Isn't Democracy great?!

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Wow, I've missed Jon Stewart and the Daily Show. And kudos to the media for getting on Bush's buddies for their complete lack of responsibility for the state of the refugees from Hurricane Katrina. Sure it's a natural disaster, but it's not like it suddenly appeared out of nowhere. A lot of people predicted the worst, and I think it's Bush's ego that made them think it wouldn't happen. Not to America, the Great US of A. Of course I don't literally mean Bush, but the way his govt acts is patterned after him. Very arrogant with ingratiating politeness. And the people were severely let down by their govt, and the slack is being picked up by private citizens across the world or foreign countries. How pathetic for a 1st world nation to be reduced to this. When the tsunami hit the SE Asian coasts, the govt acted w/ better response and more concern and they were 2nd - 3rd world countries. So why can't the US do better when they had all the time, technology and funds to prepare for the disaster and aftermath? I'd say ask the voters, b/c they're the ones who elected the govt and didn't ask for accountability.

Watching Smackdown. It's much tighter now that it's been pared down to 1 1/2 hrs. Steel cage mage btwn Eddie and Rey? Instant classic from 2 great workers.

But as for the actual people who were affected by this, they don't deserve to be spat on by the people who are supposed to take care of them, but I don't think sending teddy bears will help that much. That's the initiative that my work site is taking. While soft toys are cuddly, have great insulation value (it's true, I've piled all my plushies on top of me when I was cold, and it was a bit lumpy but warm), they're not edible, can't provide shelter, aren't usually traded for other necessities. Since I love teddies bears and their cousins, I'm not going to imagine what else they can be used for, b/c it'll be vulgar. It only really benefits the children and maybe a few adults. I do second Samuel Jackson, Tommy Lee Jones and the other celebrities who try to do something tangible for the people. And Oprah should buy them all homes. Bush pretends to be folksy, but we know he couldn't be bothered to cut his vacation short or miss a "town hall meeting" for people who are in need. And considering helping the victims would've netted him better good publicity than all the staged town hall meetings ever, his publicist should be fired.

That was sooo cool to see Benoit beat Orlando Jordan so fast at Summerslam. But was it a slip up from the script? or planned? And then when Benoit beat him again the rematch in less time?! Hilarious! And oh, here the 2nd rematch... 22.5 seconds! Benoit wins again! Man, what can you do in 22 seconds? If it goes any shorter, Benoit might get in trouble for short matchs. Tee hee, inside work joke. But it's still not the shortest match on record, I believe the Bob Backlund-Diesel match lasted less than 10 sec b/c Diesel just jackknifed Backlund. I just remember it was super quick.

Had some crab at dinner. Had 2 legs and then I couldn't resist the siren call. The seductress of the sea. I grabbed a claw. It's soooo sweet, I like it better than lobster, though scallop is super tasty too. I'm not supposed to have shellfish b/c of high cholestrol but it's *drool* And it's so good when it's done the Chinese way -- stir fried in the wok w/ green onions and ginger. Yes, ginger. One of the few times when I don't mind the ginger taste. I never really liked ginger before, but after I had to scrape the skin off 2 lbs of ginger for my sister-in-law's pregnancy, I've really hated it. If there is even a 1x5x5mm piece of ginger in my food, I can smell it and I have to root it out. Get it, root?! Ok, bad pun.

Hmm, bull rope match btwn Batista and JBL. Haven't seen many of those. No one's used the cowbell as a weapon yet. I'm disappointed. Moooooooo! Oh there he goes, JBL used the bell! Ma-ma Moo cows! Ma-ma make milk! Oh! Nice use of the rope! Crotched Batista with it. Oddly the milk commercial ditty worked very well. :)