Apathy & Adversary

Sunday, September 11, 2005


So for the last 2 days, my supervisor had been talking to me about getting the SLRs organized to go to one of the OM's w/ our grievences. No, really forming an SLR union. Of sorts. It's not like we'd go on strike if our "demands" weren't meant, but basically trying to get the upper management to notice that a lot of us are unhappy about the favouritism and poor treatment we've been getting. I wonder if it's b/c he's overheard me telling reps that my two lanyards aka nooses/collars/yokes don't mean anything anymore, even though I'd gotten one when I became Floor Support/Redhat/Resolution Specialist, and the other when I became SLR. Although it is entirely the truth, I don't get pulled off to provide extra support when they're shorthanded, even though I know 2 out of the 3 systems we use, and the only SLR duties we have nowadays is Duty Desk. Which is only a few hours a week. If we're lucky. While there are other SLRs who get to be permanently off the phones and spend their time IMing their buddies while waiting for someone to call in sick or surfing the Net. So anyways, it's not like there haven't been SLRs who've quit out of the program or just plain quit b/c of all the bullshit. But it just keeps going. So I did chat it up w/ some of my peers, and basically no one thinks that management will listen or do anything about it. And come to think of it, I think my brain'd hurt too much to try and think of any examples when managment has responded to reps' concerns. Except maybe for hiring new janitorial staff. Or moving the TLs to sit w/ their team. Getting more cleaning supplies. Adding toasters to the lunchroom. Giving board games to play on breaks. But none of those would ruffle any feathers like responding to charges of favouritism. Nope, don't think much will happen, and they love to tar us all w/ the same brush. Good lip service to Diversity.

Anyways, got a call from this guy, after it was passed to me from another rep b/c the rep was too stupid to change the profile on the phone. So the customer says he was told that after a year on the 2 yr contract that he would get new phones w/o signing for a new contract or paying for it. And on top of that, he says that he didn't know that he owns the phones. So I ask him straight out, "Then what did you think you were doing w/ the phones, renting them?" Yes, he actually thought that. Well buddy, there's this bridge in Brooklyn that's just come onto the market...

Update: I was mistaken on the length of the Friday night Smackdown. It's actually 2 hrs, it's just on the digital cable, it said it was 1 1/2 hrs. So I was a bit surprised when it when so much longer. And how is it Friday night, when I'm watching it on Thursday?

I've been feeling under the weather, migraine, insomniac, aches, muscle cramps, hearing wierd sounds and being overly sensitive to sound/smell. Last night, the opening for .hack//SIGN was hurting my head, little stabs of pain on certain notes. So I changed to my Hiro Yuuki CD and it didn't hurt, but usually w/ his voice, it's like a lullaby, but I still couldn't get to sleep. It's really f*cking annoying being awake thinking whether or not I should call in sick. And I didn't b/c I had 4 hrs on Duty Desk, which meant I only had to listen to customer's yammering for 3 hrs. Tomorrow, I'm thinking of calling in sick, b/c I'm starting to get a headache from the computer fan and listening to my mp3s and deciding which ones I want to burn. But I have a frigging acct I have to cancel tomorrow. And some stupid meeting about Duty Desk. As long as it's not about surfing while you're sitting there bored out of your skull looking to see if anyone's in aftercall, I don't care. Anyways all I look at is Pokemon, Discovery Channel, and Wikipedia. And I have a picture from the Hubble Telescope as my background for my SLR acct at work. Which I've posted. Cool, huh?