Exploration, Exhaustion, and Ewwww! (Part 6 of LA Trip)

Monday, July 07, 2008


A backdated entry. That's right, if I killed my hand every night to document my trip, I'm darn-well gonna post my thoughts, even if it's been over a year since I've had them. Hah!
Today, we’re supposed to take the Metro and hit Little Tokyo, Chinatown, Toy District and some street H said. It’s 9:00 am, I’ve been up since 8:00 and H is still snoring away. And I think I’m getting sick. Nose dripping, throat sore and my left ear is aching. We were looking at using the laundry services at the hotel but it was sooo expensive. So I just washed my underoos every night and hung my clothes up to air out. And I do use different pair of underoos each day.

Okay, so we found the nearest Metro Rail station (which was right next to the hotel) but we’ve caught the Dash. Since the Dash only runs in downtown, it’s 25 cents for the fare, which is pretty cool. We’re going to Little Tokyo and Toy District.

Okay, we’re loaded with stuff from the Toy District. Man, should’ve hit this place first before going to AX. They have a lot of knockoffs but also a lotta discontinued stuff like Powerpuff Girls. Found the Barbie PSOne controller, but don’t know if it’ll work on the PS2 though, so I only bought 1. Pinkberry Shaved Ice Green Tea is awesome. Especially when it’s 29 degrees Celsius weather, and you’ve been walking outside for about 2 hrs. (Yes, we were given the weather in Fahrenheit, but who the hell understands that system anyways?) It was green tea syrup, mochi bits, kiwi, and maybe something else? Can’t really remember. Store decor was cute too. For some reason, you weren’t allowed to take pictures in the store.

Wandering around Little Tokyo. Ate mochi ice cream, and it was good. Lotta Hello Kitty and more importantly, Pokemon stuff. Bought a whole bunch of Pokemon stuff too. The guys working the cashier had trouble with English, which was pretty interesting. Guess it shows how strong of a community it is. Half the restaurants are sushi places. We ate at a place that offered ½ price salmon dishes that day. It was awesome b/c I looooove salmon. What’s surprising is how clean LA is. There’s not that much cigarette butts or coffee cups like in Edmonton. A woman even came into Fugetsu to throw away a slurpee cup she found on the street. However I have not really attempted to use their public washrooms. The only washrooms I’ve used outside the hotel were the airport, LACC, and some restaurant washrooms. IHOP’s was pretty good. But I have this horrible recurring nightmare where I need to go to washroom, and every toilet is filthy, missing doors, plugged, or graffitied. And the LAX washrooms weren’t completely filthy, but it had that vibe that felt like deja vu. H went to use the Union Station washroom, and she said that it was nasty and there was a woman in there changing her baby on the floor. The woman had another kid in a stroller, and had paper towels strewn all across the floor. Ewwwwww!

Supermarket prices are pretty cheap too. 89 cents for 1 L of Dasani water. We were thinking of picking up stuff for breakfast, but most of it involved having a kettle of hot water, bowls, utensils. And the other stuff needed to be refrigerated. Got lost trying to get back to the hotel because we didn’t know the Dash stopped at 7:50, so we had to find Union Station. I semi-packed my bags to see how much room I had left. I should be okay. But I have a lotta yaoi to ship. Damn censorship.