Gummy Bears |
You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute. |
Friday, December 30, 2005
Well Dec was certainly busy. There was the moving. That went off a little earlier than I planned b/c we were suddenly told that we were going into training, which changed my schedule. So I booked off a couple days to do that. Had to call in sick to work b/c of my back too. J and M helped w/ the move. And J somehow, somehow, I don't have a f*cking clue how, broke my Malm dresser. Not like a corner as if he suddenly dropped it, but the cross brace in the front. And it's not the like bottom one either, but one in the middle, and from the direction of the break the only way that could've been done is if he was trying to carry it by the brace. The decorative brace that's held in place by 2 wood pegs and 2 screws. And it'll be near impossible to fix. So thanks a f*cking lot for breaking my lovely dresser that I'd decorated b/c I liked it so much. It's functionality is also compromised b/c 1 dresser will be fully exposed to the elements, which means I can't put my manga in there anymore. Sure my manga may be in bags, but sunlight can still get in. So now it's out in the living room, b/c 1) it pisses me off every time I look at it 2) there's no room for it in my bedroom. Well actually I might've been able to make room, but I don't want to. J said he'd buy a new one, but what am I gonna do w/ another one? Whatever.
Living w/ a roommate has been... frustrating. He's a nice guy and all, but not very good at cleaning. He has all the supplies, but seems to forget to use them. Actually he does that a lot. I think if it were for the fact that I made supper (cause I get home earlier) and have leftovers in the fridge, he might forget to eat. Actually he forgets a lotta stuff. Lotta veggies in there that he bought and hasn't used. And there was the deli turkey slices he bought and forgot about. I hope cooking them killed the bacteria. Or tomorrow I'm calling in sick b/c of food poisoning. Although at least he's good at saying my cooking's okay. Guess all those hours of Food Network is paying off. Although I tend to cook at lot b/c I don't like have to make something every night. Leftovers are fine for dinner, lunch, breakfast.
Training was ...annoying. Aside from having to get up gawdawful early to get there. Just reading a bunch of generic useless stuff which had no bearing on any of the calls. Simulation that was focussed on stuff we'll forget or don't normally do. Threw us onto the floor w/ no chance to watch the systems being used. Just b/c "we're experienced reps." Well, we're experienced all right, at bullsh*tting our way thru explanations and asking the custs to hold while we frantically flag down a RH to help us pay a bill. It was quite horrid. Didn't understand the layout of the invoice until I had to expl it. Still don't have a bunch of passwords. I have over 30 passwords now b/c I've been trained on 3 systems, and also have management passwords.
Anyways going to a b-day party tonight for JR. The rest of them are going to take him to a strip club afterwards. I'm not very partial to going b/c I don't wanna have to throw my clothes in the wash the minute I get home. Sorry not too thrilled on that. As for the naked girls, it's more like I wouldn't know where to look. It's not an "ewwwww" reaction, but just I'm sure my thoughts will be "fake, fake, horrible make up job, wow that's a good split...a really good split. She's got a nice @ss." The odd fascination w/ something I don't care about but can't stop looking. And the sad part is that it's the same reaction w/ male strippers. I really did look over the wall to watch the WWF match instead.
Monday, December 26, 2005
It's been a while, but I'm back online to update. It's not like I didn't have stuff to talk about. Gawd, moved to a place of my own, albeit w/ a roommate. Got trained in a new project at work and then thrown to take calls w/o ever seeing the system being used. But to the stuff that's top of my wonky little head: Xmas.
Aw screw off about the Xmas and Christmas thing. Don't care about gods and even if I did, the Christian one would be bottom of the list b/c it's 95% propaganda, 5% historical truth. So it was my first Xmas being away from my family. Not that we'd ever done much of anything since, oh about 5 years ago. Last couple of Dec 25 have been saying "thanks for x" when we see each other around the house. Often my brother and Dad wouldn't open their prez until after boxing day. And forget about dinner, don't even have anything special. But I emailed my 2nd bro to see what was happening. Iit was kinda like "well I'm not living at home, maybe you guys will try to do something special?". And b/c I was working that day, to do Duty, I was going to be at work until 7. Well my big bro was bringing the nieces over, but they were going to a dinner so wouldn't be there if I were to show up. So I ask my 2nd bro, if they were having anything after, and it was nada. Zip, Really it was the usual nothing that happens on Dec 25, but it still upset me. Can't believe it got to me, but I guess I shouldn't get any hopes up around them. It's not like they care, as they've made abundantly clear over the years. But I guess I'm that beaten puppy, still come back hoping for a bone. Before I'd moved out officially, my Dad had found pots and stuff that he didn't need and told me if there was something else I wanted, that I could just let him know before I grabbed it so he wouldn't try looking for it. That started tearing me up b/c it was so damn nice of him. How sad that I'd be so elated at something that for other families are normal.
Anyways I ended up spending Xmas day reading the paper; clipping items I wanted on Boxing Day; learning to yo yo(I can get it to return several times, but then it seems to tangle up) drawing a pic of Inu-Yasha w/ a Santa hat and sack; and having IM chats w/ JR. I called about 8 people over 9 hrs. That's it. Was nice and quiet, wish every day was like that. I called Bern and RJS on the phone b/c I hadn't seen Bern since she quit, but Bern somehow managed to leave me a xmas card in my folder. RJS I saw at his new job and talked a couple minutes, but I thought it'd be nice to wish him a Merry Xmas. After that, I ended up going to J's family Xmas dinner, and met some of his relatives. I think my last few Xmas dinners have been spent w/ them actually. Huhn. Anyways, called A and TT, and did the whole merry xmas w/ them too.
And Boxing Day. Ah, that vaulted day of consumerism. Well in the British colonies anyways. USA has no clue what it is. Actually I was originally scheduled to work today, but b/c I volunteered for the Duty shift on Xmas, I asked the replacment SLR TL to give me today off. Otherwise I'd have to hunt for someone to trade w/ me, and that usually sucks. So I was able to shop today, and shop I did. Started at 8 and went all around the city w/ J. Bought a lotta stuff, first got a TV bench from IKEA and a few other things. Was quite disappointed w/ the "sale" at BestBuy, Futureshop, Toys'R'us, Zellers. Didn't wanna be trampled w/ Walmart. Only hit one mall, and it was one that hardly anyone goes to anyways, so it wasn't bad. Very disappointed w/ EB Games. Last year they had a big sale, but nada at the store we went to. The store was still busy though. But my Mecca of shopping was nice. Had 30% off everything, so got the DMP yaoi manga for my bud H, and some DVDs. Ended up spending about $200. Also went to a liquidation place, and found a lotta LOTR stuff, so that's for my 2nd bro's b-day and xmas. Yeah, I shop early. So while we were having sushi for dinner, I remembered that I was wanting something else at IKEA but forgotten to see if it was on sale. Since there was still another 3 hrs before IKEA closed, J relented to driving back there. It wasn't on sale but at least I know what size I needed. So I go to him, "are you going to be mad if I don't buy it b/c I made you drive all the way here?" And he goes "Well then I can come here w/ you again to pick it up later. You know I like shopping w/ you." Well okay, that's good.
So while we were driving back home, I get a call from A, b/c TT thought that I was going karaoke tonight, but I'd already told A that I was going to be too pooped to do that, and A just wanted to make sure about that. So of course J asks, "who's that?" So I'm like A, who has the same name as my 2nd bro. So J makes some comment, and I go "No, it's a different A." "Oh is he from work?" says J. "Yeah." J asks, yes asks "Are you going out w/ him?" *blink blink* "No, he just wanted to know if I wanted to go karaoke, but I'd told him that I was going shopping and didn't wanna go karaoke tonight. I wanna go karaoke, b/c I've never been but A always picks the worst days to go karaoke. " Well it was pretty f*cking silent in the car after that. No response after I chattered about my progress in Star Ocean, and I always have to listen to him whine about how hard and boring it is to play Baten Kaitos and how there's no good games for the GC. And then when J was helping me lug my haul to my apt, he was really curt and basically just dumped my stuff. Ya know what? Don't ask if you don't wanna know, and if the answer wasn't what you wanted to hear, then you probably shouldn't have requested a response in the first place. So I really have no sympathy for him. As usual. D, H's hubby, says that it's amazing how I have him wrapped around my finger, but you know what? I'm not wrapping him around my finger, he's wrapping himself around my finger, and I've tried several times to get him off, but I'm not amputating my hand.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Feebas is dead. He died of constipation. Yes, it's true, my fish died b/c it couldn't poo.
For the last couple days, geez maybe it's been almost a week, he hasn't really shat, and started to lose his appetite. Sometimes he'll just do that, so I didn't worry about that. Then he just started lying at the bottom of the jar among the roots, which was still part of his behaviour, but usually only when he's sleeping. And he still tells me to piss off when I touch him w/ the popsicle stick. And he didn't have a popping eye, wasn't covered w/ any growths or swimming funny. So after a couple days I looked it up, and yup, seemed like constipation. So one of the remedies is pea. Which I guess is a good laxative for people and fish alike. Unfortunately pea meat doesn't float. So I had threaded it and was dragging it thru the water trying to entice him to nibble it. Nope, never, ain't gonna happen. From a fish that has 4 diff foods and will only eat the most expensive. And it's not like I could shove it down his throat.
So this morning when I woke up and went to see if he'd be interested in eating pea now, after having nothing for several days, he's at the bottom of of the jar by the roots again. But his gills aren't moving. So I drag the pea on a string by him, no response. Poke him w/ the popsicle stick. Nada. Really poke at him w/ the stick and kinda turned him. Okay, definitely going down the toilet. So that's where he is now, somewhere in the sewers. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, water to water.
I will be getting a new fish. After I move into my apt and get things a little settled. My plant likes to have fish poop as fertilizer. The root development on it is phenomenal. And I will be starting it on flakes. Gotta get rid of those flakes.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Okay, no foolin'. I forgot my nephew's name. All I could remember was that it was really common and boring and I didn't think it was that great. So I had to look thru my blog to find it. *sigh* It's true.
Anime Xmas music is so cool.
I'm moving... So I should be packing.... So I should be cleaning.... So I should stop typing.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
So Pile is on his vacation, and I'm still doing SLR stuff. My supervisor thought that what would happen is that they'd pull me off SLR duties for a while as punishment b/c I represent management. Everytime he says that I laugh my ass off b/c I haven't done any management stuff in months. Just stuck on the phones. Apparently 3 OMs got involved in the whole thing. My OM said to just forget about it, both were wrong, and she admitted to it and apologized, it's beating a dead horse. Another OM wanted the punishment, and I couldn't figure why until I remembered she was the one who complained about my behaviour after I told quite politely that I felt I was being punished for something I didn't do when they wouldn't let me go on a biz trip b/c their system wasn't working.
Anyhoo, today at work, they were tarring the roof, and the fumes seeped into the centre. People were leaving in droves and when the agents mentioned safety and health regulations concerning pay, which sounded perfectly logical, management denied that the fumes were toxic. Great. Nice to know management looks out for workers' health. Anyways I made the mistake about caring about reps pay and sick days and wrote that in a note to a supervisor and got into sh!t for it. I'm such a troublemaker.
But it's nice to see some of my sticklertude pay off for something. There's this one supervisor who just doesn't do his job. Whenever reps want to go home, they have to go to their supervisor first. But when the supervisor is off, then it can get a bit vague. In a meeting, we'd decided that the rep goes to another supervisor and only if no supervisors are avail, do they go to Duty manager to be signed out. Well this supervisor will send all reps back to Duty Manager, even when they're his reps. And then when I insisted that he's supposed to sign the reps out, he goes to Pile to complain. And Pile wrote that the reps are supposed to go to Duty if their supervisor and supervisor partner's not around. And Pile claimed to have talked to me about it. Well...the manager in charge of the Duty Desk came up to me, and told me that I was totally right for insisting that reps go to supervisors to be signed out, Pile was completely wrong, and the stupid supervisor has been coached on proper procedure. It's so nice to be vindicated.
Mailed a package to my friend w/ all her books. 4.213 KG!!!!! Can you believe it?? And b/c the box was too big, it couldn't go as small package. Paid almost $60 for postage, and added insurance too, which only cost $2. Argh!!!! Everyone I tell about the cost, just says they hope she's sending me something. Which she is. So it's all good.
I dunno what's wrong w/ the stream for Anime Hardcore, it just won't start up. So I'm listening to Enka & More, and it's different. It's not bad, they have enka for the opening theme for Tsukikage Ran. It's very dramatic, actually kinda makes me think of Chinese Opera but not as high-pitched warbling screeching. Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of that stuff.
"Intellectually" Intelligent You're 'Intellectually Intelligent.' That pretty much means that you're good with theoretical ideas and concepts - but this comes to you naturally. More or less, you're a natural brainiac. Good for you. 40% theoretical intelligence 40% natural intelligence | ||||
Take this quiz at |
Yeah, that's me, I'm not focussed on having to learn by reading or listening or doing. I can learn either way, and of course it's better to reinforce it by doing all of it. I'm known to rewrite key points in a notebook, in addition to colour-coordinating highlighting the book and writing my oft-sarcastic comments next to it. I can read a crochet/knitting diagrams and generally figure them out even though I can't read Chinese. And although it's not mentioned in the quiz, generally I'm balanced btwn being creative and logical. ...Though I like to freak out every so often.
Update on Pile, I was discussing w/ my friend that the next time he calls on me, I'll just do the John Cena thing w/ waving my hand in front of my face and saying " You can' t see me" and walk away. That'll mess his head. Bwahahahahaha!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
You are basicly the one who keeps to your self!You
like to be alone,but you secretly love the hero
you travel with.^.^
What would your role be in anime? (Girls Only)
brought to you by Quizilla
Well, they've got the first part right. But secretly in love w/ the hero I travel w/? Well it sure isn't J b/c he's my sidekick. He's never taken charge. So hero would be who I'd follow. But who'd I follow? Could it be...O_o
brought to you by Quizilla
I really don't get it, but it was a lot better than some of the other results. Check out the one for P!$$.
So I was telling everyone on Monday that I was going to be crucified. Well, I know it seems a bit dramatic, but really, who's going to be scapegoated? The SLR who has good quality but crappy stats, or the only HR person that has any idea where things are. I wasn't Kasumi from Ranma, I was more like Akane and very willing and ready to whip out a mallet, barbell, kendo sword, .... wait, I have to listen to Sanzo sing "Game". ...
Oh that was lovey. Oh and "Blow Winds" is next...*dreamy sigh* The three of them sound soooo good together. It's too bad that Akira Ishida is too traumatized to sing anymore. Some jerk said his voice wasn't very good a long time ago and he hasn't sung a char song since. Unless it's in a huge group like Capt. Animate's "Double Dear" where there were 8 seiyuus singing. Well that was a little off topic.
Anyways, in the email I wrote and edited, my TL said I came across as a bit aggressive. Except I couldn't rewrite it before he sent it to the OM b/c my stupid Lotus at work was dead, and I didn't see Gary around to fix it. Although he fixed it for me the next day, but I think it was too late for that purpose. Anyways, on Monday, I did't get crucified b/c my TL was away b/c there was a problem w/ his wife's pregnancy. I'm not sure what it was, but probably the bad kind. I sorta feel bad that I benefited from their troubles but at least the drawing and quartering has been delayed. Now if I could just avoid me and my TL being there on the same day that Pile works until he goes on vacation, maybe I'll be all clear. But really, I never used profanity or flipped her off. I treated her w/ a hell lot more respect than the customers treat us, but you don't see us constantly going "oh you're so rude, I'm going to hang up" Grow some balls Bitchpoo!
Again, I missed the opportunity to go out w/ friends and do afterwork activity. One of the RSD had a b-day party and I was invited, but had to decline. Oh well, I guess I shouldn't kvetch, I got a ride home. But since I need to build up my supportive network at work for this HR crap, it would've been a good opportunity.
Wow, finally found the song. I'd burned a couple CDs and didn't label them right away, so since I had the time I thought I'd do it. I found the playlist for one of them, but I couldn't find it for the other. So I've been trying to find each track again in my huge list of mp3s. Which is a lotta songs to try to match. The sad part is that I could sing or hum most of them, but I have no clue where they're from. Some of them I'll get a good guess and pick it out right away after looking thru the list, but "Fun Fun & Shout" from Jungle wa Itsumo Hare Nochi Guu forced me to load my entire mp3 folder. Mind you I have 4 sets of mp3 folders, which avg 300 files each.
So finally got A and TT to get H's prez. Well TT didn't go b/c he's working but he's going to pay me back, but hauled A into Warp. As expected, he didn't have the list of what H wanted, so I'd already written it out. It was a bit annoying to hear him complain about having to spend so much and it was just to get 1 manga. Considering I've probably spent over $150 for her, him complaining about spending less than 10% was irritating. After we went for dinner b/c that's all he could talk about. Had an all you could eat, and he ordered 6 tamago negiri, 2 plates of beef teriyaki, and 18 salmon maki. That's it. The menu was pretty big, but nope, that's all he ordered. Which he didn't finish. I had about 6 of his maki and then had to rock-paper-scissors/ja-ken-pon him for the remaining 2 separately which I lost, so I said I'd have 1 and then we'd have to throw again, but he said I was supposed to have the last 2. Which I refused b/c I'd had 3 mackeral, 2 squid, 2 toro, 1 baked oyster, 1 seafood (crap forgot what it's called b/c never had it before but it was gooooooood), 2 cones, 3 gyoza, 1 sunomono, 1 veggie tempura dish. So he ended up hiding it in the napkin b/c otherwise would have to pay $0.88 for leftovers. Argh, I'm still stuffed and it's been 6 hours.
Friday, November 18, 2005
I didn't cry as much for the Smackdown tribute, I guess b/c it's been a couple of days and I've been able to get used to it. But it was still horribly sad. The cruiserweight was pretty cool. I think Benoit was really out of it for the first couple minutes of the match, and HHH was carrying him for a while. Seeing Chavo again was great, and I didn't know it was Chavo that found Eddie. That must've been so hard.
I wonder when we'll find out how Eddie died. ...*searching online*...Oh...well at least he didn't suffer. I kinda thought it might be his heart, b/c of his past drug abuse. Road life is superhard. Here's a really good article on the official release of his death.
So my day was spent sleeping for about 2 1/ hrs cause I got a call from Robert just before I was going to go to bed. I miss that crazy Aussie. Joanna's throwing a housewarming party for his new apt, but aside from the fact that I'm working that day, J's also picking me up from work so I can't do any afterwork activities. Yesterday night, I was invited by Rebecca and Chris to go out for a drink b/c we'd all had lousy days, but I couldn't go out again. So it's like how I told Robert, once I move into the new place, I'll be able to do more stuff b/c I'll be close enough to work that I won't need a drive (15 min walk close enough?) Although that's assuming I'm still working there. F*ckers. (Yes, I just throw it out every so often when I think of them)
How's about a joke? When does HR work?
Only when they're in the same sentence. Hehehe
Oh yes, about my day, I spent it shopping for the rest of the books that Helen wanted. And I got meself a Naruto pillow w/ Iruka and Kakashi on one side and Sakura and Sasuke on the other. Except the girl at the counter kept pressing down on it when she was trying to figure out how to ring it in. So I'm getting super-antsy b/c I don't know where her hands been, but I just ask her in a joking way to stop de-fluffing my pillow, so she puffed it up for me. Gave it a wash though. Not sure how to wash those types of pillows. B/c I think it's silk-screened on a nylon/polyester fabric w/ polyester filling. So I just put some soap on a cloth and washed the surface. It's wierd too, Iruka is spelled Ruka on the pillow. I hope it's not a knockoff. I'd hate to think I spent $20 for nothing. Especially so I'd have 2 pillows w/ Iruka on it. I'd like to have him as my sensei. And it's not just so I could listen to him all day. *lecherous grin*
Yeah, finally d/l Ai no Kusabi, and burned it to disk. Watched it on my tele w/ my headphones on. Skipped to the good parts. Stopped breathing and blinking a couple times. And can officially say that Seki Toshihiko has the sexiest voice. A lotta knuckle-biting.
*sigh* I don't wanna go to bed. B/c that means I'll have to go to work. And I don't wanna go to work b/c it sucks. Or should I say it'd be ok if 2 people were eliminated from there. *sigh* Oh shat, I left laundry in the washer. I hate it when it starts to dry...and smell. Yuck!
*listening to "Toki ni Ai wa... " and it's hard to sing and type at the same time*
Saw Genji for $29.99, which is a really good price for a new game. Except it only has about 8-10 playtime. But the main char is soooooo cute. I dunno if I should get it.
Okay, gotta get laundry.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
So part 2 of the HR incident.
Pile pulls me aside, not when I'm on the phone, but when I finally get off the phone to watch over the floor activities. Prick. F*ck your production minutes. I don't know why he's in charge of Lead Reps. We're like thoroughbred horses, treat us right and we'll win races. Treat us like crap, and we'll kick down the barn. He doesn't know how to manage us at all. Anyways he says that "he wants to hear my side of the story." Bull f*cking sh!t. I don't need to incriminate myself especially with his f*cked up interpretation of things. He'll find offence in anything. I think I know why I don't like him so much. It's b/c he reminds me of my middle brother. So I tell him I want my TL, and he says he's my TL b/c he writes up the Performance Appraisal and my TL just does my TKS. What really happens is that my TL sends Pile all the information, and would write up the PA if they'd let him. Whatever. I get more "Hi!"s from an OM than I do from Pile.
Anyways I email my TL what happened but b/c the work firewall prevents access to blogs, so after I got home, I had to add more things. Argh. Anyways, another craptastic day. Actually even the tastic isn't there b/c one of my friends had to go home b/c her back seized up. Didn't get any crochet done, totally forgot when I was supposed to come back from lunch so I had a super long break. Just spectacular. This day warrants a Death Note and I know whose name I'd write.
The Animal Spirit!
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Hmm, animal spirit. Probably why I don't have a lot of tact and get straight to the point. And think kids should be drowned if they're acting like idiots. Or if someone drives into the lightpost b/c they're DWI, they deserve the wheelchair or coffin. And if aliens can do better w/ the planet(which probably won't be hard), then they should enslave the humans. And if it weren't for the allergies, I would like to be a vet, although it'd be hard to down the animals b/c a lot of them are abandoned. And I hate insects too, so that'd be hard too.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
So I go to pick up the Employment Confirmment form that I'd requested on Wed, and drop off the medical reimbursement sheet, and pick up other forms that are needs from this reward program that's ending. The forms are supposed to be ready in 2 biz days, and HR was closed on Remembrance Day(unlike the rest of us) Yesterday when I went in, no one was at the counter and I could see the 2 people huddled in the back interviewing someone. So when I went back before it was supposed to close, they'd already locked the door.
So when I go in today on my 15 min break, no one's at the counter again, and the only people at the front look like they're taking the eligibility test. So I'm about to search the back again, and the girl pipes up and asks what I need. So I tell her that I'm there to pick up the forms I requested. She gives me a blank look and says she doesn't know where they are and I have to wait for this other girl Bitchpoo to return from her hour long lunch. So I tell her I'm on a break, and the forms are supposed to be ready by now, and does anyone else know where they are(cause I can hear other people in the back). She gets all uppity and says she's a temp so she doesn't know. And then this other guy comes out and asks what he could help me w/. So I repeat the same thing, and he doesn't know where they are either but at least he's more helpful and says that since I can't wait, he can take down my info to hand to Bitchpoo. So I give him my info, and then Bitchpoo walks in. By this time, I've already wasted 10 min of my 15 min break. And Bitchpoo also doesn't have the forms ready but tells me to sit down so she can print them out. Well I don't know why everyone tells me to sit down (the height advantage aka power advantage? I'm only 5'2") but I tell her that I can't wait for it, so she tells me to come in after work. Which is 8:30. And I tell her that they're closed by then, so she tells me she's going to leave it at Security. Well I don't really trust the competency of half the security people, but fine whatever.
So later, my TL pulled me off for some coaching and gave me some extra time to fiddle around w/ the program, so I ask him if I can head off to HR to see if they got my crap together, so he's ok w/ that. No one's at security, so I walk into HR, wait for the other person ahead of me to finish, and there's Bitchpoo at the counter. So I start saying there was no one at Security and that I'd just come in to see if she'd already given it to Security, and she huffs off to the back and gives me my stuff. And she goes "Oh, and I thought that you acted very rudely when you came in earlier..." Well excuuuse me! If I see incompetency, I don't react well when it's incompetency that can affect me. So I tell her well Sorry but I needed my stuff right away and no one seemed to know how to get it. And then she's gets all uppity and says "well can't you see that we're shortstaffed and have a lot of new people." Hey, it's not my problem if HR can't keep their own people, and can't train the new people on anything. Maybe that's why they always tell us to go online. So I tell her, "That's fine she's new, the other guy was great and he was new, but she could still apologize that she couldn't help" And she had the gall to ask why they should apologize. Heh, you know, w/ all the bull they give us about Quality and Good Customer service, we're all now trained to recognize good cust svc. And any time that something bad happens to the customer, even if it's their own bloody fault, we have to empathize and apologize for the INCONVENIENCE it has caused them or we'll lose marks. So I tell her that. Well, not the whole bit about training for quality, but that it was inconvenient for me. So I'm not sure if she got it or not, but she launches into her tirade again that I was rude, so I tell "the feeling's mutual". Then she's goes "well then I can get your OM and my supervisor and we can discuss it with them."
And while I'm trying to expl why I'm pissed, she keeps interrupting me and vice versa, so she tells me to shut up. So I let her go for couple min, but remember kiddies I'm still under coaching and don't have that much time to get into a catfight w/ her, and when she takes a breath, I launch in. And at this point, I'm so furious my hands are shaking and my voice is trembling. And I start gesturing to make my point and then she whines that she doesn't like me pointing at her. If it weren't for the counter between us, I'd be doing more than pointing. But I tell her I'm pointing at the sky which was where my finger stopped when she made her little protestation. And then she bitches at me that why did I make her have to do everything right away when I was my shift was over in an hour. So I had to repeat again that I'm only on coaching and it was only the blessing of my TL that I was able to come out, and that I didn't know that I would have time to come out. How disgusting that I even had to justify my visit. So I start talking and she starts interrupting, and I had to use the ResDesk phrase "I gave you the courtesy of letting you finish, now please give me the same courtesy of letting me speak." Yeah, how sad was it that I even had to use it?! So anyways, I finally get to tell her that I'm upset b/c expectation was set but not met, I had to waste 2 trips to get my stuff, and waste my break time. But I basically end w/ "well I apologize if I caused you offense, but it looks like it was a misunderstanding on both sides, but as long we both understand that, it's all fine. Thank you for the documents, I will get the other form that you didn't have from communications." Yes, I summarized the argument and I think Bitchpoo was kinda stunned b/c of that. There were people behind me but I walked out so fast, I didn't see who they were, but I'm sure they had fun afterwards. The kinda "wtf just happened?!" b/c they've probably seen me on the floor.
So right after I go tell my TL, and my TL was quite amused by it. Then while I'm on a call, Pile comes over and says he wnts to talk to me after the call. Well the call lasted about an hour and it was lunchtime. So I quickly go over to my TL and ask him if he knew what he wanted to talk to me about, so my TL tells me to let him know if Pile does talk to me. So when I tell him I'm going on lunch first, he just asks if I'm in the next day and he'll talk to me then. So when I tell my TL, my TL tells me that if it's about the HR incident, that I should request that my TL be there, but since my TL knows that I don't use tact except w/ customers (I don't mince words, it's just not in my nature. Hell I even told him that I have problems telling customers I can take care of their problem if I think I can't b/c it would be lying. ), he had to tell me what to say to Pile so that Pile doesn't take offense, b/c he has a really thin skin and doesn't forgive anything. The annoying part is my TL isn't in tomorrow(though I suppose that would be today, I have to go take a shower and go to sleep).
Monday, November 14, 2005
Watching RAW righ now...and it's so....unbelievable that Eddie Guerrero could be gone. I checked and they haven't released why he died in his hotel room. I just hope it wasn't drugs...b/c he'd fought so hard to get his life back together after having so many problems w/ them. Watching the things he's done over the years, just brings back so many fun memories. My favourite is the Lie, Cheat 'n' Steal w/ Chavo. That was just too funny, and you never felt bad for the victims b/c it was all so obvious or they deserved it. A sorta Robin Hood justice I suppose.
Watching the matches. And they're really wrestling w/ their hearts out. The tag champ match was a pretty funny, and helped you get into enjoying the wrestling. Angle-Benjamin was a solid tech match. HBK-Mysterio was absolutely awesome. I'm quite surprised by the Diva match. That was very good, and displayed their talents. I'd like to see Malina wrestle more, she's a little spitfire.
I think I really noticed Eddie when he wooed Chyna. I always knew he was there when he arrived from WCW, and the rep and talent he carried. But I think I noticed his personality w/ Chyna. I was actually first kinda ticked at him, b/c I thought Chyna was too good and you knew he was planning something. But he was so funny and goofy, it was sweet.
*sniff* Listening to everyone talk about Eddie is just so sad. You just hope that when it's your time, others will talk the same way about you. *sob* Gawd, when they start crying, I do too. I dunno, I guess I'm a empathic crier. *blowing nose* Ah, this is hard to watch, but it's harder for them. I'm just an audience member, someone who watches and reads, and feels the emotions that they try to invoke. Sometimes I'll criticize and stay away b/c it's just gotten too silly. But they're still out there, working away, getting injured, training, missing their family. And to lose someone like Eddie, who fought so hard to be at the top, to always put on a great's just seems so wrong. Did God need him so much ....that it couldn't spare him ...for a little longer? To let him enjoy the fruits of his efforts?? He was helping so many people...not just in the WWE...but the rest of us, who could say...Hey, there's a great role model, there's someone who fought, suffered, survived Hell to come out and be funny, charming and humble. Maybe it was an act in the ring, he still had a lotta issues. But he still gave us hope. *sob* I'm really an agnostic, but I pray that Eddie's spirit is at rest, however it did get detached from his body. Thank you Eddie, you're the best. *sniff*
Saturday, November 12, 2005
You are fall! The most beautiful of them all.
Sometimes hot as fire, others cold as ice. You
tend to be prone to mood swings. It's often
quite hard for others to keep up with you. But,
you're a great friend and anyone who is your
friend is very lucky.. and you're also the
obbsessive type. You're thirsty for knowledge.
Not neccessarily a bookworm, or school-wise,
but you're very intelligent, and wish to know
as much about the world as possible..
especially about the people in it. September
21st - December 20th
Quote: "To the world you may be one
person, but to one person you may be the
What Season Are You? (Girls only, anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Hmm, Autumn is pretty nice. Sometimes it's warm, and sometimes it's cool. But it's not wet and muddy like Spring. And sometimes it snows and the next day it's warm enough to wear sandals. Or is it just b/c it's Alberta?
Well, it's been about 3 hrs that I've spent doing all my bills. And I'm still not done. I'm still matching the receipts up to the CC statement. And for good reason. B/c I'm online, first looking up what Fido has for VM options b/c I need for when I move out. Neither of us will have a landline. And I've missed a lotta calls this week and w/ Caller really sucks. Yes, for $20 I get no VM, no Caller ID, but I get per-second billing! Whoopee. To add those on, it'd be $8. Considering I'm already paying about $9 more for the extra fees and taxes... not very tempting. Might have to go to prepaid and then just have to remember to fill my phone and get those features included. But it'll cost me $25 to migrate. Bastards! And I don't have a contract either. I tried to call them to see if they have VM as a promo to add on for free since I've been w/ them for 2 yrs but they're closed.
And I thought that I had a contact lenses training today b/c I told the secretary that I have every other weekend off the last time I went in, and she had the calendar. Grrrrrr! Got up for nothing. But at least I found some Liquid Plumber for cheap, $3.49 for 900 mL. My bathroom sink is clogged b/c I use Ivory for hand soap. Gawd that stuff leaves a nasty film that just builds up.
Anyways, I've been noting down all the prices for essentials like laundry, food, toiletries. Really wanna skrimp and save anyway I can b/c I don't intend on dipping into my saving to pay bills.
So while I was checking my email, I got an invitation to join the Game Advisory Panel for Sony PS. I was pretty blaise about it, and signed up, and then I see in the forum that there are people who beg to join. Maybe it's b/c I'm a girl and have a whole whack of rpg, action/adventure, fighting games on my list of games. And a lot of them have over 50 hrs on it. I've got 2 at over 125 hrs. Yup, Arc the Lad and Star Ocean. Finally got to Disc2 for Star Ocean.
And my Dad and brother went out for dinner. Didn't invite me, - or- tell me until I left for my non-existant appointment this afternoon. Whatever. I have a ham marinating in maple syrup in the fridge. I think it's going to be ham steak w/ noodles, mixed veggies. I'd make spaghetti but I don't know where my dad put it. Somehow macroni was made but I don't know where the dried stuff is either. Oh, actually I can just use the macaroni instead for carbs. I was thinking of ordering sushi, but I need to save money.
But about Sony. The Music division is getting nasty and sneaky. This article about their hidden software on their CDs is very scary. In the application for the GAP for the PS, it asked how I felt about Sony, and before it was that it was a good company. But their actions on music CD drops them down to Sucks! Well I haven't bought CDs in a while, and I guess it won't be soon from Sony either.
Speaking of receipts, finally matched them all, and I have some from stores that didn't charge me. It's the second time it's happened. I believe it's after about 30 days or so that if they still haven't charged you, they can't. Oh well. I'm not even sure if stores would have any way to charge me if I went back to them, and told them what happened. I heard of a similar thing happening to someone else, but it was for plane tickets. So when he found out, he called the agent but it was still w/in the period where he could be charged. So is this a morale quandry? Or should I just let it go? As a rep, unless it's a flagrant violation of provisioning rules, I usually just let the customer benefit from it.
By the by, didn't know that Animenation will ship you stuff later if they didn't have it in stock at the time you ordered it. And of course charge you s/h again. I got a surprising email of shipment notification, and after talking w/ them, got the s/h waived as courtesy. It is on their website, and I might have read it.... About 2 years ago when I first ordered something. So key to having things done for you kiddies, be very polite and ask if they can do things for you and never demand. And prepare to be rejected, or offer alternatives if option A is rejected. Always be open to compromise. The more you are willing to work with them, the more they'll work for you.
Well, I must write my cheques now. And eat. Dang I'm hungry! Oh, but must take my pills first....Oh crap I forgot my ulcer pill. The trial pkg has the days marked, but since I was half asleep when I first opened it, I just popped open any day. Now I have to count to see if I missed it. Yes, I have ulcer pills, stomach pills, Tylenol for headaches b/c everything else is a stomach irritant but after being used to T3, regular stuff is useless. Er wait, did I mention that already? *checking blog* Good ol' Blogger, opens another window for ya. Oh no, not quite. There was a cancellation on Tuesday, so I was able to see the doctor. Yeah, so I'm getting really forgetful also, and have a really hard time concentrating or listening to people, so it's major problem when I'm taking payments. Actually I flipped off a supervisor when he was trying to talk to me and I was on the phone taking said payment. I didn't literally flip him off but the way I gestured towards the phone was a bit violent. I apologized to him the next day, so if he tries to give the OM some crap about my attitude then I can tell them I already apologized to him and told him I was having health problems. Anyways, must write cheque still. And clean up my email inbox. And clean the bathroom. And eat. Must stop writing what I must do, but I guess I could forget.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Who the hell is that new announcer? Maybe he's from Velocity or something. Blah, I don't like the set up they have for announcers w/ 2 face and 1 heel. Jerry Lawler was also better as a heel announcer, since his comments were much funnier. Although the leering old man routine really needs to be retired.
Hmmm, Taboo Tuesday results. I actually voted in it, it was pretty easy to vote. I didn't expect Flair to beat HHH. That looked like a brutal match. Or for HBK and Angle to team up on Cena, but that looked pretty sweet. Cena isn't even close to their leage, if HBK and Angle are the pro-teams, then Cena is part of the afterschool elementary league.
Possibly a decent Divas match since Trish and Victoria are in it. I'm quite amused by the Mickie James fixation on Trish. What happened to the Trish that would take advantage of that?! Trish makes a great heel, and she seems really bland when she's face. Wow, Candice is actually trying something. Seriously Mickie James needs to work on her kicks. They are so lame. Hello, ref, Trish is illegal in the ring. Are you so useless that you can't get her out? ....Well, Victoria and Candice won by foreign object, but that's fair considering the amt of time that Trish was in the ring. Woah, Candice just gave Victoria a celebratory kiss. Well, that's something you'll never see 2 male tag partners do.
Yeah, Kurt Angle! Oooh, wait, he just noticed they were chanting "You Suck!"? This should be amusing, as if the crowd would chant anything else, but he is completely right. Kurt is probably the best wrestler they have, defintely the best technical, being 2 time olympic champ. And he's always performed, never had a crappy night. "Kurt! Daisuke!" Aww, he can't hear me. *nodding in agreement to Kurt's tirade* Yup, Americans are selfish, and abusive of their rights. ... Okay, that's horrible that Kurt's wife left him b/c of the business. They should probably call wrestling the relationship-killer profession. Hardly anywhere else would you be expected to be on the road 320 days and get paid less than a million.... Well, Kurt's speaking from the heart for all the pains he's gone thru, but I'm not sure why the writers are letting him vent. It's .... a bit different than the way they've usually operated. Sometimes I think I watch wrestling b/c it's means more than any of the professional sports. Sure the stories are lame half the time, a lot of the wrestlers aren't that good or popular for stupid things *cough Cena*, but the bumps they take are insane, and they should know that someone appreciates them.
Oh, there's Lita. She really is just the prop nowadays. She was a crappy wrestler, but at least she knew some moves. Heh, Bischoff kicked her to the curb. They also seem to be slightly positioning Bischoff more towards face. It'll be amusing to see the match btwn him and Teddy Long. Teddy's just been a referee and Bischoff did do some pro kickboxing before. Oooh, I like Bischoff's censoring but the beeps hurt like shit. *mute* Okay, HBK's on. I think they should move HBK to heel again. He was a good heel. And he does stuff that's heel-worthy, but they still treat him like a face.
Huh, haven't seen Dabari in a while. Geez, still booing him? And the announcers having a beef b/c he's Middle Eastern? Stupid Americans. You get most of your oil from the Saudis. Or maybe that's the problem. So reliant on Middle East ties, but the Middle East tell them to piss off.
You have a Lost Soul. No one is really sure what
that can always mean, because it can be defined
in many ways. As Legend goes, lost souls were
the spirits of passed away people who are
neither in heaven nor hell. They walk the
earth, brooding mysteriously, always appearing
when you expect it least. So hence, if you have
a Lost Soul, then you are probably very
insecure and shy. Stuck in your own little box,
you watch the world fly by as a loner. You dont
know your place. You seemingly dont have a
place in society or an interest. You are a very
capricious person, and are confused and
frustrated about where you belong. You crave
for the sense and feeling of home-but have not
obtained it yet.
What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla
Sounds like me. I'm always the one that doesn't have a future job choice and can't answer the what'll you be doing in 5 yrs. A drifter on the whims of the current, aimless and searching, with a few anchors to tie me to the land.
Well, I'm home a bit earlier than usual. Well actually a lot earlier since I only worked half my shift. Exactly at that too. The annoying stupid person finally hung up at the right time. And I love the other guy who couldn't figure out how to set up a personalized greeting for his VM and then said he wasn't dumb and then couldn't hang up his speaker phone which I was on. Yeah o-kay. Then there's the other bag who insulted me when I kept answering her question but she didn't have enough brains to draw a conclusion, grrr! Wonder why most reps don't call back?
Actually I wasn't even going to go to work today, but I did b/c I had to get the rent application from D. (Heh, D. Well not as cool as Count D, but he's all right for a guy) And I can't believe it asks for your current -and- previous employer. I suprised that it doesn't need a credit check though. Now the problem is the emergency contact. I don't really wanna put my middle brother b/c he's an ass, but I don't know if my Dad would know what to do. And I don't get in contact w/ my big bro that much though, although he's the most competent. And I dont' know if my Dad knows I'm moving out, or if all that rent shit was just some crap that my brother came up w/.
Anyways, been w/ the stomach pains every time after eating for the last 3 weeks, constant migraines after work and hence passing out when I get home and finish eating(usually while playing the PS2), shedding of copious amounts of hair b/c of stress, forgetting to feed Feebas for a 1 1/2 days (and boy was he mad, he even knocked down the lucky bamboo which I think I'll name Lifthrasir which is Nordic for "She desires life" b/c it's the only one out of 4 stalks that's still alive after all my experiments)and today having to ask everyone to repeat numbers, went home early. Yes I did. And I couldn't make a doctor's appointment b/c they're booked up. And it wasn't like I just wanted to leave early, but I'm not feeling good. I need a cat day, but tomorrow I have to deliver the rent application. Which has me holding off on a lot of purchases b/c I need to save up. Ya know, the funny thing is, and this occurred to me while I was window shopping in the mall, I'll be really tight w/ my money in games. In Growlanser I have over 200 000 gold, which will let me get every gem and armour available. But I won't just buy gems. But I'll think about buying Soul Calibur 3, even though I have 4 games I haven't even played yet. Or I'll just pick up a manga b/c it looks cute and the description is interesting. It's just wierd.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Ok, just so's everyone knows, I'm not obsessed with that part of the anatomy or its functions. It's just that it's an essential part of living that if anything goes wrong...well you just pray it never does. But anyways, came across this really interesting article about the new developments in the toilet. I've never tried a bidet, so I don't know how efficient or effective they are. Or how to sit on them, cause I've seen them in movies, but of course no one uses them in the movie. I wonder if there are instructions on them. ....anyways, I wish more toilets were designed to be more sleek on the outside anyways. It's a pain in the arse to have to get all the nooks on the s-curve for the plumbing (well my toilet's like that anyways where you can see the shape of it), and yes, I do use a lotta Lysol. So speaking of its partner, the toilet paper, it's a bit annoying that Charmin only has 187 sheets in one of its standard rolls. Most other companies have 198 sheets. Why 198 or 187, hmm, I don't know. I should find out the standard length to see if it's just the sheet size difference. Kleenex has much wider rolls, and Charmin does have narrower rolls. Course I'd rather pay extra for the Charmin.
Holy smokes, it's Golddust! Haven't seen him in ages. He was a breakthru character. Actually not a bad representative for gay men b/c he was pretty tough, even if he did make a lot of suggestive moves. ...Hey it's Funaki! That's cool...Wait, that's not fair, Funaki's a good wrestler! Why do they always undersell him? Geez, he's improved his English, definitely worked the circuit and paid his dues, did all the stereotypical racist stuff they write him. Grrrrrr! At leat he was crusierweight for a time.
Uhn, the Tylenol's starting to kick in. Took a T3 b/c of cramps. I guess they're still good. I had them leftover from when I had carpal tunnel surgery. Which was about over 2 years ago. Kinda sleepy now. But Raw's still on. And gotta create a junk email acct. Uhnnn.... Ohhh...guhhhh...zzzzzz.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
So saw some apartments. Found 2 checklists for things to check, except, I'm not comfortable opening drawers and measuring and whatnot when there's someone watching me. It just feels wierd. So I was guesstimating the length of things, and whether my furniture would be able to fit. Those darn IVAR shelves. I love 'em, but they're really long and I have a lot of shelves so it's not like I could just collapse them into 1.
Anyways, J was driving me to the apartments (which makes it somewhat difficult to estimate how long it would take to walk to and from work, but I'm also not keen on showing up at the viewing all sweaty from hoofing it) (Yes, I sweat, er perspire much). Anyways, some disturbing comments he made after the 1 apt that was about 5-10 min from work and less than 5 yrs old: that he couldn't drive me to work anymore, and that he was glad that I wasn't looking at shitty apts (which is what a former mutual friend of ours had stayed in) or he'd have to lock me up and never let me out. WTF?!? Then after I inquired on how close that apt was to the grocery store (my directional sense is pretty poor), he said it was a bit far to carry groceries but he'd come shopping with me anyday. Considering he has to drive about 10 min to get to the apt from his house, and then another 5 min to go shopping for 30 min, does that make sense to anyone? Considering I've walked for about 45 min carrying bags from the shopping mall (cause I'm too cheap to use a bus ticket), unless it's -30 C, there's no point. Other than his stalker mentality. Then after I looked at another apt (which was blah in comparison) all he could say was "well at least I could still drive you to work" since it'd be 45 min walk to work. To say that it'd be completely out of his way, would be an understatement. And all he can think about is if I'm moving downtown, then how's he going to see me? So even though it'd be just as easy to walk to Warp, I basically had to guarantee that we'd go together. Egh, no wonder why I had to get Lin to pretend I wasn't there when I go in w/ H. And then when I told him I was getting an appointment for a contact fitting, he gets all upset and wants to know why I want contacts. How about it's none of your business?
Anyways, the doctor (argh, is it opthamologist, optometrist or obstetrician... ugh I meant optician) had a bit of difficult getting it in. She said it was b/c I have small eyes, which is probably true b/c my eyes are so near-sighted. And I have astigmatism too. But it's so hard to keep your eyes open. And there's also the puff-test for test eyeball pressure. I find that after the exams, I actually can't see very well b/c my eyes are so strained.
Anyways, giving my hand a rest after psuedo-calligraphing my oldest bro's b-day card. I wasn't very imaginative in getting present, it's just a gift card. But I was hand copying the font onto the card. I don't really have good experience w/ using nibs so it's just 2 black ink pens. The thick one gives me the body, and the thinner one smooths everything out and lets me give body. I must say, I feel ripped off my the Uniball Elite Vision pen. It soaks into the paper too much, and sometimes skips. The Pokemon pens I picked up are super better. Writes smooth and thin, and has Charizard or Pikachu on it.
Finally finished Arc the Lad, Twilight of the Spirits. The clock topped out at 99:59, but I think I put another 10-15 hrs after. Especially w/ the big boss battle. That lasted at least an hour. It was pretty good, although I have no clear(rereading it...clue) what happened in the prev Arc the Lad, so some of the references don't mean anything. The VA was generally blah. But the chars are quite good, and made me think of writing fanfics. Unfortunately nothing yaoi unlike Growlanser 2. I'm going to bed, too many wierd words that don't make sense but sound similar. Homonyms right? Yeah. Heh, Homo is in there. I think that's the only way I remember it too.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
You are a Space Faerie! You are always found
roaming around the galaxies. You are very laid
back and live in outer space.
Power: You can tell the future
What type of faerie are you? ( BEAUTIFUL PICS!! )
brought to you by Quizilla
Space...the final frontier... These are the voyages...of the Starship RavenCat... on it's twenty-and counting year EXPLORE strange new worlds... to SEEK OUT new life, and NEW BOLDLY GO where.. NO... DUEL MONSTER... has gone before!
Yeah, I'm a Trekkie. TOS is my favourite, w/ a sizeable amt of good stories from TNG and DS9. Voyager has a few good ones, and saw less than an hour of Enterprise. Oh, there's a special on Discovery Channel "How William Shatner changed the World." Ego much? It's on Nov 13 and 16, so I can't wait to see it. I've read a lot of his books, yeah he had assistance, and they're not bad. But when he writes the Kirk ones, his ego is almost insufferable. Almost. I still love Capt Kirk too much. I'd also bed Picard. I'd bed Jadzia Dax and Tuvok too. Although it'd be Tuvok from the fanfics b/c the writers have f*cked the characters over too much.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
So I told J that I was going to be moving in w/ D, the husb of one of my best buds, and he nearly had a shitfit. Although I thought I mentioned it before, but oh well. So considering he's driving, he's staring at me in shock (although not in awe, guess I need the soldiers for that), and he says in this whiney tone, "why didn't you ask me?" Well I dunno, b/c I don't need you clinging onto me anymore than you already do, or jumping into my bed at night, or scrutinizing who I call/hang out with/where I go, or rummaging thru my things for whatever perverted reason. But I just told him that he was already living with his parents, and he whines again "well I would've moved out." So I just said that D was already looking at moving out so it was most convenient. So he's like "Well, does H(my bud) know?" So I tell him that she suggested it, which she did. When I was telling D about that conversation, D said H knew that I'd be the last person who'd sleep w/ him and if he tried anything I'd beat him up and then tell H who'd kill him. I told him that the only person that'd be more unlikely to sleep w/ him is our mutual friend T, who's a guy and totally not interested in guys. Now that I recall the conversation, he seemed a bit hurt at that... erm... although I didn't mean for it to be an ego crush. It's more of a statement of fact. I'm probably the squeakiest clean person they know, no vices(except for manga/anime/kawaii character products), no need to claim that I didn't inhale or it wasn't mine.. On that scale, I'd probably be the ideal nun. Now on the morale compass, except for those naughty fantasies involving bishonen (and chains, ropes, feathers, roses, and blindfolds), views on abortion/guns/violence in media/-sexuality/women's rights etc, it's generally conservative. So I guess he might've thought I meant that he wasn't attractive enough to hit on, when I really meant that I just wouldn't do it on morale reasons. So I guess I shoulda compared the chances to Mother Theresa instead. Oh well.
Anyways, later on b/c I was starving and stopped off at the local eatery, and J had finished work, I called J to meet me there. When I told him I was eating, the first thing he asked was .... don't get ahead of me here...."With who?" (Yeah, like that wasn't predictable) When I told him "Me" he goes "Oh, that's no fun." Hmmm, so many ways to interpret that... 1)I'm not a fun enough person that I can't amuse myself 2) eating is a communal activity so I'm a deviant to eat by myself 3)I should have other people that I can eat with, ergo I should and could eat w/ anyone 4)When I go out to eat, I should eat with him. So which should I choose?...hmmm... just wait for it... wait for it....1 or 2 or 3. Yeah, J comes from the Ukrainian-English background, so I don't think he understands that eating alone allows you to just focus on the food and savour it. And basically empty your mind of everything else. Eating as meditation. Now that's a meditation that I could do. Anyways, I'd also prefer not to eat across from someone who smacks his lips constantly, it's just so... offensive to all senses. Now I don't profess to having perfect table manners (darn elbows) but geez.
So as we were talking, he apologized for overreacting to find out that I was going to have a roommate but I still had to justify my decision. And I do mean justify. like why I didn't want my own apt, what I was going to do when H came back. But at least he said that he was going to support me w/ whatever decision I make. Hopefully that extends to when I go out w/ someone else.
Hmm, feeling a bit better now that I've got that out. Better find a checklist for questions to ask when apt shopping.
And big jackpot for the lottery, I bought a few, which I don't normally. If I get any sizeable money, I'm thinking a turtle farm would be neat. My allergies were acting ok at the reptile show, so it'll be ok. Unfortunately w/ turtles, they can't feel you petting their shell. Or get that hypoallergenic cat.
About a week ago, my middle brother just came up to me and demanded that I start paying him rent starting next month and that I was supposed to show him how I determine how much rent would be. Considering I already pay a third of all utilities = $100, and give my Dad $200 for rent as carried over from when we were living in the townhouse, I'm not going to pay that sh!thead another $250-325 considering mental harrassment should make him start paying me. So tonight, as I was finishing moving the laundry into the dryer, he just goes to me "So did you find out how much rent is?" I really shoulda said $1, but anyways I did the" pffft, I'm moving out". And he's like "that's good. When?" So I go end of Nov, b/c that's when David'll be leaving his current apt, and he just goes "Good" and walks off. Well, nice to know that he freely admits that he's a prick. And a total prick at that. How he has friends, I don't know. I bet if any of his buddies got into a bad spot, he'd abandon them in a flash and latch onto anyone else who has the status he wants.
And it's nice to know that the client likes to punish the reps who do a good job. Got a complaint from the executive office concerning a credit that was thousands of dollars. Now they were targetting me b/c I left the most detailed notes, that clearly demonstrated I knew my job, however b/c I didn't add a feature that should've been added 5 reps ago and wasn't even w/in the purview of my department, but I notated that it could've been added by those other reps, I get targetted. Well, I know that next time I'll leave no notes that I help the customer w/ anything, just that I talked to them, Just like all the other reps on that acct.
Yes, this is a rant post. On a more positive note, my betta fish finally has a name. it was a choice btwn Carvanha and Feebas. Yes, Pokemon names. It's better than calling it Fish. Although my friend is calling her new guinea pig Mouse. Anyways, I let the fish decide, and he wiggled more for Feebas than Carvanha, so Feebas it was. Unfortunately when I came home tonight, I found this strange film on the surface of the water. It looked like some sort of skin, and actually formed a whitish matter when I skimmed some w/ the popsicle stick. So there was a water change. Not a clue what it was.
Trying to d/l Kaiken Phrase, Tactics, Chrono Crusade, Star Ocean. Well not all at once since I don't have that much room left on my HD. Also trying to d/l Ai no Kusabi desperately. I've seen pt 1 of AnK, and it's a good thing the naughty parts weren't any longer or my eyes woulda dried out since I didn't blink until it was over. The d/l of pt 2 I have only goes up to where Guy kidnaps Riki. But the bed scene btwn Riki and Iason, *drool pant pant sigh*. It's nice to see more yaoi and shonen-ai coming over, for those of us w/ that persuasion. Or should I say obsession. I'm so desperate that it doesn't matter that much how nonsensical the story is, as long as it's bishonen w/ wet kisses.
Anyways, Robert's last day was today. The OM are giving all the SLRs that have found other employment a leave of absense, just in case they change their minds. Hmmmph, if the work environment was better, maybe they wouldn't be leaving, anyone thought of that? And a TL that we haven't seen for probably over a month still hasn't come back. There are so many supervisors leaving, soon the OMs will have to replace them b/c there won't be any SLRs left either. Anyways, it won't be the same w/o that Aussie humour, and seeing Monty Python scenes performed in the aisle. Hurm but he's still chasing after me. Maybe I'm just wierd, but I don't think it's fair to date a guy when you have no intention of a serious relationship w/ them. Flirting and naughty innuendo's fun, which I did to a rep when he came up just for his stats. And it's not like I don't think we have a future as -friends- and I wouldn't mind meeting his daughter who sounds like a otaku-in-training, but that's all I see and want.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Just came back from a dinner w/ the family. Well, I should say the extended family since it included the sister-in-law's family. It was to celebrate Justin's (my new nephew) 1st birthday. Well to be exact, it's really his first month out in the world, but according to Chinese tradition (and maybe Vietnamese) the baby's already started aging while in the womb, so they celebrate it as a year old. Don't ask. Maybe they invented it for the military draft.
But anyways, we had batter-fried shrimp w/ mayonnaise sauce, Peking Duck, minced duck wrapped in lettuce leaves, crab, lobster chow mein, fish maw soup, whole fish, fried rice, some kind of green vegetable that has a hollow stem, conch and vegetables, noodles and red bean dessert. At least I think that's all we had. But seriously, if it weren't for the fact that I got to sit next to the kids and chat w/ them, I woulda just left and took the bus home. Yes, I'd rather have a bowl of cereal at home than have to sit there like a lump. First he keeps bugging me to change my brother's cell number in his phone book. And he has a f*cking Motorola, the worst piece of shit ever created. Nothing ever makes sense on any of their crappy phones. So I'm trying to get it in there, and he's keeps bugging me, and so I'm trying to figure out how the f*cking commands are supposed to work on it, and then he bitches at me for not answering him. I was so f*cking tempted to pitch the f*cking phone at him. Then every f*cking time, my dad would elbow me for some shit or another and tell me how to eat my food or that I should thank someone for serving me something when I didn't know they gave me anything b/c I was looking after the kids. Christ, after he finally got the idea that I need to know when we leave for the restaurant (since he was driving) and not when we had to be there, he told me when I had to start washing my face and get changed so that we'd leave in time. Like I haven't been able to get ready for work or school every freaking day for the last 15 years. It's this incessant retarded nagging that pisses the shit outta me. And of course he doesn't realize that he's being an a$$hole b/c he's senile or just stupid. Maybe should get him a dog, so he can finally get that dog that he keeps saying is better having around than me.
So seriously, it was the kids that made this evening bearable. Hmm, another reason to move out so I don't have to deal w/ his shit. I was passed out in my game room, under my crocheted blanket (still not finished but it's gotten so big that I can use it already) and my wool blanket cause I was freaking cold, and then he knocks on the door and walks in and makes some shit comment about me sleeping. Then at the restaurant he bitches about me not answering him when he first knocked. It's like "Helloooo, retard, can you not understand the concept that normal people must first wake up before they can answer a question, or even articulate any response? I've never been in the military so I'm not trained to jump to attention the minute the sarge enters the room." And upon finding out that he used to be a cook, Krystal's sister made the comment that he must cook a lot of nice stuff at home. I was so ready to say "Yeah, so much that I'd prefer to make my own meals after a starving10-hr shift than eat his slop," but my brother said it much more politely that he's used to making institutional food. I guess that's one thing I haven't learned well yet, and I guess is a sign of maturity, which is tact. Or in other words, gained enough experience lying that I can do it anytime and in any situation.
Well, I'm planning on going to snooze for a bit after .hack//SIGN on YTV and then waking up at 6 to watch Pokemon Chronicles, and then go back to bed again. Crap, I have to walk to the train station too. Better look at the bus schedules.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
You fit in with: Agnosticism Your ideals mostly resemble those of an Agnostic. You are fairly ambivalent towards any religion or spiritual connection. You lead a very busy life and find that religion and spirituality are unnecessary to your life. 0% scientific. 0% reason-oriented. | ||||
Take this quiz at |
Cool, I'm completely balanced and non-committal. While I think there is generally a right and wrong, I also think it's based on the situation. After all murder is generally bad, but if it's to stop a terrorist hijacking the plane that's going to crash into the WTC, then it'd be justified. But you should still feel a bit of remorse for doing it.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Your anime hair colour is... WHITE!!! You are smart
and serious. Don't worry, you can be sweet and
funny too. You are seen as powerful and
appealing by all your friends, which is why
they often ask YOU for advice!
What's your true anime hair colour?
brought to you by Quizilla
Ah, Sesshoumaru-sama, so beautiful and elegant. And then there's his brother Inu Yasha who also has white hair but is brash, rude, short-tempered.... Muraki vs. Zephel, K' vs. Yashiro, Il Palazzo vs Dark Schneider... the list goes on and on.
Found this thing from a friend's site: According to my b-day, I'm an ...*drumroll*
Elm Tree (Noble-mindedness) -- pleasant shape, tasteful clothes, modest demands, tends not to forgive mistakes, cheerful, likes to lead but not to obey, honest and faithful partner, likes making decisions for others, noble-minded, generous, good sense of humor, practical.
That's pretty much me, although I'm always undecided on whether I'm a leader or a follower. I'll lead if no one else will or if I think the leader is an idiot. Well more like make a lot of suggestions. Pleasant shape...*looks down* well I guess I'm okay. Tasteful clothe: I know what's decent and what looks like crap in fashion shows. Don't need jewelry. True on the next though my memory's not so good (heh), genki ne? (when I'm not tired or apathetic), answered next one, true on next, I think I answered the next one already, still looking for my path so that's true too, always willing to buy dinner and stuff for my friends, I think the fact I willingly hang around Robert and Jamie answers that one, and toilet paper or life.
Sooo, saw Corpse Bride tonight. It was goooooood. There were bits that they could've fleshed out (heh) but it still dealt w/ things like true love is doing what's best for the other person, and how your feelings can be switched to other person just b/c you think you've been rejected. Tim Burton and Danny Elfman sure love those musical numbers. I was quite irritated when they showed them playing the piano, that the keys they were hitting didn't correspond to the notes at all. I don't have a piano, and I've never had any classes, but c'mon! If you're going to spend days animating a scene, the least you could do was make sure it was accurate. Helen Bonham Carter has a good singing voice although I thought her voice work was a bit average. Emily Watson was great along w/ Johnny Depp. Pretty good strides for a guy that came from 21 Jump Street. Anyways, Joanne Lumley was also in it as Mrs. Everglot, and when I basically said "Oh, Joanne Lumley", of course (like we couldn't see this coming) had to act like as if he recognized her. I really should've then asked him, "Who's that person?" just to see what crap he can stammer out. He always pretends to know about stuff and it's really irritating. I hate people who try to put themselves across as being smart.
Anyways, saw a full ep of Hell's Kitchen w/ Gordon Ramsey. I think it might've been the 2nd or 3rd one. And lord, I wish I could say to the callers some of the stuff he said to the customers. I'm sure the premise of the restaurant and the show is clearly posted on the outside of the restaurant (since they must advise people that they're going to be filmed), and you're going to complain about the trainees' slow service? And what is the point of getting in the maitre'd's face and telling him you have a PhD in Music? Ridiculous.
Anyways, I'm trying to write cheques to all the charities that I'm supporting this year. I always check for their Charitable Registration Number on the Revenue Canada site. There was one charity, I think it had something to do w/ wheelchair basketball, and the registration number couldn't be found. And when I looked on their website, they didn't have any listed, so I didn't send anything. Gotta be careful these days! Anyways, I don't know what it is, but they seem to send very similar gifts, like labels or cards. I have 4 boxes of cards stacked up from 4 diff charities. And labels! With the slow death of snailmail, it's kinda hard to find things to put labels on. *sigh* I think last year I sent over $300 to charities (I guess I could find the exact figure in my tax return). I don't mind, but I'd wish they send different stuff.
You were almost a: Bear Cub or a Pony
You are least like a: Groundhog or a SquirrelCute Animal Quiz!
Hmm, and I was just looking for turtles at the Reptile show. They only had 1 there, and it was $400 but it was a big un. I'm didn't ask if they had more turtles earlier or that nobody brought any. There were a lot of snakes and lizards. The baby snakes were sooooo cute. The geckos are adorable w/ their sticky toes. Petted quite a few. Did a lot of hiding behind my hand when I passed by the booth w/ spiders and other insects. They had a gecko that was regrowing its tail, and the half grown tail was sooo soft. But anyways, hmmm, turtle, seems like me.
Friday, October 14, 2005
You Are a Mai Tai |
You aren't a big drinker, but you'll drink if the atmosphere is festive. And when you're drunk, watch out! You're easily carried away. |
Hmm, never had a Mai Tai before. I like the vodka based things b/c you can't really taste the alcohol. But once I find something I like, I'll keep ordering it. Heh, I'm still waiting on Lee's promise to get me completely blitzed. Course it won't cost him much.
Your Kissing Purity Score: 71% Pure |
For you, kissing isn't a casual thing Lip to lip action makes your heart sing |
Well, ummm, yeah. Only special people/things get kisses from me.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Yesterday was a bad time to ask me how I was b/c I was telling everyone I had a 4-day weekend, and none of it was spent going to the dentist. Not that I mind the dentist, much, but I actually, truly have 4 free days. Which meant I kept thinking yesterday was Thursday and wondering why Smackdown wasn't on. And which meant I missed Good Eats. It's still fun to watch even if it's been reruns lately.
Started watching Peacemaker Kurogane, which I borrowed from T. Unfortunately b/c I don't know much about the Shinsengumi, except what I'm learning from reading Kaze Hikaru in Shojo Beat and what's mentioned in Rurouni Kenshin, it's a little hard to follow the political foreshadowing. Although not as hard as Samurai Deeper Kyo. You need to know Japanese history to follow that one well. Anyways, being a seiyuu geek, I had to look to see who the seiyuus were (cause I can't read kanji or katakana) and it turns out Tatsunosuke has the same seiyuu as Takeshi/Brock from Pokemon. Which was kinda a surprise b/c when I heard Takeshi (finally found some Japanese Pokemon eps), he really does sound like a 12 year old, whereas in the dubbed version he sounds like 16-18 yrs old. But Yuji Ueda did a great job, and I feel so sorry for him. Love his apologies. Speaking of anime borrowed from T, also got part of Kyo Kara Maoh and my fav char in that is Gwendal b/c he knits and likes cute things. Don't get to see much knitting any TV shows, so it's cool to have a major character who does it.
Okay, that was wierd w/ the BoogeyMan on Smackdown. He's got caps on his teeth so it looks like he's missing his incisors. Although that wasn't quite the thought I had when I was looking at his teeth. More something like what the wind does and what work is otherwise known as. :P
Kleenex toilet paper isn't very good. For one thing, in the 24 roll pk that I bought, the toilet paper was also wrapped inside in 4 pks. That's a waste. And although the paper is fairly soft, it's easily shredded which is icky when you're doing the #2. And you have to use lots more tissue for #1 or it soaks thru. Purex is much better for value. But best so far is Charmin b/c it's soft, strong and absorbs well w/o soaking thru. I use Charmin for blowing my nose cause it's much softer than facial tissue (even Puffs), more cost effective (tissue is about $0.006/sheet vs. $0.001/sheet and since I use 3 sheets for 1 blow, it's at half the price of facial tissue), and easier to tear into little plugs for those annoying drips that never stop. Although I understand there's a Cashmere and that's a 3-ply toilet paper. I wonder what it's like? Yah, there was an article in the paper a couple weeks ago about how Canadians are more interested in luxurious toilet paper than other countries. But it's very important! It's what I'd take to the desert island. That's probably more of an analysis of toilet paper than anyone really wants to know. Heh.
My stupid dad is bitching at me for getting up at 3:00p on my days off and says I'm lazy. Just b/c he doesn't go to bed at 7:00a, and I actually got up at 2:00p and made a real lunch (he just made some noodles and threw in some meatballs, so I added spinach, mushrooms, garlic and onion powder and paprika to the soup). And the only person who's lazy is him b/c all he does all day is watch tv, read some newspaper and spends maybe 1/2 hr to make food for lunch and supper. Breakfast usually consists of something bought like poundcake, strudel or nikuman or sunny side up eggs. (that's separately) Usually I eat dinner leftovers for breakfast, or I have to try and whip something up to get a real breakfast. Yes, I hunt for my meals in the fridge, and that's why I spent $40 on groceries for myself. Considering I sliced up a 2kg of ham so I'd have some meat that I could quickly defrost, or I'll just make my own dinner when I get home after work b/c whatever left on the table is bleh... Yeah I think deserve to sit in front of my TV and watch dvds or play games.
Why was Cowboy Bob Orton holding Eddie's leg up while Randy was beating on him? It just looked stupid. Oooooo, Eddie and Batista vs. the Ortons. Boy, I hope Cowboy gets his cast back b/c he's going to need it. Kinda strange that so many alumni have come back. Wonder what's going on behind the scenes? Is it b/c Hogan came back? There's a geezer that should just stick to his reality show. Meh, never liked Hogan. Shawn can still perform at least, and actually pull off all the same crazy stunts he used to do.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
So just finished typing the prev post and go to publish. And it's spinning and spinning and it's still 0%, and I'm thinking, "great, the one time I forget to copy and paste the post to notepad for these situations, it's fuks up." But it seemed to have made it all intact, so I'm happy, so that was waay too much to retype. But it still irritates me that it happens. But technology's not perfect, and I should know.
I must say, for a fish that I still have not named, I've grown a bit attached to it. Was changing his water, a day late b/c I was really tired and stressed out yesterday that I fell asleep in front of the TV (which is unusual b/c I usually reserve that for when the next day is a day off), so I went to bed late and ergo didn't have the time to do his weekly H2O change)
Err, wait, Geki! Teikoku Kageki-dan is playing on Anime Hardcore Radio. *off to sing* Okay, back although Panikku is now playing. *flip back to Anime Lyrics to sing some verses* So anyways....
For the fish's water change, I place the catcher (ummm, well it's not really a bowl or a jar, it's actually a 500 mL margarine container) in the sink (learned to this after I spilled water all over the counter b/c the fish just wouldn't flow into the container so I just kept pouring and pouring...) and then tip the jar a bit so the water nearly reached the edge of the jar and wait. And wait. And wait. Until Mr. Fish swim near the top of the jar and then it's pour Pour POUR!!! Usually he'll eventually follow the flow of water and "plunk" into the container and I can pour the rest of the dirty water and fish poo into the toilet. But this time for some reason, I think he actually jumped out of the stream of water and plunked out into the sink. And I'm like freaking out and going "Oh shit! Oh shit! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I try to pick him up but he's just flopping like crazy, and I don't wanna squish his body b/c he's squirming so much that I can't get a good grip unless I press harder. So after a few panicked seconds I grab him by the fin and plop him into the catcher container. So right now, I'm just waiting for the bleach to do it's stuff w/ the jar, and then it's rinse rinse rinse, dump in treated water, dump in draecena, dump in fish, add more treated water so that it's fills the rest, and back on the shelf.
So Mr. Fish built a bubble nest. Which I guess means it's happy w/ its food and environment enough to consider raising baby fish. If he had a Mrs. Fish. Course the bubble nest is down the toilet, and now he's probably in nervous shock. I'll have to give him 2 bloodworms after he's back in the jar. Usually I only give 1 bloodworm after a change, but I think he deserves 2 today.
Man, I love Dragon Screamer from Capt. Tsubasa.
So about my shitty day yesterday. Although I suppose it's day before b/c technically it's Tuesday. Stupid bag has been calling in since Friday about her VM being down. It's actually affecting the whole region she's in, and the other lines on her acct, and she's been repeatedly told that we have a trouble ticket on it, but she still keeps call in 5x a day. And she says she should get top priority b/c she's a psychologist and her patients make appointments w/ her thru her VM. So it's like, well why dont' you forward your calls to your office or a landline. Oh, well she doesn't have one. OK, what kind of professional doesn't have a landline for business?! It's only $25/mon. And she can't refer her patients to another doctor. And she lays all this crap about how it's life-or-death that her patients can reach her. The only garbage that she said that made sense was that b/c her patients call from the clinic, she can't use call log to find out who called. Anyways, since I was taking the escalation from people on my team, I was basically telling them and mocking her w/ them about the shit she was telling me. Well I don't if it was that or that I was starting to raise my voice b/c she wouldn't shut the hell up, but I saw the OM look down the aisle and then a couple min later, a TL comes down and y-connects on me. Anyways, the TL tells me that I have to empathize w/ her and not make judgements, but for someone who claims to have gone thru at least 8 years of postgrad work, she's a f*cking pompous and stupid @ss. And she's bitching and whining even after and told me to "find a temporary solution for a temporary problem" b/c the quick fix for her would be to change upgrade to a diff billing system. So I call the TL over and then she gives me this f*cking lecture about being a mentor and a coach and how I'm supposed to act and basically the only acceptable response I could give was to agree w/ her. If I was the type of the person to act more on my immediate feelings instead of analyzing things, I woulda walked out. Gawd, I was so f*cking pissed, and basically it was a baaaaad idea for anyone else to come up to me w/ a question after that. And today(yesterday, what the fuk ever), my TL tells me that the other TL emailed him about it, and he didn't ask me for any details but just basically asked me to make sure it didn't happen again.
So also today which I was scheduled for training w/ summarily cancelled w/o letting anyone know. I'm really fed up w/ working for such an incompetent company. And I'm sick of being told to give rimjobs to the Americans. Oh, speaking of Columbus Day, it's the equivalent of celebrating discovering that there's a fireplace in a new house.