There's being possessive, and being a total b*tch

Saturday, September 24, 2005


So my sister-in-law had a son on Wednesday Sept 21, which I guess makes my brother happy since he won't have to move to another house w/ more bathrooms. But I had today off, so I called my brother to see if I could see the baby at the hospital(apparently Krystal is still holding a grudge that we didn't see her at the hospital when she had Melissa) and if she was coming home from the hospital already to basically pick her up. Well, she was being released today (so if it wasn't for the fact that I had today off, there would technically be no way in hell that I could see her in the hospital since the stay is so short. Does this woman not understand that people work during hospital visiting hours?), so it was that I was going to go w/ my brother to pick her up. Then it was that I was going to babysit the 3 girls while he went to pick up his car from the shop. Then it was he was going to pick up Krystal from the hospital and bring her over so we could see the baby. Well what really happened was that I hiked around for about 2 hours to the different stores looking for a congratulations present for her and a baby present for the nephew. And when I say hike, I mean it, I don't have a car and didn't feel like taking the bus(b/c I'd been sick/stressed lately that I haven't done any exercise so need to use up calories).

Just a rant here, but all the gift books that I saw related to motherhood featured Caucasian women in there and maybe the token African/Latin. And there'll be a mention of god. And will be related to American lifestyle. I don't mind the latter too much, although god should go, but why Caucasian. Some may say it's b/c those are the type of people who buy things like that, but on the same point, maybe it's b/c other people don't buy them b/c they're not represented. It's kinda circular logic.

Anyways, I got a bouquet of flowers, a balloon on a stick and a soft plush ball w/ a bell inside. They came over, and I got to see Melissa for the 2nd time. I'm not kidding. She's about 19 months old, and I'm not really sure if she looks like Krystal b/c I don't even remember what she looks like b/c we don't see her. Melissa doesn't really make any sounds, maybe a short "Uhn" and pointing at something, and crying but that's it. But she's really smart and understands quite a bit. She likes to type on the computer and even figured out to press the backspace key to delete stuff. Anyways, I thought that my brother was only going to hang around for a while to make sure the kids were settled and then head off to pick up Krystal, but he stayed for about 2 1/2 hours, and we had pizza. I'm not sure if it's universal for kids, but the twins love Hawaiian. I gave them their presents. I was really disappointed that Sabby said that she doesn't read. They had fun w/ the Dino Links but I did't think the pieces would be sooooo small. Even I would end up losing some. At first the twins weren't interested in the bubbles, but then we went out to the deck(which I guess might not collapse after all) and made lots of bubbles and tried to get them to fly to outer space. Some even went past our neigbours house, so that's about at least 25 m away, And I showed them my fish, and we played Leprechaun which consisted of hiding chocolate coins and having everyone else find them. At about 8:30, we get a call, and it's Krystal on the phone, telling them that it's time to leave. She's got a really loud piercing voice(like her mother) and told them to get home. So we were going to walk them over, since their house is 2 blocks away, not that I've ever been there. Apparently my dad and middle brother have. But then Sabby said that they were coming to pick them up in 10 min, and it's like why? that's the same amt of time it'll take to walk them over. So I had Sabby call her back, and I couldn't hear what she said, but we just sat there at our house waiting. I ended up reading a Pokemon story to them, but only Jada seemed interested. Then when they came, the baby and Melissa were in the mini-van, Krystal told them to get in, didn't say a single word to us, my brother came out to say bye and to grab the presents, then they drove off. And the twins weren't waving bye. Even my Dad was pretty annoyed, it's like if it was too cold, we could always bundle them up in some clothes, and if she was too tired for a visit, we could just come in to see the baby for a min. We keep extending the olive branch, and she just takes it and tosses into the fire. So while it was fun to see the kids, their mother is a real hag.

Great, YTV just killed the feed for GITS: SAC. Thanks, so now I won't know why the Jeri unit betrayed her owner.