Thursday, August 25, 2005


I'm sure everyone's had their fair share of problems with the Human Resources Dept, if they have one that is. In my job, we do have a special office set up for them. A nice little posh area. And when we go in for help, they tell us to go to the website for Human Resources. Not just for info on policies and benefits but for -everything-. You want a letter of employment? Go on HRD. Don't work here anymore so login doesn't work? Too bad, and that is the god-honest truth that they told someone that. Yes, they are a bunch of a**holes. When we were in our managerial training, one of our biggest beefs was the people at HR. They're just a joke to us.

So now they're not printing out our paystubs anymore and want us to view it online. Ok, fine save the trees and all. But the website will not load properly on anything other than IE. So risking viruses, keyloggers, trojans I open up my IE. Well, now the paystub won't load either. Try to send back feedback. Instead of a handy form you can fill out, they've decided to set up a Java-based message board. Which after waiting 2 min for it to load (and I have cable modem, and it's in the middle of the night), it finally shows me something. Well nice to see that I'm not the only one w/ this problem. Have to double click on a topic to read it. No way to get to next message in the thread other than going back. Great, doesn't show me which message I read or even get me back to where I was in the message board. I have to remember who I read and re-find the topic again. And right now, it's displaying nothing. Literally, it has that kinda ghost image from my other pages which I click on the window, I can see what I'm typing on this window in the other window in the area where the Java is.

And I'm sure if I go to them asking for paper stubs, they'll tell me to print it off the website. Our company underwent a good lopping off the top(lots of operation managers were laid off) and if there's one dept that needs trimming, it's HR. Useless f*ckwads.