I'm a very special person...

Thursday, September 15, 2005


So I went to the dentist today, and my usual dentist is on vacation, so I saw his associate. Which is ok, it was just a checkup and maintenance. So she checked my jaw and tongue, which my other dentist never did. And ask if I do a lot of jaw clenching, and first I'm like maybe, then I think upon those escalations, and it's like Oh, Yeah I definitely do at work.

I really hate it when the caller tells me to shut up and listen or some variation of it. Like seriously, especially when I've already let them yammer about their problem, but they wanna tell their whine story. The other day a guy did that to me, so I just put him on mute, and had the headset next to my ear so I could hear when he shut up, and read my email and worked on a puzzle. So he finally starts asking if I'm still there, and then I take the mute off, and repeat the same thing I told him 5 min ago. I don't even go "I'm still here" or threw in any empathy statement, I just start saying the same thing I said before. I'm not sure if he even noticed.

It's so sad, Booker T has been around for a long time, and still all he can say is that he's the "5 time! 5 time! 5 time World champion!" I know he's gotten some serious push before, but he's never gotten to win the WWE championship. At least not that I remember. I know they're writing Charmelle so she's totally useless, and I wonder if that's just what they're trying to push all the women to be. From the height of Chyna and the Trish-Victoria street fight, to these stupid diva searches. Yuck! At least Trish is back, but she's really doesn't have any competition except for Victoria. Lita's just Edge's bump bunny and even when she was active in the ring, she sucked.

But back to the dentist, she told me that I'm missing both my mandibular lateral incisors. It's not like they were pulled out like my wisdom teeth or both my maxillary premolar 1 for my braces either. It's actually a congenital abnormality. But the rare thing is that both of my incisors are missing so you can't tell unless you're a dentist. Or an forensic anthropologist. So that combined w/ my small blood cells, makes me a mutant. Tee hee, I'm a mutant! Hmm, my special power? Um, I can break thru almost all the crab shell w/ my teeth except for the claw tips and the body. Well, actually I never tried using my teeth on those parts cause there's no real meat in the tips, and the body is already opened up to take out the innards. But the body of the claw, I've split open. Mmmmm, crab...*drool*