
Monday, August 15, 2005


So I went into my email program cause I need to send an email to to one of my friends about the party, and lo and behold, I have comments! Comments!!... wow... It's so cool... It's so weird. I didn't think anyone would find my little blog in the morass of live journals, blogs or just personal websites. Yeah, I was squealing like Woody Allen... on helium! Yup purty darn exciting! So I guess I'm going to get fired for all the stuff I wrote about work. Heh heh. Actually there's a whole message board dedicated to how much the company sucks. But anyways, thank you so much for reading! I can't deny the fact that you like me! You like me!! ;P So will Sally Field be remembered for anything other than that quote? Hah!

Damn, HBK just interfered in the match btwn Angle-Hogan and I didn't see how. Ah, sharpshooter! But Hogan's knees are too gimpy to bend! Michaels nearly falls on his face trying to turn him over!! Well, that was fun. What happened to Angle? Shoulda had Angle trashing Hogan too. The best submission was when Angle was doing the Ankle Lock and Chris Benoit was doing the Crippler Crossface. Don't remember who the poor jobber was, but that was totally nasty-cool. What's with those T-shirts being torn that way? Where they basically take off the sleeves and the sides of the shirt so it's like a poncho thing. It doesn't look good guys. I don't care if it's easier to take off, it's just silly.

Well, Daily Show was funny w/ Steve Carrell on. It's a lost art to get people to laugh when all you do for 5 min is just look at each other. I don't remember if I've mentioned Daily Show before, but it really one of my primary news sources, aside from CBC and reports from BBC. It's certainly less biased than CNN, and has more intelligence than ... CNN. CNN's just always on the TVs in the lunchroom, so I'm really sick of it.