Migraine just keeps getting worse...

Monday, April 21, 2008


So really for all intents and purposes, today was going to be the day that I start applying myself on building and polishing my resume. I spent Saturday doing my usual stuff of going to Warp 1, grocery shopping for the week, listening to Quirks and Quarks and DNTO. Basically relaxing. Sunday was somewhat different from my usual stuff since I cleared out my 2 months of charity requests, didn't go onto Facebook, and worked out much later than usual. Played a lot of Rune Factory, a bit of Professor Layton, almost up to date on Animal Crossing.

So today begins, I somehow still manage to wake up at the same bloody time. Must be neighbour's alarm clock. And flipping D's too. Do some reading and Rune Factory in bed, eat brekky. Make cucumber and daikon pickles. Open up my resume, and use another of the tries on Microsoft Office. I figure I'd better get Wordperfect working instead, so try to see if any of Corel's patches will work. Realize I don't have much room on my HDD so it'd be a good idea to burn off my Pokemon episodes. Start on the 2nd disc, and decide to preview the 1st one since the computer came w/ 3 or 4 programs that can burn discs. Find out that all the previous 10 discs I burnt won't show all the files on my DVD player. Haul out my old monitor, hook up my old computer and find out that the files are corrupt. Toss them all away. Decide to try and use Windows Explorer/Computer to attempt burn. Find it causes my computer to crash.

By this time, I'm under the desk disconnecting my plugins for when I hooked up the old computer, and my cellphone rings. It's my supervisor telling me my 3 week LOA was denied and I have to go in on Wednesday. Well, I'm somewhat less than thrilled, and she tells me to ask the OM or SOM to find out why. Although I could probably guess, most of which comes to the fact that they have fired/lost so many agents that they can't afford to let any others take a break. Now I'm thinking if I should see if they'll approve a shorter LOA, or play my trump card that I'll quit if they don't give me 3 weeks. I have to decide if they do decide to call on my hand, whether or not I'm bluffing. (I'm not so good w/ card analogies, since I don't play much cards). There's really no point in staying, I won't get another raise, and it's not going to do anything more for my "career". However, like most places, it's really so you can keep in touch w/ your friends. And yes, I'm one of those people where it's outta sight, outta mind.

So after I rebooted the computer, I'm trying to find the patch for Corel, and now ALL of Corel's sites are down. Get error 500 which is very strange for a multi-national company. It tells me to save my resume in ASCII or html format, but I've never done that before. And of course w/ Corel's websites down, I don't know how. Which is precisely why I'm blogging to vent. Already taken 4 Tylenol Extra Strength. After using T3s, I need 2 extra strength pills all the time. Argh!!!!