Baggage Issues again

Thursday, July 10, 2008


So United's delayed my bags again. And their website doesn't work. I checked on it all day, and was still the same "Our representatives are processing your file. At this time we do not have any new information to share. Most of our delayed bags are located and returned within the first 24 hours. We will contact you as soon as your baggage is available and ready to be returned. We thank you for your patience." Just peachy, and I know there were several flights from Denver today (since I had plenty of opportunity to look at the board). So I called them just now, and their IVR is so freaking annoying. I'm like yelling at it, b/c if you don't talk loud it ignores you. And it asks me to say my last name. Well not everyone's last name is Smith, so it seemd to think Jose Pedro was correct. Piece of sh!t. Agent said that the bag's in Edmonton, but they don't know when it'll be delivered, but I can put a note on the door for where they can safedrop it. Right, I'm going to tell them to put a hockey bag at my door for 8 hrs, or open the garage for them. What a bunch of retards. At least at the hotel, there's the bellhop. And my stupid dad's like "oh I have to go out." To where?! You do f\/ck all every day, and you can't plant your ass for my luggage?!?! Pisses me off so much. Wonder if I can call in late tomorrow to work. It'll be like "yeah, sorry, but I'm going to have to stay at home until my luggage is delivered b/c my retired dad who does nothing all day decided that he just needs to go out today."

Speaking of my dad, I'm surprised my fish is still alive. How hard is it to take the uneaten food out of the jar after 5 min? He used an entire month's supply of food in a week, and there's a layer of dissolving pellets at the bottom of the jar. I was wondering why Akao was resting near the top instead of the bottom. The water was soo freaking disgusting. And I gave him instructions and all the stuff that he'd need to change the water and get the pellets out. Apparently too hard for him to remember anything other than feed the fish. So usually I put half the jar water into the margarine tub, but really I can only put in 1/4 b/c it's so gross. And this was after I put in 200 mL of fresh water last night.