtf just happened?!" b/c they've probably seen me on the floor.
So right after I go tell my TL, and my TL was quite amused by it. Then while I'm on a call, Pile comes over and says he wnts to talk to me after the call. Well the call lasted about an hour and it was lunchtime. So I quickly go over to my TL and ask him if he knew what he wanted to talk to me about, so my TL tells me to let him know if Pile does talk to me. So when I tell him I'm going on lunch first, he just asks if I'm in the next day and he'll talk to me then. So when I tell my TL, my TL tells me that if it's about the HR incident, that I should request that my TL be there, but since my TL knows that I don't use tact except w/ customers (I don't mince words, it's just not in my nature. Hell I even told him that I have problems telling customers I can take care of their problem if I think I can't b/c it would be lying. ), he had to tell me what to say to Pile so that Pile doesn't take offense, b/c he has a really thin skin and doesn't forgive anything. The annoying part is my TL isn't in tomorrow(though I suppose that would be today, I have to go take a shower and go to sleep).
Yabara - Juné's New Venture
8 years ago
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