Shopping and scheduled events don't mix! Or Part 4 of the LA trip

Saturday, July 05, 2008


Backdated entry, I'm checking my burned copies of Pokemon: Indigo League b/c I'd had been having so many problems burning DVDs that I think it's broken. However these ones are doing pretty well, so it must be the programs.

IHOP 9:00a
Well, breakfast @ IHOP. Yesterday we went there for dinner b/c it was one of the few places open. H was really protesting going there and now she likes it. And the waiter was flirting w/ me. Could it be b/c I had my low-cut tank top, my hair done up w/ the hairstick and 2 tendrils of hair framing my face? He said that he wanted to go to AX to, but couldn't. Oh well, it's a bit strange to be flirted w/ but I'm dressed up more than what I wear @ home.

LACC 11:15a
Went there to see panel about turning Anime into Videogames, and it's cancelled. Oh well, we'll go to the Robot Chicken panel at 12:00 then. Have to exchange a DS Pokemon bag b/c I wanted the Animal Crossing one but didn't notice they put in the wrong one b/c they're both blue and I was buying like 6
other things at the same time. Yah, they exchanged it...oh but the Pokemon bag was designed better. :( Do more shopping.

LACC 1:48p
Crud, missed Robot Chicken panel. Too busy shopping and there's soooo much yaoi. Paranormal Japan panel was @ 1:00 too. *sigh* Guess we're not going to Traditional Dance either. We've barely covered 1/3 the dealer's room.

LACC 4:00p
Okay, well it's time for food. John said Bus 4 should take us by Little Tokyo, so off we go. Oh yeah, John is this guy that I met when I was waiting for shuttle at the hotel last night. I wanted to go back to see the Anime in China panel, and H didn't want to go. So while we were waiting, he started chatting me up. On afterthought, I shouldn't have told him where I worked and such. Oh well. Anyways, while we were waiting for the shuttle last night, this African-American walked into the hotel area and was angrily shouting something about how he was getting f*cked around and things like that. But when a bunch
of us started looking at him, he doubled back into the area, so we quickly turned around and ignored him.

LACC 4:15p
Where the heck are we? There's nothing Japanes looking around here, although we did see the Mayan Theatre. There didn't seem to be anything Japanese looking at the Kawada Hotel, so we got off @ the Omni Hotel. Argh!! And there bwas nothing to eat around at the Watercourt except Famima's. Great. Local tells us it's a 10 walk to Little Tokyo from the Watercourt. So we decided to go back to LACC to get a map. ...Okay, we it seems we shoulda stopped @ Kawada and walked 3 blocks down. Geez.

Little Tokyo 5:00p

Alright, in outskirts of Little Tokyo. We decide to eat at a sushi place but it's $26 for the chirashi!! So I have ochazuke w/ ume(shoulda chosen something else. Getting too salty), grilled mackeral and sashimi salad instead. It's so good though. Go to Kinnokuya in the same plaza, but they have no Kizuna or Finders. When we were in the dealer's room, one of the dealer told us that Yamane-sensei wasn't happy w/ how BeBeautiful treated the Finders series so another publisher may reprint it. I hope so, her stuff is pretty explicit and soooo hot. Anyways, back to Kinnokuya, they didn't have any Angelique or KOF. There were a bunch of Pokemon books, but I didn't get any. Bags are full enough. Darn supermarket's closed already. Head back to Kawada. Took a pic of the Disney Concert Hall where the bomb in Get Smart was planted.

LACC 8:30p
Miss the L movie. Oh well. Hung around until the Advanced Para Para and realize shoulda went to the the Beginners class first. Okay, go to arcade to show H was it is. Have to shush a pack of screaming girls who think it's easier to scream across a crowded noisy room than walk over to that person. Puzzle Fighter rules. A few people were playing KOF XI, but what's the point of dropping quarters when you have it at home? Eh, no anime worth staying up late to see.

Wilshire Grand 10:00p
H is still arguing w/ Air Canada. Still has no bag.