So it was back to work today. Whatta drag, and I forgot to bring my mug so I had to buy a drink. But this morning (cause I don't sleep until it's am), I had a dream that I went to my supervisor to request a leave of absence, but for some reason when I requested to speak w/ him, my call went to another supervisor whose team I usually sit with. So, 1)if you have a work dream, it probably means you're stressed out about work 2) if in your dream, you're asking to take time off, it probably means you need it. So aside from not answering calls until I've pulled all my systems up, instead of waiting for them to load and answering general questions, I think I basically answered all my calls w/ a growl in my voice. Although oddly enough a older guy said that he would take me to dinner if I lived closer to him. Then I found out that I was supposed to be on Duty Desk an hour after I'm supposed to start, and the person(Deb) who was working at the time, didn't check to make sure I knew and neither did the person filling in until I went for my break. So I spent an unnecessary hour listening to people. But actually that wasn't the part that pissed me off, it was that Deb as usual took off and let other people do her work.
Anyways, since I'd been gone for 4 days, T thought I'd been fired b/c so many people have been canned. I told T that they couldn't fire me for anything, but T's right, they'll find something if they want you gone. Anyways, did some work at Duty and then hunted down my supervisor to talk about LOA. Basically his advice is to brush up on my resume cause compared to how I was over a year ago, I'm not as bubbly or perky as before, and if I want LOA, it's better to go for a medical one instead of a personal one, unless it's something like I need to care for a family member. Of course if I wanted it right away, I could always freak out at work in a bizarre manner. Angry wouldn't be noticeable b/c everyone's always pissed b/c of the customers. And of course today I was wearing a T-shirt that said "Compulsive, Neurotic, Antisocial, Manic Depressive, Paranoid, Psychopathic, Schizophrenic... But Basically Happy" So I'm just trying to look up the frigging policies on their stupid HRDirect, and it's taking 5 years to load. And b/c I use Firefox, it's not displaying correctly.
Anyways, b/c I completed this PAR quiz, they give 1:5 quizzes a $10 gift certificate, and a balloon. The money is always appreciated, although Abudi who was helping hand them out, made some smart ass remark about my ACW b/c my supervisor and hence his reps, are part of the team of supervisors that he supervises. Ya gotta love hierarchy. So yippee a balloon, which I nearly forgot to take home. And then I was trying to see if T wanted it b/c he had just finished with some dumbass customer who escalated on him, and he was pretty pissed. Not to mention that I had to walk home after taking the bus and train, and it would be a bit of a bother to transport it that long. But T, being the rascal that he is, wrote on it "I hate my life -- and I want to DIE" and put smiley faces and hearts over it. And I told him that I should've asked him to write on my balloon earlier, b/c coupled w/ my T-shirt, that'll probably get me a LOA, but T said that he can only think of something witty when he's in a foul mood. So we were both in a better mood, and I got a lot of wierd looks when I was going home. Tee hee!
So I had a dumbass customer too. Quite frankly with some customers, empathy is just something you do so that if anyone's listening, they can mark that you displayed it. Says that they'd called in earlier to cancel the svc. Yep, it's notated but last time they called was 3 months ago, and it wasn't done b/c she hung up when waiting for the supervisor. Of course she denies it, but you couldn't call back in?! We're just open 24-7-365. Account holder had throat cancer so couldn't use phone anymore, but they also had 3 other lines on the account, and wouldn't transfer the account to anyone else. Needed a new phone but wasn't willing to upgrade to a new plan. And for some reason thought that they shouldn't have to pay an Early Termination Fee. I offered to CR back for the months after she'd called in to cancel b/c there hadn't been usage, but there was no way in hell I'm waiving the ETF on 4 lines. And she calls me unreasonable. So I tell her, after she f*cking tells me to shut up and listen to her, that just b/c her dad had a medical problem doesn't free him from legal obligations. So she asks me how she can get out of the ETF, and I was so tempted to tell her that if she kills her father, we'll waive it. No really, if the account holder is dead, we can waive the ETF.
The fish is not eating the pellets I bought it. It's very annoying and frustrating and worrisome at the same time. It hasn't really eaten since last night which makes it about 24 hrs ago. T is going to bring me some fish flakes that his fish won't eat to see if mine will. Damn picky eaters, maybe if it's hungry enough it'll eat that stuff that sank to the bottom. Yes, I know I'm supposed to fish it out if he doesn't eat it in a couple min, but they fell back in after I moved them up the side of the jar.
Yabara - Juné's New Venture
8 years ago
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